Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Les Schwab Strut Cost

Journalism "opinion" Colombian

Sometimes it is inevitable to point the finger (the one aimed at someone while three of them point to yourself) the deformity of the so-called opinion columnists and deceptions and other species can leave its readers.

However, after reading the various columns on the last day, some characters clothed with the aura of opinion leaders think they have not yet the worst of themselves and will continue to surprise us with their particular ways of doing journalism . Here are some examples:

Shabby Journalism: There are columnists who feel that any symptoms of honesty and recognition of the achievements of the object of their animosity, is a weakness inadmissible.

"Above all, they must demonstrate that they are able to capitalize on the legacy safety has built the country, correct and add value."

Claudia Lopez is a professional hatred. Weekly, his writings have the poison of inaccuracy and deception, only to meet its quota of hate against Uribe and his family. However, when it inevitably has to touch some points that may be considered as an achievement of the Government, Ms. Lopez is on the branches and loose a generalization, of course, included.

pseudo Journalism: It has become common to find letters that become trenches of ideological combat. However, some pseudo hide their true intentions behind a seemingly prepared speech. The protagonists of this type have the ignorance of most of its readers to make statements that become objects of worship of those who are called masters:

"Don Quixote stands to fight only for his beliefs, no is subject to anyone facing the world trying to impose a vision of reality that contradicts the other.

Awe "Don Quixote? Let's see: "That which you find it a barber's basin seems to me the helmet of Mambrino and another will seem something else ..." "Freedom, Sancho, is one of the most precious gifts that a man by the heaven. (...) For freedom and for honor can and should risk one's life. "

columnist says later:

To what books have served in this fable is to strengthen the will, the idea that human beings can deal with their customs y sus tradiciones, y tratar de imponer en el mundo otros sueños : de justicia, de heroísmo, de desprendimiento”.

Al margen de la interpretación particular sobre el contenido de Don Quijote, llama la atención el uso del concepto imponer en dos apartes del escrito. No parece ingenuidad ni accidente: es la aceptación de que todas aquellas aspiraciones personales y egoístas del escritor, deben ser impuestas a los demás.

No obstante, esa es la mejor descripción de la indigencia intelectual colombiana: imponen con la mira puesta en sus intereses y alianzas. Ojalá los que han convertido al periodismo en una militancia de pseudointelectuales,
remember some words of Jorge Luis Borges :

"The mission of yours? Well, is simply to save the world ... I would advise the exercise of ethics and the habit of reading (...). I think the definition of the word ethics is unnecessary since one with a mysterious instinct, know at any moment if you are doing good or bad. I think that instinct is essential and most important that the definitions or the adjectives. "

salvation how to impose an individual or a society? The imposition of the columnist talking The viewer is the one operating in Venezuela and which has roots in Cuba ... Make Don Quijote as a shield to reveal the purpose of imposing a remedy is only vanity that can be excluded to expose the totalitarian aspirations, the same weapons that the FARC have sought to impose for half a century.

In any case, it is inconsistent imposition of a personal dream with the freedom of individuals to which they intend on submitting ...

Journalism cynical Surely in a few decades, the exponents of this type of journalism will analyze to what is not opinion journalism, is that should be tutorial on the services that you can not capture in a column.

Missing was more than the Colombian let this crime interception end in the conviction of a third-line staff when it is clear that certain jobs in the Presidency, once, respectable Republic of Colombia. "

confess that I read this paragraph several times simply because I could not believe that anyone would dare say that was more respectable Colombia a few years now. He remembered the cancellation of the visa of a President who even stopped to sign a document in which he declared to Colombia as a failed state. Who could forget that Pablo Escobar escaped from a luxurious former prison in the Republic of Colombia respectable?

came to my mind the Copa America in 2001, when Argentina refused to come to play in Colombia for security reasons. And when the singers and artists refused to perform at the "prestigious" Colombia.

can forget the mass exodus of Colombians to other countries, seeking refuge from what happened in this "respectable" Republic: More than 3 000 kidnappings one year, fisheries "miracle", attacks on towns and departmental capitals, thousands of disappearances, abductions aircraft forced to land on roads or pastures ... that filled with "prestige" to Colombia and, as this specimen who writes something called opinion column, it was all much more respectable now. But one wonders: If Colombia was more respectable before, why he wrote the text had to flee the country in those "coveted" times and just now able to return?

Mutants Münzenberg complex: What can you say? There are people who are worthy representatives of the space and the environment in which they write. The complex seeded by Willi Münzenberg in witted hard enthusiasts, there in all its glory when you open the pages of The Spectator.

said Münzenberg that "any criticism or blame to the Soviet system could only come from people fanatical, fascist, or simply stupid , while supporters of communism were, however, people with a Advanced mind, supporters of human progress and performed by a special halo intellectual refinement. "

says the speaker of the complex Münzenberg:

"But reason leads us, we persevere. We welcome our courage, sharpen pencils to write boring always the same, and the creativity of those who think that the repetition eventually expire at the stupidity, we return with more fury to "continue to give the debate." Let's start

exploit the idea that Uribe is gross. Our reasons not deploy ever, much as we rend their garments. But if we're so smart, impossible that we are unable to invent an alternative to clipping Uribe.

"Unbeatable? No. Not at all. Whoever wrote this is only the crudest face of this" class superior "Ospina, duzan, Molano, Bejarano, zippers, gentlemen, Lopez and other pests that swarm in the national media dunghill. Write-downs, either narcissistic image or the power that holds should not be difficult. The truth is that none of them has been able to make the transition to the ideas and merge them without restraint, with the daring intelligence.

Good thing these people read Don Quixote, "for praise degrades "!

By Jaime Restrepo. Director of Atrabilioso.


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