Monday, June 22, 2009

How Do You Make An Umbrella Symbol

A false positive step

Reducing the interest rate for new housing loans up to 167 million, as provided by the government, subsidizing up to 5% the bank is a positive effort to facilitate the acquisition of housing for the poorest, and the recovery of economic activity and employment, but requires a commitment from the bank that did not go up, snatching the allowance for whom it is directed.

has been said by the FNA and the Agrarian Bank, the effective rate of 10% per annum, which when subjected to the subsidy of 5%, 5% would be virtually inflation, or a real rate of 0% (money free). However

not enough, especially for the VIS. I say this because to stimulate housing construction in the lower stratum, subsidies are useless if the first, candidates do not have 5 million dollars saved that can be delivered as a down payment or pay opportunities during construction, and second, if the manufacturer is not satisfied that the business will be done.

addition to reducing the cost of money (the rate), should eliminate the down payment required by the constructor, as the other benefit granted by the governmen (up to 10 million, according to the stratum of the applicant) is not enough to cover the which funds the bank. And disbursements, not as is customary, the delivery of the property, if not on plans and progress works, because the subsidy not enough to guarantee the equilibrium point of the constructor.

reconsider the timing also because the candidates have to assume the payment of utilities that did not, living in cramped conditions, or online fraud, as well as other expenses incurred in the family support. According to the data to date, a VIS is costing 35 million pesos (25 after subsidy) which financed over 15 years, generated fees of 140 pesos a month, but if you finance for 30 years for example, only 70 thousand.

And the fourth point, because the lending banks will not want to take the risk that the builder refuses, use a system coverage, or any entity that assumes the risk of nonpayment of claims, by the government, because otherwise they end up charging monthly fees to repay the loan.

key point in this well-employment generation is imperative, there are two opposing ideologies: one which preaches that the State must be the biggest (only) to employment creation, and therefore seize the means of production, in addition to increasing the bureaucracy-an excuse to give a salary to the privileged few who end up feeling superior, and those who believe that the state's role should be to create incentives for business, assess and support the initiative private (including people) and reduce bureaucracy.

If we put on opposite sides of the balance, violence and employment, rather than violence and repression, be understood that each of us should be thinking about creating them, instead of looking for one, and who is best guided to quiet , but the jobs pay more humble, taxes, or appropriating the goodwill that their labor produces.

Yances By Miguel Peña. Columnist for El Universal of Cartagena


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