Friday, June 5, 2009

What Are Supplementary Examples

Please do not kill them!

Under well-weighted virtuoso Daniel Ortega, his fellow Hugo Chavez and Evo Morales traveled to the inauguration of Mauricio Funes, because it was in motion a plan to kill them.

When I heard it, came over me that connoisseurs call it deja vu, because just months ago, Chavez failed to attend a presidential summit in El Salvador, precisely for that reason. "I could invent another excuse," he said.

Minutes later, the learned chancellor of the country, Nicolas Maduro, said that among the suspects in the "assassination" would be the "far right" Alejandro Pena Esclusa.

"How do I explain this to my colleagues from the Brazilian Academy of Philosophy, just give me the title of member of that organization?" I thought, "What will tell fellow of the prestigious newspaper La Nueva Provincia, which I am honored to become a correspondent? ". As for my family and friends, I do not bother to explain, and are accustomed to Chavez saddled me as "coup" and "conspiracy" is unleashed in Latin America.

"Wow" I said to myself "and go two assassinations, because just a month ago I was accused of orchestrating the assassination of Evo Morales."

I must confess that surfaced a grin on my lips, "I have an aversion to the wheel", I thought, "well, with the activity so intense that performance What time could organize not one but two assassinations?".

Maduro can see that he's never written an article, much less a book because you did, you would know that the number of characters you write per month will not leave time for military adventures, especially if I have to travel constantly to establish chapters UnoAmerica in various cities worldwide.

I decided to drop the issue, considering another episode of revolutionary propaganda, but Chavez insisted so much that I ended up suspecting that maybe there was something mounted.

"What madness!" I said to myself "Is there anyone so foolish as to intend to kill Chavez and Evo?". Shudder at the thought of the death of a human being, but in this case would be committed also a historical and political mistake.

Within a few months, Chavez and Morales are "dead", but not physically, but politically. Just wait until the economic crisis and administrative mismanagement of both the rulers and thrown to the pit of humiliation and rejection popular. Kill would undoubtedly add new Che the pantheon of the Revolution.

If a terrorist is preparing assassinations, I request, dear readers, to send you these my words of advice: "Be patient, do not resort to violence, the revolution is dying, not only in Bolivia and Venezuela, but also at home Sandino, and in any other place where levane flag XXI Century Socialism? ... So Why waste powder in vulture? "(1).

(1) Vulture: Vulture, vulture, vulture.

By Alejandro Peña Flood. Atrabilioso columnist.


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