Tuesday, May 26, 2009

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The truth

two opinion columns Uribe yesterday and today the first, and Do we paint golden birds? the second, written by two former ministers of finance: Guillermo Perry (the government's Social Leap) and Rudolf Hommes (the government of Revolcón) respectively, have a very frightening scenario of the Colombian economy, as in health, for account of the pandemic. There is no doubt the political aims of both.

Perry praises the first two years of government and focuses on the latter to conclude that "For all these reasons, the Uribe today should not be reelected. The worst has been the extreme change in the political style of the regime. Governance is not searched and by exercising leadership, but by granting favors of all kinds. " Comments own an electoral political competition, but nothing good for a WB executive.

is clear that the former minister believes the country has forgotten, in just seven years, how governance was established in the past. It is good to remember that spying to find the Achilles heel of the computer and bend spending, budgets orders of Congress (DSA), public institutions, industrial enterprises and state trading, whole sectors of the economy in the hands of regional political gamonalismo, and the bureaucracy that was removed every two years to make room for everyone. That this has changed somewhat explains the desperation of politicians of yesteryear. On the other hand

Hommes says "economists forecast for 2009 remains poor. The expected growth for 2009 may be negative. Unemployment will rise (already close to 14 percent in large cities and some of them are higher). Investment and exports will fall and household consumption will grow very little.

In the manufacturing sector is expected and a significant drop in trade, transport and construction. The agricultural sector will contribute little or nothing, and that will cushion the fall will be the oil and mining sectors, the Government and the financial sector. The contribution of the latter is not sustainable long term because you can not do better than their customers and bad portfolio is increasing. "

the words of Michel Raid, " one of the problems facing democracies Latin America (LA) is the persistent denial of progress by many academics, journalists and politicians (...) this habit, which contributes to undermining the legitimacy of democratic institutions is not new. Emphasize the positive features of Colombia is particularly daring in a country where part of the intellectual elite for years, not decades, is dedicated to pointing out its failures, its physical and human misery, and ridicule their achievements. It is time to release some of the AL more defeatist and whimsical readings of their own history, a time to look more into the future at least cautious optimism. "

If one examines the statistics with a broader horizon, and without bias, you may notice that while some indices have deteriorated in recent months, are still better than those of previous governments. A reliable indicator of the state of the economy and its trend is the demand for electricity, for two indisputable reasons: first, that the measure is physical (electronic, not opinion) and in real time, and secondly that the sector is not politicized. The lawsuit, after a sharp fall in February, returned in March and April its annual average, to be seen in May, already completed. However

three exogenous events that compete to please the pessimistic view politicized sectors of opinion: first, the global economic and financial crisis, the second, the closeness of an electoral process and the resulting uncertainties; and third, the delay in the passage of NAFTA, which could cool the interest of investors.

Yances By Miguel Peña. Columnist for El Universal of Cartagena.


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