Monday, June 22, 2009

Jcpenney How Much Doe

: More or less systematic?

The fundamental research about false positives should be determined whether the alleged victim was executed or was shot in combat and if he had any links with the FARC. The rest are washers policies to reduce the operational Army and giving oxygen to terrorists.

The preliminary report of UN Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, arbitrary and summary executions; contains inaccuracies and propaganda generalizing low spade. Philip Alston obviously know the reality of the country and was subjected for 10 days, the bombing of malquerientes sectors of Democratic Security.

Rapporteur says that "The same amount of cases, their geographical distribution and diversity of military units involved, indicate that these were carried out in a more or less systematic , by significant elements within the Army."

Let's see: What are the bases for a systematic statement? The number of complaints , the occurrence of events in different parts of the country and as a consequence of the latter, the number of battalions involved.

The first element is a hoax: how many complaints try to build a military problem, the death in combat of a terrorist? That this criminal had a mother, brothers or wife should be attachment miss him, and the hackneyed good description of the child or the innocent farmer who was killed by the military monsters, could not influence investigations into his death. How many of these "angels" in
Dermotest , had traces of gunpowder on his hands? Nobody knows, because it is noisy with the number of complaints, but it makes no progress in investigations of the alleged victims.

For decades, the FARC has resorted to the practice of camouflage among the peasants and to direct research by others point to his fighters, not terrorists, but as innocent peasants who are victims of military madness. It happens that these practices have now been strengthened and has outreach scenarios, and henchmen to disseminate or make
evidence mounts.

In this vein, the geographical location of complaints about "false positives" in Antioquia, Arauca, Valle del Cauca, Casanare, Cesar, Cordoba, Huila, Meta, Norte de Santander, Putumayo, Santander, Sucre and Vichada coincides with the map of the city's most terrorist presence or proximity to schemes related to the FARC and Thus, a greater number of fighting between the army and terrorism ... must be because of this that the Rapporteur actions spoke more or less systematic .

But that accusation is inaccurate: According to DRAE, routine is something that follows or conforms to a system, ie a set of interrelated things that contribute to orderly particular object.

has been called the "false positives" were to exchange bodies for holidays, leave and even money. To be systematic status, those who committed Soacha false positives should be interested and involved with the perks they would make the military accused of "false positives" in Antioch or Putumayo. What earned the Norte de Santander with actions in other jurisdictions? Nothing.

Nor can demonstrate that there was a clandestine organization with national coverage, committing his atrocities on across the country to benefit a large number of military units or to help them accomplish a goal and decide criminal determined by high controls. The same rapporteur rejects the systematic of the facts when he says that "found no evidence to indicate that executions were the result of official government policy or are made with the knowledge President or other officials ... "

There are no child combatants, or are dangerous

Misinformation and bias Rapporteur does not stop there: in one of the paragraphs of the draft report says that "although the authorities in many cases argued that these deaths correspond to members of the guerrilla, the tests revealed that it is not and among the" dangerous guerrilla "had boys of 16 and 17 years."

few hours he had been served as the Rapporteur of the UN to find the forced recruitment of minors by the FARC. That battle deaths are 16 or 17 years is only logical, since it is children that have been used as cannon fodder by the heads of terrorism. A Philip Alston

not told that Article 54 of the statutes of the FARC indicate that "any young person aged 15 is fully trained to take up arms" and hundreds of children have been abducted by the terrorist group ( forced recruitment call) to structure their front line and to do other things like sexual satisfaction of the depraved commanders of the FARC.

Alston is logical that you have not been told that detail, since no "enthusiastic humanitarian" has complained, and he has written to the FARC to stop recruiting children and return to their homes to those who have joined force .

This seems a fantasy, the reality is that the guerrillas of 16 and 17 are dangerous because they have the psychological factor that makes them feel immortal and only to carry a gun, are protected from war: child soldiers are bold and rarely measure the consequences of his actions "heroic."

If his report will include deductions ignorant as described above, the country would begin to answer will play nationally and internationally for the terrorists killed in action, erecting sculptures and public apologies to their families ... they were thugs and criminals of the worst kind, but in the midst of combat, soldiers had to be left to kill not be accused of committing a false positive.

can not ignore that if you have submitted the false positives, but the ideological bias and political interests have exaggerated the atrocity to turn it into a gigantic cloak that ultimately hurt the real victims and leave the country and its armed forces handcuffed to fight terrorism ... That's what they want, and they are succeeding!

END: In the same way he ran the Victims Act, the State will indemnify played by administrative channels, to the families of terrorists and criminals, because no matter what they were doing, or crimes committed, but the pain of their relatives and had fallen by the action of State security forces ... not surprising that, following the doctrine of Ecuador, touching compensate the family of Raul Reyes.

By Jaime Restrepo. Director of Atrabilioso.


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