Thursday, June 18, 2009

Prevent Odor In Volleyball Spandex

The discourse of political independence

These days I had the opportunity to see an interview with former Bolivian President Carlos Mesa in connection program RCN News America 24 hours. It is good to remember that Mesa resigned the presidency twice: the first was a political game, as acknowledged, and the second had the word lapidary irrevocable.

In the first resignation, Mesa left on the ropes Evo Morales, whom they blamed for the decision of a president at that time enjoyed a high popularity. Even Morales said that he was assaulted and booed at the airport in Cochabamba. In that game, Mesa held a while, but Morales' MAS would soon pass the bill and leave without the possibility of governing.

Bureau explained that he resigned because Evo Morales and Bolivian ultraconservative sectors, cornered him until it ends. At the same time said he wanted to be an independent ruler said "that sounds nice in speeches, but in reality is a nonsense." Mesa What he meant was had tried to govern without political parties and that is a utopia.

's more, the former Bolivian president had more than 80% popularity and that did not help anything when dealing with the pressures of interest areas that are disputed parcels of power in Bolivia. How could someone with such popular support could not govern? Officers gave the answer: It did not occur to organize a political party.

Seeing what occurs in Colombia with the noise made about the independent quintuplets, which are popular and could increase it to reach the presidency, it is impossible to avoid the question: what the parties will support?

the quintuplets candidates do have an interesting record in the polls and are popular in the biggest cities in the country. But the flag of independence, both candidates preached to others huddled together as Mockus, is only a deceitful speech, they know that without the electoral machinery of political parties or movements, governance options will be minimal.

This explains the displacement of Sergio Fajardo, the fearful silence of Luis Eduardo Garzon, and the low profile of Antanas Mockus ... still do not know what flag the blanket, or if you will, as is evident in the current situation, a whole quilt colored flags with their respective political agreements-read tape, patronage, contracts, etc .-.

Indigenous Social Alliance certainly does not reach Fajardo to reach the presidency. He walked to the former mayor of Medellin is put all eggs in one basket in the first round to try to reach the second and in that month, concrete agreements that will allow not only achieve victory, but to govern.

And it's not an easy matter. Fajardo and betrayed
Polo when he reached the mayor of Medellin, because once in office, refused to recognize the de facto coalition formed and Uribe approached. A second support, this time to the Presidency, it would cost much more and would have to make more concessions, if you have the yellow in the quilt that shelters him.

On the liberal side, things also look good, they rejected their support during the campaign for mayor. Although during the last decade the Reds have been the political whore of Colombia (have slept with all parties for jobs, contracts and power), they are not cheap and very expensive charge rejected, otherwise it will make life impossible as they have tried to Uribe.

But that's not the worst scenario: for the few ads that have Indeed, Fajardo would they govern with Uribe in opposition. With the majorities that will surely keep the Uribe in Congress, plus the force of its own future leadership of former President Uribe, dilute governance and the occupant of the Presidential Palace will be a political hostage with no possibility of exercising power, because sooner or early will have to define positions and this will disappoint some of his powerful and enthusiastic sponsors election.

That sounds more like political independence of adventure election promise to pragmatic reality ... we went to Mesa and probably will happen in Colombia if Fajardo insisted the farce of complacency to the general public: after the words, get the facts.

END: The interview was made by Pedro Medellin, who argued that it seemed odd that Evo Morales was against Bolivian autonomy, such as autonomy, he said,
"are important to the left, ie for democracy. " MedellĂ­n Torres insists on selling to the left as the equivalent to democracy, and right as totalitarianism threatening ... Do not see what is happening in Venezuela, Ecuador and Nicaragua?

By Jaime Restrepo. Director of Atrabilioso.


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