Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Can Olive Oil Burn Horses Skin

With curly facts and stratum

The month of June began with relevant political news: Time released a poll Datexco where Sergio Fajardo exceeds by about 14 points of his nearest contender , Juan Manuel Santos. So far, all coincided with what was being said in the political gossip. However

night was published in "The Great Survey" of
Ipsos - Napoleon Franco in which completely changed the landscape: Sergio Fajardo not only lost the lead, but passed the third Instead of voting preferences, an election year. To make matters worse, Fajardo was overcome by Juan Manuel Santos, who is still undecided and still does not start (would you do?) With his campaign for the presidency, and by Andrés Felipe Arias, who is not only in campaign, but kept alive and force his candidacy.

RCN channel organized a debate with candidates or candidates who occupied the top five in the survey. From the outset Juan Manuel Santos said no. Bad thing for someone who must work to get some tune with the voters and trying to show some charisma.

Another said it was Carlos Gaviria Diaz, probably because he knows that his inconsistencies they will explode sooner than later. He knows he has his machines inside the Polo. But it is not enough and try to seduce or win back voters, I just do not need is a debate that could make it difficult against this monster of oratory and the coldness that is Gustavo Petro ... What a lack of confidence in the Gaviria oil used to refine the clientele of the radical left!

Those who accepted the invitation were Sergio Fajardo, Andrés Felipe Arias, Gustavo Petro, Antanas Mockus and Germain Vargas Lleras. They even sent representatives to the draw which took place hours before the debate. What is more, the visionaries were enrolled Mockus the respective invitations to see the former mayor at the debate. I filled my naive enthusiasm for being about to witness a confrontation between Andrés Felipe Arias, and Gustavo Petro, who do not took the body to debate ... is the minimum that citizens can demand a candidate.

But something changed. Sergio Fajardo said he would not attend because "He was the only one of the participants who come to the end" . The results of the "major survey" had hit Fajardo strongly independent. Having two such different measurements can not be easy for any vain, and less if, as they say, bordering Fajardo narcissism.

At the time questioned the President's decision-candidate debates did not attend the election of pride for he was winning: winner known policy may end after the election, in recognition loser.

The justification for Fajardo smell fear ... hopefully that because the other would be terrible: the stench coming from a complex of superiority over their adversaries by the favorable position in the polls ... Well, until yesterday.

However, an election year without candidates identified in other sectors, the justification for Sergio Fajardo is a fumble. If he goes all the way and the others depend on consultations and personal decisions of others, just Fajardo is the call to go first, then every occurrence, every debate and every confrontation with the possible contenders, is an opportunity to show their political advantage and purposes beyond the charisma and sympathy aroused .

In this vein, demonstrating that his speech Fajardo is not structured, which has no clear ideas and that a confrontation is afraid to be defeated. He has said he wants a debate with height, but this is only possible insofar as they are faced with their adversaries and show that it is able to manage his temper to keep the confrontation in a programmatic ... course, if you have even a draft program to defend, otherwise it is better to flee from the scenes of debate as it did in the last hours.

the other at the last minute refused to attend the debate was Germain Vargas Lleras. Know the reasons, but one can assume that eluded the appointment by the poor results: a complete Lleras, of the same kind of large Felipe Zuleta, can not be in a situation so dire in the polls.

A year after the elections, with all the water must pass under the bridge, things are well: Juan Manuel Santos does not want to jump into the ring, awaiting the results of the referendum, which is going to hurt if the query no be passed as a candidate for improvisation. Sergio Fajardo continues to fuel his enigmatic image, but passing the buck may discourage his supporters: the independent voter likes to watch and listen to their candidate in different locations and above all, know proposals, they have conspicuous by its absence in the campaign Fajardo. Carlos Gaviria is afraid of its machinery and unafraid to take Petro. And Germain Vargas Lleras ... I returned from Spain?

END: Gustavo Petro's decision to participate in the consultation of the PDA makes it an important position for the 2014 elections. He knows that he has to do to win within the left, but is aware of what will happen to the Polo in the next election: a reduced number of votes the party to its proper proportions. With the decision to leave the blame for the debacle rests with Lucho Garzón and not on him.

And to top it off, what happened to Rafael Pardo Rueda does not appear in the polls? So is a bad thing?

By Jaime Restrepo. Director of Atrabilioso.


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