Thursday, June 11, 2009

Brent Corrigan For Free

The charter of impunity

A police car moves through a city street. In a batch, the officers observed something called care: an individual is holding a girl while she, with all his might, trying to withdraw.

The police arrive at the site of the facts. The woman screams as the attacker tries to escape. At capture, the subject states that it is a senior judiciary and for that reason they can not stop, or process, as he has jurisdiction and the police have no jurisdiction to even put the handcuffs.

Victim of aggression establishes the complaint and take legal medicine certificates attesting that the injuries are consistent with those produced in the struggle of a violation. Do the evidence and testimony can be dismissed because the police have no jurisdiction to investigate the officer?

This is what is happening with some members of the high courts, in an investigation into drug trafficking and money laundering are the names of several judges. With this evidence it was decided to deepen the investigation to establish whether the lawyers had appeared accidentally or commercial relations with the investigation.

After the investigation it was determined that
There are grounds to justice criminal investigation President of the State Council, Rafael Ostau Lafont, the judge of the Court Yesid Ramirez, the magistrate of the Supreme Judicial Council José Alfredo Escobar Araújo, and former Judge Carlos Isaac Nader.

statement by the President reported that the Information and Financial Analysis (UIAF) studied the Suspicious Activity Reports from some citizens and their possible links with people involved in illegal activities which could be involved some judges. Lighter

: Suspicious Activity Reports are based on forms that are filed to open a bank account, or CDT, or to purchase stocks, or insurance, or will perform any transaction that exceeds a specified amount .
Since 2000 these forms, more information must be supplied by banks on movements of large sums of money are processed by the UIAF.

This information, which is also crossed with the
Muisca system allows to determine the origin and destination of assets. Even UIAF has established financial connections among criminals, politicians and businesses belonging to foreign governments .

The response to the UIAF statement is illuminating. The president of the Supreme Court spoke of competition and abuse of functions. Certainly the Charter 91 says that the natural judge of the judges is Congress. Does the UIAF condemned? No. On the contrary, made an investigation in which a cross-linked and emerging once verified the material, made available to the competent authorities.

It is absurd to think that if a judge runs over and kills a pedestrian, and Forensic Medicine with the Traffic Police make the collection of evidence, the judicial officer or his companions go to the media to question the competence of the collection of evidence.

trying to undo the scandal has a rationale: if the investigation of the UIAF are compelling, her reasons for the DAS traces the judges would have validity, as they were investigating the links of a suspected drug trafficking and money laundering with some characters that despite the charge that they are sold, can not forget who they are and are citizens with rights and duties.

However, evidence of legal cynicism is reflected in the statements
of President of the Interinstitutional Commission for Justice, Maria Mercedes Lopez, who said in response to complaints of alleged suspicious behavior of some judges, they must respect the presumption of innocence.

Caramba! Now, when water touches them if they come out to howl at the presumption of innocence. However, when their failures have been mired in third with signs that have not been proven in court, there does not operate the vaunted presumption ... Or is that the Minister Diego Palacio has already been convicted in a trial?

What's more, Ms. Lopez called diplomacy and prudence to manage information ... try it: one of the investigated Judge Yesid Ramirez is assistant chief magistrate Iván Velásquez, the untouchable of phantom records, experienced search engine expert witnesses in canteens and exclude witnesses to refute his "research" or to benefit their prey. Does diplomacy so requested by the Judge?

In turn, the judges who hide behind the wall of robes and show solidarity criminal body, should agree to pursue any research and not resort to insults legalistic to prevent the country come to know the crooked, corrupt and treacherous intentions of some of his companions: that rather than the undeserved rights and privileges, if it benefits democracy.

By Jaime Restrepo. Director of Atrabilioso.


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