Monday, June 8, 2009

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The massive political kidnapping: a strategy to force the FARC

The same strategy was used in the assembly of the Valley: the council of Garzon, Huila, they said they had to get them out of the place because there was a bomb threat. But something must happen at the last moment, because the terrorists abandoned their intention to conduct a massive political kidnapping plagiarizing chose only one of the councilors.

What happened at the Council of Garzon is a tragedy foretold. Pressures for a humanitarian seek to perpetuate the kidnapping to ensure the validity of the FARC in the political and military. The terrorist strategy of kidnapping is not unlike what happened in Israel, which in bad times, and carried away by internal and external pressures, agreed to a kind of legalized
exchange of prisoners has proved a resounding failure.

To this aim the FARC and his minions, to legalize the exchange of "prisoners", now under the false name syrupy humanitarian. Upon acceptance of the mechanism, or the country bowed to criminal purposes, the FARC increased political kidnapping to get their most important murderers, explosives experts, ideologues and recruiters. Of step, politically, will show the image of humanitarian mendacious are their civilian allies.

The situation is astonishing simplicity: to be reached to realize this mechanism, the FARC would indiscriminate use of the exchange and the country recover the dishonorable first place in the ranks of kidnapping in the world.

Just as Hamas or Hezbollah makes exchange of hundreds of terrorists for a handful of bodies, the FARC and their spokesmen have announced that they will do the same with the remains of more Julián Ernesto Guevara. Meanwhile, their spokesmen travel abroad to lobby the government and obtain the surrender on the grounds of humanitarian action liar.

In the middle of the Colombian case are for peace. After a week the terrorist attack, the group has not commented on what happened in Garzón, Huila. Is that Uribe's decision to exclude the issue of release "humanitarian" could bring the FARC to push his way, for their civil leaders recover the space that the government took from them.

The basic logic of the FARC is that with a new mass political kidnapping, the Government will be forced to seek the mediation of Colombians for peace and for that path, regained the Piedad Córdoba has lost in recent weeks. Is that unless an election year presidential, and when they have already started some campaigns, the screenshots that give the media fail to Mrs. Cordova, and the heir of Manuel Cepeda, is a difficult loss in the political game of combining all forms of struggle.

However, Senator Córdoba maintains a 2% in the polls, and appears as the more liberal electoral support with a view to a referendum.

In this sense, the FARC and the Colombian peace have had considerable assistance from the media and pollsters to keep Piedad Cordoba in the opinion polls. If she is not registered as a frontrunner of liberalism, why is it appearing? It seems that not know the true intentions of the Senator and that his stay in the polls is held to keep her little effect and so let him give the blow on behalf of an independent movement of many parts of the country, but not the FARC: Colombia for peace.

So, what happened in Garzon is an alarm that turns on what they can do the FARC and his minions, to influence the 2010 elections. At the end of the Colombian assume that the return to give in to terrorist pressure to make concessions as with Pablo Escobar and extradition ... ignore the fact that the country has changed and this was demonstrated for seven years.

AL CLOSURE: Uribe scolded the military for what happened in Garzón, Huila. You are correct that you can not give up, and repeatedly has said that the "snake is alive." However, the nagging need to extend some of its officials and former officials, who have even said that
FARC is just a brand . Long warned about the inconvenience triumphalism of some sectors that Garzón Uribe took the lives of four people and ended with the kidnapping of an alderman.

By Jaime Restrepo. Director of Atrabilioso.


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