Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Cruising Places At Kolkata


is not only the robbery, physical violence, and its maximum degree murder, the aggression is felt everywhere in a permanent and widespread disrespect for others. On the road

all compete aggressively and risky because it is a post below, the bikes will cross in front of moving vehicles, the pass on the left or right, filtered between two or between them and the margin of the road, and buses, "imposing excessive amount of" authority "that gives them larger. In households aggressiveness is encouraged by parents and reproduced by children in schools (one case is known in college) by superiors, ie, for those who teach and multiply this phenomenon.

and completely missed the shame of being caught in irregularities, ethical and / or legal, anything goes to their advantage, they say that competition, while tests are not legal sanction. The agreements are broken and the word disrespect. The business is done with the "trap" preconceived, and being discovered using the gun because there is no confidence in justice.

Overall interpersonal relationships are perceived aggression, manipulation and intolerance. Individuals have become useful to produce benefit to others and are "significant" damage and are feared, or safe and are trampled. He who has a position of power, use it shamelessly to gain respect (as if it came from the human condition) and take revenge on the enemy which has a physical or intellectual superior, equal, and he who has a gun or money to pay a hit man, shoot. It is the law of the jungle.

So this city was not just a half century ago Something changed. Many things have changed the: perhaps the supreme value of money, which resulted in the drug trade, tourism and globalization, which promotes the exchange with other cultures, the bad example, it is no longer possible to hide "leaders; basic needs-growing ones and others, which imposes unnecessary development, advertising and media, the social gap, lack of opportunities and gainful employment, the rural exodus to the cities, demobilization and reinsertion taught individuals to obtain weapons, the limitations imposed by the authorities to informal work-for-honest without trying to create new jobs, and better pay, and the politics and bad government, and many more.

Aggression is typical of the disagreement with impotence to achieve with reasonable effort, a better life, wanting: it is an expression of despair and unhappiness.

citizenship proposes all measures, and asks the head of the police chief and tweaks to the highest authority district; requires militarize the city, remove the broiler bikes, lowering their the displacement may, prohibit, eliminate helmet wearing or to bear arms, among others. But neither can nor should do everything that is proposed, in many cases the poor would be worse, and other harmless. The solution is partly cultural, and culture change with advances in technology, education and good example: only as a last resort to repression.

Yances By Miguel Peña. Columnist for El Universal of Cartagena.


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