Sunday, June 14, 2009

French Canadian Food Guide

The falsity of the detractors of the Democratic Security

no longer surprised by Amnesia and meanness who have some media commentators, such as Mario Morales, on the progress that has been the country's security. That's right: it is noteworthy that the same Morales talks about the failure of a policy and forget that only a few months earlier, in the same space, acknowledged the progress of that policy ... Forgot what it means to consistency?

Some figures used to compare the prevailing situation in the country
2000 and the current situation. This year there were 3,706 kidnappings, while in 2008 the number of kidnappings was 437. Moreover, in May this year there were only five kidnappings , the figure lowest in the history of the statistics that are maintained in this heinous crime. This means that 10 kidnappings a day to be suffered in 2000, has managed to reach only five kidnappings a month ... Morales will make a difference?

Similarly, in 2000 the Institute of Forensic Medicine reported 26,540 homicides and a rate of 63 homicides per 100 thousand inhabitants. Last year, the
number of homicides reached 16,140 and a violent death rate of 33 homicides per 100,000 inhabitants. However, there are other figures 2008, published by Legal Medicine, speaking of 15,250 16,318 homicides in 2007, ie a reduction of 6.5 percent. However

not forget that the 2000 figures were not the highest: in 2002
, for example, there were 28,837 homicides, a figure very close to the records in 1991 (28,280) 1992 (28.225) and 1993 (28,048).

Another statistic that can serve as reference for the evaluation of the Democratic Security is the number of victims
massacres: in 2002 there were 680 deaths, while in 2008 169 victims were reported.

take one example: As the carjacking, we found that in 2001
, Colombia had 1,840 cases while in 2008, according to its own detractor of Democratic Security, the figure was 646 .

How many municipalities in the country were completely unprotected in 2002? At that time,
157 municipal police presence lacked even some had nearly a decade without service. But it was more serious this year, nearly 480 mayors dispatched outside of their municipalities. Today, except for some threats from the FARC, and some military-political attempts of terrorism to hit the governors, mayors and council members remain in their municipalities.

A little honesty would be enough to recognize the significant progress that has taken on security Colombia: kidnapping

Reduction: 88% Reduction Period 2000-2008
murders: 45% Reduction Period 2002-2008
carjacking : 65% Period 2001-2008

facts rather than propaganda mean, demonstrate the success of the Democratic Security policy. The figures speak for themselves and despite the desperate efforts of commentators El Espectador , it's easy to make clear the meanness and baseness to which they arrive to try to confuse the public.

However, the radicalization of some fans desperate uribofóbicos can not create a blind and protective reaction of the policy, it would be a blunder almost equal to that of Morales, unaware that a strategy should include steps to deepen dynamic in certain respects and to address contingencies that were not originally planned. The same advances

Democratic Security have created new scenarios to be included in the strategy: the number of demobilized exceeds expectations and that it had generates neglect for some individuals who can not enter rehabilitation programs. This necessarily implies that a group will return to crime and the state must address this serious criminal contingency.

Similarly, the Government and society must be aware of the peculiarity of the current situation as the country is experiencing a conflict with armed groups like the FARC, ELN and criminal gangs, while a stage is being developed post-conflict involving, in addition to rehabilitation, the increase of crimes on behalf of the reinstatement of some individuals to criminal activity. As deepen the drop and neglect fighters (for themes budgetary or otherwise), crime figures marked an upward trend, although not as strong structures, nor have territorial control, are more easily neutralized by the authorities.

Another obvious fact is that impunity hits any security policy. In addition to the traditional apathy, the result of helplessness and mediocrity of the Colombian legal system, legislation is weak against criminal phenomena, which requires a thorough review to address these structures resulting in impunity.

Candidates who are betting on Democratic Security should raise the new generation this successful political realities can be pregnant because overflows in certain aspects that are a result of the good results. Therein lies the first challenge for the candidates: how they will improve and deepen the democratic security policy?

By Jaime Restrepo. Director of Atrabilioso.


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