Monday, June 1, 2009

Marijuana Throat Cancer

A tyrant Urge a fool

says José Obdulio Gaviria that "while Bolivar oozes greatness in their opponents emerge intellectual poverty of ambition. That suspect of his intention of usurping tyrant! "

More than suspicions, the slope of Bolivar to tyranny could be established in several episodes of political life del Libertador. For example, throughout the letter, José Obdulio Gaviria avoids mentioning the Bolivian Constitution, 1826. And avoid it has its rationale: sweeping the defense that makes the former consultant to the political intentions of Simón Bolívar.

To begin it is worth remembering some excerpts of the speech
Libertador to the Constituent Congress of Bolivia:

"The President is to be in our Constitution, like the sun , firm in its center, gives life to the universe. This supreme authority must be perpetual . (...) Give me a fixed point, said one former; and I will move the world. For Bolivia, this point is the president for life.

is that tyranny, in the sense that he was given the term in ancient Greece, was the regime of absolute power, usually one-person, often enacting the tyrant, usually due to popular support. In this regard, the Policy , Aristotle says that "the monarchy or should have only the name without any, or necessarily exists due to the great superiority of that queen, so that tyranny, that is the worst regime is the farthest from a constitution. "

Neither more nor less: Bolivar welcomes the tyrannical intentions of the Bolivian Constitution and even delves into the mess of a particular form of monarchical government in Bolivia, which according to his courtiers, would become the Empire of the Andes, with Bolívar as emperor:


inheritance that perpetuates the monarchy, and almost general in the world: how much more useful is the method I have proposed for the succession of Vice? (...) Consider legislators, who meet these great advantages in life, and Vice President hereditary.

So, the Liberator not only pays tribute to the life presidency and vice hereditary, but practically encouraged lawmakers to keep the figure of tyranny and as healthy for the country. Then

Gaviria says "the message to the convention of Ocana (February 1828), for example, simply unmatched in the pen of some of the founders of America."

What is not former presidential adviser says is what happened after the dissolution of the Convention of Ocaña, Bolívar issued when the Organic Act
August 27 1828, which would provide constitutional law of the state until 1830. Basically what it does is replace Bolívar a constitution with a decree and not reached a consensus in the Convention, receives a liberator or powers that no Democrat could accept as a sole proprietorship is the enactment of a mock constitution.

The Organic Act, the Liberator states that "the people (...) I was in charge of the supreme magistracy. After careful and due deliberation I have decided to take charge, as from today I'm in charge, the supreme power of the Republic, that I will names Liberator, President, that I have given the laws and public votes. "

Within the powers awarded the Simon Bolivar is "name for all uses of the Republic, and remove or relieve or employees when appropriate; issue the necessary decrees and regulations any nature whatsoever, and alter, amend or repeal laws established. "

the end of the Organic Act, Bolivar particular tyranny over citizens:
"The duties of Colombians live under the government and comply with laws, decrees, regulations and instructions of the supreme power "...

If the Liberator was the supreme power, governing, legislating and exercising the superiority which gave the submission that he had entered in the constitutional travesty, no slips doubt tyrannical in which incurred.

trying to justify the tyrannical actions of Bolivar, Jose Obdulio Gaviria is making room for excuse from some totalitarian pretensions of the popular will. Certainly you can be homeless intellectual but not ungrateful, because if Uribe incurs the temptation, go down in history as one of the best presidents, but as one of the tyrants Bolivarian ... What ingratitude!

By Jaime Restrepo. Director of Atrabilioso.


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