Tuesday, June 16, 2009

How Many Electric Cars Were Sold In 2010

A well-told story

Rare find in the movies stories well told. Although the environment is more pleasant and richer than literature, by incorporating images and sound, is more difficult and costly to manage. Some films, because of their directors, not wave dubious history and are thrown the book, they fail to convey the emotions and feelings of the characters, or leave much to the imagination of the viewer.

has happened with all Gabo novels made into movies, and many others. It takes a lot more creativity and resources in film production in the conception of history who has read "Kite Runner" by Khaled Husseini, and seen after the film, or vice versa, the film first and then the book, I could substantiate.

This is not the case of "Interchange" (exchange), a real-life story that occurred in Los Angeles, California, USA, in 1928, Clint Eastwood brought to the screen starring Angelina Jolie and John Malkovich.

This is the story of a mother, Jolie, who has stolen her son about 7 years old. The police believe that the anguish and the desire to find his son, would deceive, gives, after 6 months, with all the paraphernalia media event, a child of similar characteristics that was abandoned by his father in a restaurant beggar but that was not hers.

it was impossible to achieve, the evidence showed the mother to the police, height and circumcision, among others, were irrefutable, and fears that transcend scandal the mass media, decided to declare it insane and sent to a psychiatric hospital which is where I return. Psychological recovery that would give high, is achieved only when he does accept and sign a document acknowledging receipt of your child.

intervention of a pastor who had a radio program in which he exposed political corruption, managed to pull it out when it came to applying electrical shocks, to reduce aggression, as punishment for shouting insults against the hospital director, who pressured into signing the false identity of the child.

In the course of the plot is discovered that Children of a psychopath who kidnapped then killed. It was the trial and a court issued a ruling condemning people to hang the psychopath, removing from office the officer in charge of the investigation and demeaning to their immediate superior, and modifying procedures requiring confinement in the asylum.

The perfect Tecnis: Where were the cameras had to be, showing the development of the plot, the faces and emotions of his characters. Imperceptible music, and dialogue short and precise. No assumptions or high costs, the viewer feels back to the time and trapped in the plot. A heartfelt story
extrapolated to the reality of the country, fueled both by the desire to show efficiency (the police), and capture audience (the media), with the difference that in our own, why not seem pure assemblies in which the only the victim is innocent: it offers financial reward and show the results.

Yances By Miguel Peña. Columnist for El Universal of Cartagena.


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