Friday, May 29, 2009

Pasong Tamo Male Waxing

alliance between Latin American rural producers

field producers in Latin America are under attack. The attacks are manifested in different ways, but share the same origin: the XXI Century Socialism and its allies, gathered around the Forum of Sao Paulo.

In Venezuela, farmers are victims of four strokes: price controls, forcing them to sell their products below production cost, the Colombian guerrillas to extortion and kidnapping to producers, with the approval of government of Chavez, an ally of the FARC, the invasions of the most productive lands, sponsored by the party of government, and legal uncertainty, since the Chavez seeks to end private property, either through expropriation, or through ignorance of titles.

In Brazil, the Landless Workers Movement invades lands and farms, with the support of the Workers' Party (PT) and the so-called "liberation theology." While Lula said to respect property, Joao Pedro Stedile, leader of the Landless, acts with impunity in Brazil, with support from the authorities.

In Argentina, the disproportionate increase in the retention (Export duties) and bans the export of certain products, drown producers, particularly smaller ones, although the Kirchner government boasts of defending the poor.

In Bolivia, the land is threatened by the new Constitution (CPE) and a collectivist agrarian reform Marxist who, together with a racist, stripped almost to the owners of white or mestizo of land, not belonging to "original peoples." In addition, the promulgation of decrees and resolutions, as the Supreme Decree No.29480, ban certain exports and stifle the producer.

In the other Latin American nations, rural producers face similar threats and attacks, but the goal is the same: destroy the private agricultural sector and replaced by cooperatives and revolutionary Marxists, dependent on the ruling.

So far, the sectors of the field trying to fend off attacks exclusively within the national territory, without realizing that this is a regional crackdown that has the same origin and the same actors.

If the farmers of Latin America came together to discuss its merits, would find that the actions against them are almost identical, allowing them to design a successful strategy continental defense, against an enemy who is also a continental.

By Alejandro Peña Flood. Atrabilioso columnist.


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