Friday, June 12, 2009

Women Big Viganas Picturs

research UnoAmerica Chavez meddling in Peru

Lock Alejandro Peña, chairman of the Democratic Union of Organizations of America came to Peru to learn about the violence in Bagua, Amazon region of that country . According to Peña Lock there is enough evidence to warn the intervention of the Forum of Sao Paulo.

The Journal Caretas published a lengthy report describing the factors that are present in the conflict. Other characters are consistent with the noted Venezuelan foreign intervention, as the same President Alan Garcia and Luis Vasquez Villamar of the Committee on the Constitution of Bolivia who has criticized the interference of Evo Morales. Lock

Peña reported that carrying out an investigation UnoAmerica on foreign intervention in the Slaughter of Bagua, Peru, and in turn, provides in Peru, all the information as an expert The Forum of Sao Paulo, about how this crime has worked in Africa, taking part in similar operations in other countries with the sole purpose of replacing democratic governments by governments sympathetic to the socialist model advanced by Hugo Chávez.

Plot to oust Alan García
UnoAmerica reported that a plan is underway to overthrow the President of Peru, Alan Garcia, orchestrated by indigenous sectors belonging to the so-called Forum of Sao Paulo. According

UnoAmerica, destabilization and violence that currently takes place in the Amazon Peruvian maneuver is identical to the implementation by the indigenous movement led by Evo Morales in 2003 to overthrow the Bolivian president Gonzalo Sanchez de Lozada.

then, Morales took advantage of popular unrest, sparked by the government's intention to export gas through Chilean ports, to cause violence and chaos. Once ousted Sánchez de Lozada claimed that the operation was financed by Hugo Chavez.

In January 2001, Ecuadorian President Jamil Mahuad also was overthrown by a coup orchestrated by the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador (CONAIE), through demonstrations very similar to those now in Peru promotes the Association for the Development of the Peruvian Rainforest (AIDESEP), chaired by Alberto Pizango.

The ADISEP is part of an international indigenous network does not fight for Aboriginal rights, but manipulates them and uses them as cannon fodder to achieve political power. The AIDISEP attended the World Social Forum in Caracas in January 2006, which was funded by the government of Hugo Chávez.

noteworthy that Hugo Chávez, Evo Morales, the Bolivian indigenous movements, CONAIE and the Socialist Party of Peru, making common cause with the AIDESEP, all belong to the Forum of Sao Paulo.

In short, actors, procedures, goals and ideologies that characterized the violence which in the Peruvian Amazon, indicate that it is the repetition of a script designed in Cuba, funded by Venezuela and implemented by International Indianism to take control of another Latin American government.

The genesis of the coup attempt
The violence which in early June in Bagua (Peruvian Amazon), fully consistent with the guidelines issued by the Fourth Continental Summit of Indigenous Peoples, held last month in the shores of Lake Titicaca. According

the final statement Summit in 6500 attended by representatives of various nations, it was agreed "mobilize our organizations in defense of the struggle of indigenous peoples in the Peruvian Amazon against privatizing their territories standards and natural resources and organize them in the first week of June in front of the Embassy of Peru in each of our countries. "

The statement added that" indigenous and peasant organizations of Peru agreed to an immediate National Peoples of Peru in June 2009 demanding the repeal of the decrees indigenous anti that the FTA with the United States. "

also announced the impeachment of President Alan Garcia "self-coup by the 102 legislative decrees pro FTA privatize indigenous territories and over a thousand leaders persecuted and prosecuted" . And after making a tight defense of the Bolivian government, condemns "the granted political asylum by the government of Peru to the Bolivian genocide."

Many of the organizations that participated in the Summit have a clear Marxist ideological trend, close to the governments of Hugo Chavez and Evo Morales. Therefore, it is no coincidence that just dropped the first killed in Bagua, Bolivian and Venezuelan officials immediately condemned Alan Garcia and supported the rebels.

La Agencia Bolivariana de Noticias (ABN), the official news agency of the Venezuelan government, yesterday published an editorial entitled
Alan Garcia, the native Pizarro massacred with impunity to the people of the Amazon, where accused Peruvian president be a "genocidal" and having a "criminal record."

Following these clashes of Bagua, the Minister of Justice of Bolivia, Torrico Celima not asked about the official version, but immediately condemned Alan Garcia, saying "Solely responsible for this is the current government of the neighboring country (Peru)."


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