Thursday, May 28, 2009

Alpine Subwoofer Diagram

New subversive threats against the XXI century socialism

The Chavez regime has entered a critical phase of extreme paranoia in detecting enemies everywhere.

In the past identified as potential threats, calls attention to a child who visited us for years in the Sahara desert and eagerly sought to protect the only flower that existed on your planet. No more, no less! The Prince has been mentioned by Chavez as an enemy of the revolution as has happened also to Don Quixote and many other characters that really matter.

I wanted to become Sherlock Holmes to find the tracks of the insurgent activities of The Prince. In so many beautiful words spoken by the character during their stay on earth, dug carefully to see if you suddenly discover the evidence could have led to revolutionary Chavez and his minions, to banish the little visitor.

would have something to do with the vanity of the landlord (the tenant is a thing of the past) in Miraflores? I do not know. But it may raise suspicions of "counterrevolutionary" activity and "imperialist" Case The Prince issued on the subject: "vain For all other men are admirers."

Nothing more perverse for the Bolivarian revolution that someone can accommodate this sentence to Hugo Chávez Frías. That filling buses for the subject to attend the demonstrations and shouting speeches in favor of socialism in the XXI century, but especially for the great leader of the revolution, can be interpreted as an act of vanity.

Will The Little Prince anticipated the Venezuelan caudillo? Could it be that Chavez and his exile to recognize the child, which effectively is just a vain tyrant who sees Venezuelans as fans?

Is there evidence that could serve to answer these questions positively. Those who are not fans of Chavez and his project, they lost their broadcasting licenses, are persecuted, their property raided and some even end up as refugees in other countries. Anyone who dares to play a different role to the respective admiration and adulation, lost honor, liberty and property on behalf of the futility of socialism promoted by Chavez.

All this would seem sufficient, at the Chavez paranoia, to banish the interplanetary traveler. But no. I think you need more, at least an additional sentence that is capable of supporting the measure "Revolutionary." And I found

: "For kings, the world is greatly simplified. All men are subjects. "
These words are very dangerous for the Bolivarian regime, then suddenly someone realizes that Chavez is the Venezuelan people (and the vast majority of Latin Americans) as the subjects of its expansionist project.

Needless to say, very few like to be subjects, let alone realize that for years, a tyrant has been treated as such.

Fans, subjects: two words that describe the concept that citizens have Chávez. Therefore the unwavering struggle "revolution" to make it vulnerable to the greatest possible number of Venezuelans, for only then, Chavez can keep the fans and subjects that depend on the regime to survive, a lazy parasite.

The decree of exile

Part of the structure of the "revolution" Chavez is supported by the radical change of meaning of words. Last April, Hugo Rafael opened the Revolutionary Plan Reading are looking for, according to the tyrant, "the construction of a new ethic towards education and social culture that promotes humanistic values cultural and framed in the conception of women and men again. "

However, it seems that the new man can not be" contaminated "with material that subverts the chaos it seeks to impose socialism in the XXI century. Furthermore: not broadcast all the Bolivarian thought, version Chávez, has no place in the PRL. Chavez himself has confessed his purposes: "They accuse us that we are ideological society and I say Yes!" "Yes?

Just for ideological reasons, more than 60 thousand volumes have been withdrawn from public libraries in Venezuela, including The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupery, El Quijote, Miguel de Cervantes and The Mystery of the mummy of Albert Hitchcock ... The Little Prince, Sancho and even a mummy will have to look for better air to his words, things are going, soon emulate Chavez and Stalin promulgated a decree that pornography compare with the Bible, punishable with jail who dares Share your content.

By Jaime Restrepo. Director of Atrabilioso.


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