Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Does Nuga Bed Reviews

Participatory Action Research

When speaking of "conflict" Colombia is usually a huge lack of interest in its real causes, largely because the intellectual neglect is a feature of local culture, but also because the specialists in these fields are exactly the same generators of the conflict. This will impose its version, and easily create the world that the FARC are a group of drug traffickers who recruit young people abandoned by the state or who are fanatical peasants who lost their sense of reality.

But there is no such: just a little poke in the history of recent decades to ensure that everything they do the guerrillas was clearly resolved in the slogans of the so-called left groups previous generations. The lurid details were not mentioned by the instigators of the "revolution", but that happens on the one hand because no one knows what the future, and the other because look at those details would have led to discouragement. A comic element of this is the scandal that is because Senator Jorge Enrique Robledo displayed on the computers of Raul Reyes as a person linked to the FARC to be their party of origin, MOIR, disapproved of the guerrilla struggle.

Nobody who knows the history of the Left could fail to distinguish between "strategy" and "tactical." The pro-Chinese MOIR did not accept the FARC partly because the pro-Soviet rival directed, and secondly because they believed that the guerrilla was the effective way to revolution. It would not be moral scruples by which a psychopathic enthusiasts China's Cultural Revolution and his son feature, the Khmer Rouge regime in Cambodia, were to stop supporting a few killings of soldiers and a few kidnappings. Simply to fail completely as the vanguard of the revolutionary movement and the ending of the Sino-Soviet conflict, found no alternative but to join his former rival in the Democratic Pole PCC. That is, accepting the power of the FARC MOIR meant for a change of "tactic" for which he was fully prepared. (That power is real power base of the pole, ie the CCP: The basis on which the Communists were able to appropriate the state bodies and unions have great resources to expand its political and co-opt other sects.)

But MOIR is the result of a remote dissent of the communist project, and is much more interesting to evaluate the origin of this project and its relationship with the Colombian society, because, as I said, the guerrillas are carrying exactly that old project, and without the power accumulated by the FARC in recent decades would not have been possible electoral rise of the PDA. Well, also because the power of the FARC influenced the rise of Chavez, whose resources were far from the power of the mass front of the Colombian community.

Among the events of recent weeks highlights the arrest of Miguel Beltran (aka "Jaime Cienfuegos"), Professor of Sociology at National University in charge of recruiting students for the FARC. As expected, supporters of communism came to defend the professor said the charming grounds that no criminal ideas in academia. What went unnoticed by everyone is that this power is one of the main centers of communist movement in Colombia and although the teacher had correspondence with Luis Edgar Devia, one may assume that others are not part of that project. Well as indoctrination or as recruiters or as providers of schemes and fallacies which carry forward the revolution.

Just look at the history of that power: he founded and directed the coincidentally the same creator of the magazine Alternative , the same creator of the Polo Democrático, the author of the book ( Violence in Colombia ) who served during decades to introduce the guerrillas financed heavily by the Soviets as self-defense of farmers persecuted by the government: Orlando Fals Borda. This sociologist died in 2008 is perhaps the chief ideologue of the FARC, and is known for being one of the fathers of the "IAP" (Participatory Action Research).

This text Alfredo Molano wrote to the death of the wife of Fals Borda in 2006 one can get an idea of \u200b\u200bthe kind of people that led the guerrilla movement, the woman was a descendant of both presidential candidates in the first half century, and the other founders of that discretion was the priest Camilo Torres and patrician lawyer and radical theorist Eduardo Umaña Luna, son of poet and politician José Umana Bernal. It is true that the guerrillas already existed in previous decades, but its persistence and power would have been impossible without the "revolutionary student movement" that led to these characters and their wards exploiting the fervor that swept the continent after the Cuban Revolution.

can say without risk of error that the social origins and the various connections of these people are on the basis of guidance given to the faculty who created: the IAP is a science whose answers are not the result of the investigation but which are before, as described in the same formulation of the method. It is an ideological science whose performers carry out a "praxis" which in plain language has only one name: politics.

The context of this whole invention is extremely interesting. Nobody will have wondered how in the countries where sociology was developed no one thought of something as cute as the IAP? But what is sociology? According to the dictionary is "a science that deals with the structure and functioning of human societies." The IAP is a complete departure from any notion of "science" and ends up being mere activism. Does anyone have stopped to think about what sociologists working? In Colombia, given the scarcity of resources and poor development of science, the possibility that the remarkable number of science professionals is formed by these universities to be absorbed by private companies is zero. Sociologists, imbued with its redemptive role in society, need to state revenues and to that end are necessarily attached to the power network of the democratic left, thanks to which they are created for the positions they can secure their income ( following a logic of Colombia, under which anyone who has studied in itself is worthy of an entry, regardless of the usefulness of their work).

Thus, the irresponsibility of the providers of public resources for many decades has provided a group of patrician conspirators a multitude of actors involved in organizing the insurgency movement and dependent on that group for their livelihood. Nothing that has changed, which can not be attributed to the Uribe government, because if one day decided to close the National University (where Camilo Torres, Umaña Luna, Fals Borda, Molano and several thousand FARC ideologists have always walking free ease receiving fabulous income that provide the other Colombians so they can live in luxury while plotting murder and kidnapping), you probably would not have enough support to withstand the student revolt and professorial.

That is, if the Colombians to kill, maim, abduct and intimidate is mostly because they can not or will not know from where the attack. That power embedded in the center of society is the guarantee of persistence of the colonial order, in which the clergy and the families of those who came exerted a stranglehold and parasitic on society. But while others do not realize that its resources should be spent for their executioners prime there is little hope of a cessation of violence.

By Jaime Ruiz. Atrabilioso columnist.


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