Friday, May 22, 2009

Dalfour Whitening Dubai

"Lula is the real power behind the Venezuelan leader"

interview published in Il Foglio.

In Bolivia, two weeks ago I visited Leopoldo Fernandez in jail and these are the L and F that marked me. They will stamp an indelible ink with the initials of the detainee you are going to. "

The speaker, showing the back of his right hand, is Alejandro Peña Lock, the leader of the NGO, Solidarity Force, who ran for the presidency of Venezuela in 1998, and since a decade has been challenging and denouncing Chavez and even, frankly, the rest of the opposition that claims to keep believing in an electoral solution, which is now impossible. The aforementioned Fernández, prefect of the department of Pando Amazon opponent Evo Morales, also believed in an electoral solution when, as was confirmed in the recall referendum last August 10 with 56.21% of the votes in his favor. However, he ended up in jail September 16, accused of the crime of "genocide" of the 15 dead and 37 wounded in an incident five days prior to the referendum. In Venezuela, Manuel Rosales, now mayor of Maracaibo after being Zulia state governor and opposition candidate in presidential elections, will have to appear in court at the risk of being arrested over allegations of corruption, similar to those weigh on at least a dozen mayors Chavez, but for which no judge requested that they be jailed. In Nicaragua, Daniel Ortega, has also set up another case against opposition leader Eduardo Montealegre.

"is the crisis that pushes them to more radical regimes, "said Peña Lock, who in his controversial goals include the Department of State of the United States both have always credited the election results in Venezuela, for having suggested the idea that leftist governments in Latin America is divided between a moderate axis led by Lula and Chavez-centered radical axis. "Lula is the real power behind the throne of Chávez," he replies. "There are differences between the conditions of the countries, as explained by the same Lula, Chavez runs a Formula 1 car faster than us, it goes to 300 km per hour and we can only run at 230 or 270 km / h ". In fact, Lula defends Chavez always free so stop doing business with the United States. "Not only Lula and Chavez, but at least fifteen rulers of Latin America belong to the Forum of Sao Paulo: Cluster established by the Cuban Communists and the same Lula's PT party, after the fall of the Berlin Wall. "A new edition of the old Comintern who works at several levels, and for which the traditional parties are not very effective because they just are structured to electoral events."

With In order to counteract the Forum, Lock Peña started an alliance of NGOs at the continental level, called UnoAmerica. "It is not enough electoral time: also must act at the level of civil society and cultural level. "Lock

According to Peña, soon the economic crisis will become a political crisis. But while governments" moderates "such as Brazil and Uruguay will be defeated at the polls election, the Radicals will be tempted to radicalize his speech. "And with the axis between Chavez and Ahmadinejad, there is even the risk of a new missile crisis."

As for Venezuela, Peña Lock does not preclude participation in elections, "provided they are accompanied by the preparation for mass civil disobedience", the way he has preached all these years, sticking, and Ironically this is precisely to that article of the Constitution which provides for this right Chávez.

UnoAmerica born in Cordoba, Argentina.

Before an audience filled with wizards, was formed chapter Córdoba Democratic Union of Organizations of America (UnoAmerica).

The event, entitled "The Socialism of the XXI century and the big changes ahead in Latin America", took place in the lounge of the Jockey Club in the city of Cordoba, Argentina, on Tuesday 19 May, organized by the Movement and UnoAmerica True Story.

This opportunity, Mr. Mones Ruiz Jorge Alejandro Peña presented to Mr. Lock, UnoAmerica president who, among other things, highlighted the need to engage as sister nations not to give rise to organized barbarism. It also took a few minutes to explain to the audience about the recent trip to the Bolivian province of Pando and the results obtained there by a committee of UnoAmerica, highlighting the obvious fallacy that represents the report by the Assistant Secretary for Human Rights of Argentina Rodolfo Mattarrollo via UNASUR.

At the end of the conference, and in the presence of over two hundred people, the authorities of the Movement for True Historia, el Ing. Peña Esclusa y los delegados argentinos de UnoAmérica, firmaron una declaración de adhesión conjunta que, entre otras cosas, expresaba el compromiso “en la lucha por la defensa de la democracia, la libertad, los derechos humanos universales y la verdad histórica”. Además, remarcaba “el interés recíproco de llevar adelante proyectos conjuntos entre países de la región”.

A la convocatoria se sumó la juventud del Movimiento por la Verdadera Historia, la cual se mostró muy interesada en trabajar en conjunto con los jóvenes que UnoAmérica nuclea en toda América Latina.


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