Monday, June 29, 2009

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family environment, wi-fi, children's pool, a jacuzzi, barbecue , private parking, sauna, bar to share with family or friends, green areas.

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Monday, June 22, 2009

How Do You Make An Umbrella Symbol

A false positive step

Reducing the interest rate for new housing loans up to 167 million, as provided by the government, subsidizing up to 5% the bank is a positive effort to facilitate the acquisition of housing for the poorest, and the recovery of economic activity and employment, but requires a commitment from the bank that did not go up, snatching the allowance for whom it is directed.

has been said by the FNA and the Agrarian Bank, the effective rate of 10% per annum, which when subjected to the subsidy of 5%, 5% would be virtually inflation, or a real rate of 0% (money free). However

not enough, especially for the VIS. I say this because to stimulate housing construction in the lower stratum, subsidies are useless if the first, candidates do not have 5 million dollars saved that can be delivered as a down payment or pay opportunities during construction, and second, if the manufacturer is not satisfied that the business will be done.

addition to reducing the cost of money (the rate), should eliminate the down payment required by the constructor, as the other benefit granted by the governmen (up to 10 million, according to the stratum of the applicant) is not enough to cover the which funds the bank. And disbursements, not as is customary, the delivery of the property, if not on plans and progress works, because the subsidy not enough to guarantee the equilibrium point of the constructor.

reconsider the timing also because the candidates have to assume the payment of utilities that did not, living in cramped conditions, or online fraud, as well as other expenses incurred in the family support. According to the data to date, a VIS is costing 35 million pesos (25 after subsidy) which financed over 15 years, generated fees of 140 pesos a month, but if you finance for 30 years for example, only 70 thousand.

And the fourth point, because the lending banks will not want to take the risk that the builder refuses, use a system coverage, or any entity that assumes the risk of nonpayment of claims, by the government, because otherwise they end up charging monthly fees to repay the loan.

key point in this well-employment generation is imperative, there are two opposing ideologies: one which preaches that the State must be the biggest (only) to employment creation, and therefore seize the means of production, in addition to increasing the bureaucracy-an excuse to give a salary to the privileged few who end up feeling superior, and those who believe that the state's role should be to create incentives for business, assess and support the initiative private (including people) and reduce bureaucracy.

If we put on opposite sides of the balance, violence and employment, rather than violence and repression, be understood that each of us should be thinking about creating them, instead of looking for one, and who is best guided to quiet , but the jobs pay more humble, taxes, or appropriating the goodwill that their labor produces.

Yances By Miguel Peña. Columnist for El Universal of Cartagena

Jcpenney How Much Doe

: More or less systematic?

The fundamental research about false positives should be determined whether the alleged victim was executed or was shot in combat and if he had any links with the FARC. The rest are washers policies to reduce the operational Army and giving oxygen to terrorists.

The preliminary report of UN Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, arbitrary and summary executions; contains inaccuracies and propaganda generalizing low spade. Philip Alston obviously know the reality of the country and was subjected for 10 days, the bombing of malquerientes sectors of Democratic Security.

Rapporteur says that "The same amount of cases, their geographical distribution and diversity of military units involved, indicate that these were carried out in a more or less systematic , by significant elements within the Army."

Let's see: What are the bases for a systematic statement? The number of complaints , the occurrence of events in different parts of the country and as a consequence of the latter, the number of battalions involved.

The first element is a hoax: how many complaints try to build a military problem, the death in combat of a terrorist? That this criminal had a mother, brothers or wife should be attachment miss him, and the hackneyed good description of the child or the innocent farmer who was killed by the military monsters, could not influence investigations into his death. How many of these "angels" in
Dermotest , had traces of gunpowder on his hands? Nobody knows, because it is noisy with the number of complaints, but it makes no progress in investigations of the alleged victims.

For decades, the FARC has resorted to the practice of camouflage among the peasants and to direct research by others point to his fighters, not terrorists, but as innocent peasants who are victims of military madness. It happens that these practices have now been strengthened and has outreach scenarios, and henchmen to disseminate or make
evidence mounts.

In this vein, the geographical location of complaints about "false positives" in Antioquia, Arauca, Valle del Cauca, Casanare, Cesar, Cordoba, Huila, Meta, Norte de Santander, Putumayo, Santander, Sucre and Vichada coincides with the map of the city's most terrorist presence or proximity to schemes related to the FARC and Thus, a greater number of fighting between the army and terrorism ... must be because of this that the Rapporteur actions spoke more or less systematic .

But that accusation is inaccurate: According to DRAE, routine is something that follows or conforms to a system, ie a set of interrelated things that contribute to orderly particular object.

has been called the "false positives" were to exchange bodies for holidays, leave and even money. To be systematic status, those who committed Soacha false positives should be interested and involved with the perks they would make the military accused of "false positives" in Antioch or Putumayo. What earned the Norte de Santander with actions in other jurisdictions? Nothing.

Nor can demonstrate that there was a clandestine organization with national coverage, committing his atrocities on across the country to benefit a large number of military units or to help them accomplish a goal and decide criminal determined by high controls. The same rapporteur rejects the systematic of the facts when he says that "found no evidence to indicate that executions were the result of official government policy or are made with the knowledge President or other officials ... "

There are no child combatants, or are dangerous

Misinformation and bias Rapporteur does not stop there: in one of the paragraphs of the draft report says that "although the authorities in many cases argued that these deaths correspond to members of the guerrilla, the tests revealed that it is not and among the" dangerous guerrilla "had boys of 16 and 17 years."

few hours he had been served as the Rapporteur of the UN to find the forced recruitment of minors by the FARC. That battle deaths are 16 or 17 years is only logical, since it is children that have been used as cannon fodder by the heads of terrorism. A Philip Alston

not told that Article 54 of the statutes of the FARC indicate that "any young person aged 15 is fully trained to take up arms" and hundreds of children have been abducted by the terrorist group ( forced recruitment call) to structure their front line and to do other things like sexual satisfaction of the depraved commanders of the FARC.

Alston is logical that you have not been told that detail, since no "enthusiastic humanitarian" has complained, and he has written to the FARC to stop recruiting children and return to their homes to those who have joined force .

This seems a fantasy, the reality is that the guerrillas of 16 and 17 are dangerous because they have the psychological factor that makes them feel immortal and only to carry a gun, are protected from war: child soldiers are bold and rarely measure the consequences of his actions "heroic."

If his report will include deductions ignorant as described above, the country would begin to answer will play nationally and internationally for the terrorists killed in action, erecting sculptures and public apologies to their families ... they were thugs and criminals of the worst kind, but in the midst of combat, soldiers had to be left to kill not be accused of committing a false positive.

can not ignore that if you have submitted the false positives, but the ideological bias and political interests have exaggerated the atrocity to turn it into a gigantic cloak that ultimately hurt the real victims and leave the country and its armed forces handcuffed to fight terrorism ... That's what they want, and they are succeeding!

END: In the same way he ran the Victims Act, the State will indemnify played by administrative channels, to the families of terrorists and criminals, because no matter what they were doing, or crimes committed, but the pain of their relatives and had fallen by the action of State security forces ... not surprising that, following the doctrine of Ecuador, touching compensate the family of Raul Reyes.

By Jaime Restrepo. Director of Atrabilioso.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Spot On End Of Nose Won't Go

Why Chavez is seizing business?

In recent months, there has been very severe attacks against private property in Venezuela. These attacks have different forms:

The more passes unnoticed, as it is apparently legal, is the price control, which requires employers to sell their products below production cost. While large companies can paddle far, compensating for losses from the sale of non-controlled goods, small businesses are forced to close. In fact, during the ten years since Chavez in office, have closed 45 percent of the industries.

The second attack against the property from organized crime, among which stands the Colombian guerrillas, who operate with impunity in the border areas of Apure, Barinas, Tachira and Zulia. As you know, Chavez maintains ideological proximity with the FARC, and even publicly kept a minute of silence after the death of Raul Reyes, as many Venezuelans say that there is complicity between government and guerrillas.

The third method is the invasion of productive land, and even apartment buildings, sponsored and protected by official sectors. The owners go to the law, but even the judges ruled in their favor, the state security forces dare not dislodge the invaders. Chavez has stated publicly, especially during recent weeks, against private property.

Fourth pattern of aggression is not to pay to government contractors, leading to bankruptcy. There is a payment crisis in the oil sector, power, infrastructure, food, and generally require all companies to operate foreign currency. It is common knowledge that, with lower oil prices and international policy commitments, the Venezuelan government has no dollars to meet its obligations.

The fifth form of violating the property consists of the expropriations and confiscations. The difference between them is that the former are paid and the second not. But Venezuela is not clear on the difference because many of the expropriations, the payment is late doubtful and even if so, is canceled devalued state papers.

Chavez's government has seized cement companies, food, metallurgy, communications, to name a few, but in recent weeks the government has shown no mercy against oil contractors, particularly 76 are located in the Eastern Zone Lake Maracaibo (Cabimas, Ciudad Ojeda, Bachaquero and Mene Grande).

Although the government says are expropriation, both militarily and aggressively took over the installations as well as promises to pay very clear, indicating that, in fact, it is confiscation. All this, as I write these lines, is generating a social crisis in the area, because the measure has produced about 20 thousand new unemployed.

The Venezuelan oil industry suffered an incalculable loss to seizures in Zulia, because these are companies that for 60 years developed strong technological capabilities, becoming reality in advanced engineering companies capable of designing and building oil refineries stations . The main value of these companies are billionaires tangible assets seized, but the knowledge and experience, who have now lost irretrievably.

The attack on private property has a political motive. The government Chavez knows that the collapse in oil prices will rise in the short-term budget crisis and, therefore, a crisis of governance. The ruling party believes, wrongly, that controlling the means of production may move forward, not realizing that it is to add fuel to fire, because companies do not increase their production confiscated, but on the contrary, they come down. This is a clear example of how Marxist socialism acts as a blindfold on, which obscures the simple aspects of reality.

Attacks against Venezuelan employers match the fierce persecution of political opponents of the government. Chavez wants to end all forms of dissent in order to suppress with an iron hand, and no political opposition, the protests of social and economic order ahead.

By Alejandro Peña Flood. Atrabilioso columnist.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Prevent Odor In Volleyball Spandex

The discourse of political independence

These days I had the opportunity to see an interview with former Bolivian President Carlos Mesa in connection program RCN News America 24 hours. It is good to remember that Mesa resigned the presidency twice: the first was a political game, as acknowledged, and the second had the word lapidary irrevocable.

In the first resignation, Mesa left on the ropes Evo Morales, whom they blamed for the decision of a president at that time enjoyed a high popularity. Even Morales said that he was assaulted and booed at the airport in Cochabamba. In that game, Mesa held a while, but Morales' MAS would soon pass the bill and leave without the possibility of governing.

Bureau explained that he resigned because Evo Morales and Bolivian ultraconservative sectors, cornered him until it ends. At the same time said he wanted to be an independent ruler said "that sounds nice in speeches, but in reality is a nonsense." Mesa What he meant was had tried to govern without political parties and that is a utopia.

's more, the former Bolivian president had more than 80% popularity and that did not help anything when dealing with the pressures of interest areas that are disputed parcels of power in Bolivia. How could someone with such popular support could not govern? Officers gave the answer: It did not occur to organize a political party.

Seeing what occurs in Colombia with the noise made about the independent quintuplets, which are popular and could increase it to reach the presidency, it is impossible to avoid the question: what the parties will support?

the quintuplets candidates do have an interesting record in the polls and are popular in the biggest cities in the country. But the flag of independence, both candidates preached to others huddled together as Mockus, is only a deceitful speech, they know that without the electoral machinery of political parties or movements, governance options will be minimal.

This explains the displacement of Sergio Fajardo, the fearful silence of Luis Eduardo Garzon, and the low profile of Antanas Mockus ... still do not know what flag the blanket, or if you will, as is evident in the current situation, a whole quilt colored flags with their respective political agreements-read tape, patronage, contracts, etc .-.

Indigenous Social Alliance certainly does not reach Fajardo to reach the presidency. He walked to the former mayor of Medellin is put all eggs in one basket in the first round to try to reach the second and in that month, concrete agreements that will allow not only achieve victory, but to govern.

And it's not an easy matter. Fajardo and betrayed
Polo when he reached the mayor of Medellin, because once in office, refused to recognize the de facto coalition formed and Uribe approached. A second support, this time to the Presidency, it would cost much more and would have to make more concessions, if you have the yellow in the quilt that shelters him.

On the liberal side, things also look good, they rejected their support during the campaign for mayor. Although during the last decade the Reds have been the political whore of Colombia (have slept with all parties for jobs, contracts and power), they are not cheap and very expensive charge rejected, otherwise it will make life impossible as they have tried to Uribe.

But that's not the worst scenario: for the few ads that have Indeed, Fajardo would they govern with Uribe in opposition. With the majorities that will surely keep the Uribe in Congress, plus the force of its own future leadership of former President Uribe, dilute governance and the occupant of the Presidential Palace will be a political hostage with no possibility of exercising power, because sooner or early will have to define positions and this will disappoint some of his powerful and enthusiastic sponsors election.

That sounds more like political independence of adventure election promise to pragmatic reality ... we went to Mesa and probably will happen in Colombia if Fajardo insisted the farce of complacency to the general public: after the words, get the facts.

END: The interview was made by Pedro Medellin, who argued that it seemed odd that Evo Morales was against Bolivian autonomy, such as autonomy, he said,
"are important to the left, ie for democracy. " Medellín Torres insists on selling to the left as the equivalent to democracy, and right as totalitarianism threatening ... Do not see what is happening in Venezuela, Ecuador and Nicaragua?

By Jaime Restrepo. Director of Atrabilioso.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Does Nuga Bed Reviews

Participatory Action Research

When speaking of "conflict" Colombia is usually a huge lack of interest in its real causes, largely because the intellectual neglect is a feature of local culture, but also because the specialists in these fields are exactly the same generators of the conflict. This will impose its version, and easily create the world that the FARC are a group of drug traffickers who recruit young people abandoned by the state or who are fanatical peasants who lost their sense of reality.

But there is no such: just a little poke in the history of recent decades to ensure that everything they do the guerrillas was clearly resolved in the slogans of the so-called left groups previous generations. The lurid details were not mentioned by the instigators of the "revolution", but that happens on the one hand because no one knows what the future, and the other because look at those details would have led to discouragement. A comic element of this is the scandal that is because Senator Jorge Enrique Robledo displayed on the computers of Raul Reyes as a person linked to the FARC to be their party of origin, MOIR, disapproved of the guerrilla struggle.

Nobody who knows the history of the Left could fail to distinguish between "strategy" and "tactical." The pro-Chinese MOIR did not accept the FARC partly because the pro-Soviet rival directed, and secondly because they believed that the guerrilla was the effective way to revolution. It would not be moral scruples by which a psychopathic enthusiasts China's Cultural Revolution and his son feature, the Khmer Rouge regime in Cambodia, were to stop supporting a few killings of soldiers and a few kidnappings. Simply to fail completely as the vanguard of the revolutionary movement and the ending of the Sino-Soviet conflict, found no alternative but to join his former rival in the Democratic Pole PCC. That is, accepting the power of the FARC MOIR meant for a change of "tactic" for which he was fully prepared. (That power is real power base of the pole, ie the CCP: The basis on which the Communists were able to appropriate the state bodies and unions have great resources to expand its political and co-opt other sects.)

But MOIR is the result of a remote dissent of the communist project, and is much more interesting to evaluate the origin of this project and its relationship with the Colombian society, because, as I said, the guerrillas are carrying exactly that old project, and without the power accumulated by the FARC in recent decades would not have been possible electoral rise of the PDA. Well, also because the power of the FARC influenced the rise of Chavez, whose resources were far from the power of the mass front of the Colombian community.

Among the events of recent weeks highlights the arrest of Miguel Beltran (aka "Jaime Cienfuegos"), Professor of Sociology at National University in charge of recruiting students for the FARC. As expected, supporters of communism came to defend the professor said the charming grounds that no criminal ideas in academia. What went unnoticed by everyone is that this power is one of the main centers of communist movement in Colombia and although the teacher had correspondence with Luis Edgar Devia, one may assume that others are not part of that project. Well as indoctrination or as recruiters or as providers of schemes and fallacies which carry forward the revolution.

Just look at the history of that power: he founded and directed the coincidentally the same creator of the magazine Alternative , the same creator of the Polo Democrático, the author of the book ( Violence in Colombia ) who served during decades to introduce the guerrillas financed heavily by the Soviets as self-defense of farmers persecuted by the government: Orlando Fals Borda. This sociologist died in 2008 is perhaps the chief ideologue of the FARC, and is known for being one of the fathers of the "IAP" (Participatory Action Research).

This text Alfredo Molano wrote to the death of the wife of Fals Borda in 2006 one can get an idea of \u200b\u200bthe kind of people that led the guerrilla movement, the woman was a descendant of both presidential candidates in the first half century, and the other founders of that discretion was the priest Camilo Torres and patrician lawyer and radical theorist Eduardo Umaña Luna, son of poet and politician José Umana Bernal. It is true that the guerrillas already existed in previous decades, but its persistence and power would have been impossible without the "revolutionary student movement" that led to these characters and their wards exploiting the fervor that swept the continent after the Cuban Revolution.

can say without risk of error that the social origins and the various connections of these people are on the basis of guidance given to the faculty who created: the IAP is a science whose answers are not the result of the investigation but which are before, as described in the same formulation of the method. It is an ideological science whose performers carry out a "praxis" which in plain language has only one name: politics.

The context of this whole invention is extremely interesting. Nobody will have wondered how in the countries where sociology was developed no one thought of something as cute as the IAP? But what is sociology? According to the dictionary is "a science that deals with the structure and functioning of human societies." The IAP is a complete departure from any notion of "science" and ends up being mere activism. Does anyone have stopped to think about what sociologists working? In Colombia, given the scarcity of resources and poor development of science, the possibility that the remarkable number of science professionals is formed by these universities to be absorbed by private companies is zero. Sociologists, imbued with its redemptive role in society, need to state revenues and to that end are necessarily attached to the power network of the democratic left, thanks to which they are created for the positions they can secure their income ( following a logic of Colombia, under which anyone who has studied in itself is worthy of an entry, regardless of the usefulness of their work).

Thus, the irresponsibility of the providers of public resources for many decades has provided a group of patrician conspirators a multitude of actors involved in organizing the insurgency movement and dependent on that group for their livelihood. Nothing that has changed, which can not be attributed to the Uribe government, because if one day decided to close the National University (where Camilo Torres, Umaña Luna, Fals Borda, Molano and several thousand FARC ideologists have always walking free ease receiving fabulous income that provide the other Colombians so they can live in luxury while plotting murder and kidnapping), you probably would not have enough support to withstand the student revolt and professorial.

That is, if the Colombians to kill, maim, abduct and intimidate is mostly because they can not or will not know from where the attack. That power embedded in the center of society is the guarantee of persistence of the colonial order, in which the clergy and the families of those who came exerted a stranglehold and parasitic on society. But while others do not realize that its resources should be spent for their executioners prime there is little hope of a cessation of violence.

By Jaime Ruiz. Atrabilioso columnist.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

How Many Electric Cars Were Sold In 2010

A well-told story

Rare find in the movies stories well told. Although the environment is more pleasant and richer than literature, by incorporating images and sound, is more difficult and costly to manage. Some films, because of their directors, not wave dubious history and are thrown the book, they fail to convey the emotions and feelings of the characters, or leave much to the imagination of the viewer.

has happened with all Gabo novels made into movies, and many others. It takes a lot more creativity and resources in film production in the conception of history who has read "Kite Runner" by Khaled Husseini, and seen after the film, or vice versa, the film first and then the book, I could substantiate.

This is not the case of "Interchange" (exchange), a real-life story that occurred in Los Angeles, California, USA, in 1928, Clint Eastwood brought to the screen starring Angelina Jolie and John Malkovich.

This is the story of a mother, Jolie, who has stolen her son about 7 years old. The police believe that the anguish and the desire to find his son, would deceive, gives, after 6 months, with all the paraphernalia media event, a child of similar characteristics that was abandoned by his father in a restaurant beggar but that was not hers.

it was impossible to achieve, the evidence showed the mother to the police, height and circumcision, among others, were irrefutable, and fears that transcend scandal the mass media, decided to declare it insane and sent to a psychiatric hospital which is where I return. Psychological recovery that would give high, is achieved only when he does accept and sign a document acknowledging receipt of your child.

intervention of a pastor who had a radio program in which he exposed political corruption, managed to pull it out when it came to applying electrical shocks, to reduce aggression, as punishment for shouting insults against the hospital director, who pressured into signing the false identity of the child.

In the course of the plot is discovered that Children of a psychopath who kidnapped then killed. It was the trial and a court issued a ruling condemning people to hang the psychopath, removing from office the officer in charge of the investigation and demeaning to their immediate superior, and modifying procedures requiring confinement in the asylum.

The perfect Tecnis: Where were the cameras had to be, showing the development of the plot, the faces and emotions of his characters. Imperceptible music, and dialogue short and precise. No assumptions or high costs, the viewer feels back to the time and trapped in the plot. A heartfelt story
extrapolated to the reality of the country, fueled both by the desire to show efficiency (the police), and capture audience (the media), with the difference that in our own, why not seem pure assemblies in which the only the victim is innocent: it offers financial reward and show the results.

Yances By Miguel Peña. Columnist for El Universal of Cartagena.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

French Canadian Food Guide

The falsity of the detractors of the Democratic Security

no longer surprised by Amnesia and meanness who have some media commentators, such as Mario Morales, on the progress that has been the country's security. That's right: it is noteworthy that the same Morales talks about the failure of a policy and forget that only a few months earlier, in the same space, acknowledged the progress of that policy ... Forgot what it means to consistency?

Some figures used to compare the prevailing situation in the country
2000 and the current situation. This year there were 3,706 kidnappings, while in 2008 the number of kidnappings was 437. Moreover, in May this year there were only five kidnappings , the figure lowest in the history of the statistics that are maintained in this heinous crime. This means that 10 kidnappings a day to be suffered in 2000, has managed to reach only five kidnappings a month ... Morales will make a difference?

Similarly, in 2000 the Institute of Forensic Medicine reported 26,540 homicides and a rate of 63 homicides per 100 thousand inhabitants. Last year, the
number of homicides reached 16,140 and a violent death rate of 33 homicides per 100,000 inhabitants. However, there are other figures 2008, published by Legal Medicine, speaking of 15,250 16,318 homicides in 2007, ie a reduction of 6.5 percent. However

not forget that the 2000 figures were not the highest: in 2002
, for example, there were 28,837 homicides, a figure very close to the records in 1991 (28,280) 1992 (28.225) and 1993 (28,048).

Another statistic that can serve as reference for the evaluation of the Democratic Security is the number of victims
massacres: in 2002 there were 680 deaths, while in 2008 169 victims were reported.

take one example: As the carjacking, we found that in 2001
, Colombia had 1,840 cases while in 2008, according to its own detractor of Democratic Security, the figure was 646 .

How many municipalities in the country were completely unprotected in 2002? At that time,
157 municipal police presence lacked even some had nearly a decade without service. But it was more serious this year, nearly 480 mayors dispatched outside of their municipalities. Today, except for some threats from the FARC, and some military-political attempts of terrorism to hit the governors, mayors and council members remain in their municipalities.

A little honesty would be enough to recognize the significant progress that has taken on security Colombia: kidnapping

Reduction: 88% Reduction Period 2000-2008
murders: 45% Reduction Period 2002-2008
carjacking : 65% Period 2001-2008

facts rather than propaganda mean, demonstrate the success of the Democratic Security policy. The figures speak for themselves and despite the desperate efforts of commentators El Espectador , it's easy to make clear the meanness and baseness to which they arrive to try to confuse the public.

However, the radicalization of some fans desperate uribofóbicos can not create a blind and protective reaction of the policy, it would be a blunder almost equal to that of Morales, unaware that a strategy should include steps to deepen dynamic in certain respects and to address contingencies that were not originally planned. The same advances

Democratic Security have created new scenarios to be included in the strategy: the number of demobilized exceeds expectations and that it had generates neglect for some individuals who can not enter rehabilitation programs. This necessarily implies that a group will return to crime and the state must address this serious criminal contingency.

Similarly, the Government and society must be aware of the peculiarity of the current situation as the country is experiencing a conflict with armed groups like the FARC, ELN and criminal gangs, while a stage is being developed post-conflict involving, in addition to rehabilitation, the increase of crimes on behalf of the reinstatement of some individuals to criminal activity. As deepen the drop and neglect fighters (for themes budgetary or otherwise), crime figures marked an upward trend, although not as strong structures, nor have territorial control, are more easily neutralized by the authorities.

Another obvious fact is that impunity hits any security policy. In addition to the traditional apathy, the result of helplessness and mediocrity of the Colombian legal system, legislation is weak against criminal phenomena, which requires a thorough review to address these structures resulting in impunity.

Candidates who are betting on Democratic Security should raise the new generation this successful political realities can be pregnant because overflows in certain aspects that are a result of the good results. Therein lies the first challenge for the candidates: how they will improve and deepen the democratic security policy?

By Jaime Restrepo. Director of Atrabilioso.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Women Big Viganas Picturs

research UnoAmerica Chavez meddling in Peru

Lock Alejandro Peña, chairman of the Democratic Union of Organizations of America came to Peru to learn about the violence in Bagua, Amazon region of that country . According to Peña Lock there is enough evidence to warn the intervention of the Forum of Sao Paulo.

The Journal Caretas published a lengthy report describing the factors that are present in the conflict. Other characters are consistent with the noted Venezuelan foreign intervention, as the same President Alan Garcia and Luis Vasquez Villamar of the Committee on the Constitution of Bolivia who has criticized the interference of Evo Morales. Lock

Peña reported that carrying out an investigation UnoAmerica on foreign intervention in the Slaughter of Bagua, Peru, and in turn, provides in Peru, all the information as an expert The Forum of Sao Paulo, about how this crime has worked in Africa, taking part in similar operations in other countries with the sole purpose of replacing democratic governments by governments sympathetic to the socialist model advanced by Hugo Chávez.

Plot to oust Alan García
UnoAmerica reported that a plan is underway to overthrow the President of Peru, Alan Garcia, orchestrated by indigenous sectors belonging to the so-called Forum of Sao Paulo. According

UnoAmerica, destabilization and violence that currently takes place in the Amazon Peruvian maneuver is identical to the implementation by the indigenous movement led by Evo Morales in 2003 to overthrow the Bolivian president Gonzalo Sanchez de Lozada.

then, Morales took advantage of popular unrest, sparked by the government's intention to export gas through Chilean ports, to cause violence and chaos. Once ousted Sánchez de Lozada claimed that the operation was financed by Hugo Chavez.

In January 2001, Ecuadorian President Jamil Mahuad also was overthrown by a coup orchestrated by the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador (CONAIE), through demonstrations very similar to those now in Peru promotes the Association for the Development of the Peruvian Rainforest (AIDESEP), chaired by Alberto Pizango.

The ADISEP is part of an international indigenous network does not fight for Aboriginal rights, but manipulates them and uses them as cannon fodder to achieve political power. The AIDISEP attended the World Social Forum in Caracas in January 2006, which was funded by the government of Hugo Chávez.

noteworthy that Hugo Chávez, Evo Morales, the Bolivian indigenous movements, CONAIE and the Socialist Party of Peru, making common cause with the AIDESEP, all belong to the Forum of Sao Paulo.

In short, actors, procedures, goals and ideologies that characterized the violence which in the Peruvian Amazon, indicate that it is the repetition of a script designed in Cuba, funded by Venezuela and implemented by International Indianism to take control of another Latin American government.

The genesis of the coup attempt
The violence which in early June in Bagua (Peruvian Amazon), fully consistent with the guidelines issued by the Fourth Continental Summit of Indigenous Peoples, held last month in the shores of Lake Titicaca. According

the final statement Summit in 6500 attended by representatives of various nations, it was agreed "mobilize our organizations in defense of the struggle of indigenous peoples in the Peruvian Amazon against privatizing their territories standards and natural resources and organize them in the first week of June in front of the Embassy of Peru in each of our countries. "

The statement added that" indigenous and peasant organizations of Peru agreed to an immediate National Peoples of Peru in June 2009 demanding the repeal of the decrees indigenous anti that the FTA with the United States. "

also announced the impeachment of President Alan Garcia "self-coup by the 102 legislative decrees pro FTA privatize indigenous territories and over a thousand leaders persecuted and prosecuted" . And after making a tight defense of the Bolivian government, condemns "the granted political asylum by the government of Peru to the Bolivian genocide."

Many of the organizations that participated in the Summit have a clear Marxist ideological trend, close to the governments of Hugo Chavez and Evo Morales. Therefore, it is no coincidence that just dropped the first killed in Bagua, Bolivian and Venezuelan officials immediately condemned Alan Garcia and supported the rebels.

La Agencia Bolivariana de Noticias (ABN), the official news agency of the Venezuelan government, yesterday published an editorial entitled
Alan Garcia, the native Pizarro massacred with impunity to the people of the Amazon, where accused Peruvian president be a "genocidal" and having a "criminal record."

Following these clashes of Bagua, the Minister of Justice of Bolivia, Torrico Celima not asked about the official version, but immediately condemned Alan Garcia, saying "Solely responsible for this is the current government of the neighboring country (Peru)."

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Brent Corrigan For Free

The charter of impunity

A police car moves through a city street. In a batch, the officers observed something called care: an individual is holding a girl while she, with all his might, trying to withdraw.

The police arrive at the site of the facts. The woman screams as the attacker tries to escape. At capture, the subject states that it is a senior judiciary and for that reason they can not stop, or process, as he has jurisdiction and the police have no jurisdiction to even put the handcuffs.

Victim of aggression establishes the complaint and take legal medicine certificates attesting that the injuries are consistent with those produced in the struggle of a violation. Do the evidence and testimony can be dismissed because the police have no jurisdiction to investigate the officer?

This is what is happening with some members of the high courts, in an investigation into drug trafficking and money laundering are the names of several judges. With this evidence it was decided to deepen the investigation to establish whether the lawyers had appeared accidentally or commercial relations with the investigation.

After the investigation it was determined that
There are grounds to justice criminal investigation President of the State Council, Rafael Ostau Lafont, the judge of the Court Yesid Ramirez, the magistrate of the Supreme Judicial Council José Alfredo Escobar Araújo, and former Judge Carlos Isaac Nader.

statement by the President reported that the Information and Financial Analysis (UIAF) studied the Suspicious Activity Reports from some citizens and their possible links with people involved in illegal activities which could be involved some judges. Lighter

: Suspicious Activity Reports are based on forms that are filed to open a bank account, or CDT, or to purchase stocks, or insurance, or will perform any transaction that exceeds a specified amount .
Since 2000 these forms, more information must be supplied by banks on movements of large sums of money are processed by the UIAF.

This information, which is also crossed with the
Muisca system allows to determine the origin and destination of assets. Even UIAF has established financial connections among criminals, politicians and businesses belonging to foreign governments .

The response to the UIAF statement is illuminating. The president of the Supreme Court spoke of competition and abuse of functions. Certainly the Charter 91 says that the natural judge of the judges is Congress. Does the UIAF condemned? No. On the contrary, made an investigation in which a cross-linked and emerging once verified the material, made available to the competent authorities.

It is absurd to think that if a judge runs over and kills a pedestrian, and Forensic Medicine with the Traffic Police make the collection of evidence, the judicial officer or his companions go to the media to question the competence of the collection of evidence.

trying to undo the scandal has a rationale: if the investigation of the UIAF are compelling, her reasons for the DAS traces the judges would have validity, as they were investigating the links of a suspected drug trafficking and money laundering with some characters that despite the charge that they are sold, can not forget who they are and are citizens with rights and duties.

However, evidence of legal cynicism is reflected in the statements
of President of the Interinstitutional Commission for Justice, Maria Mercedes Lopez, who said in response to complaints of alleged suspicious behavior of some judges, they must respect the presumption of innocence.

Caramba! Now, when water touches them if they come out to howl at the presumption of innocence. However, when their failures have been mired in third with signs that have not been proven in court, there does not operate the vaunted presumption ... Or is that the Minister Diego Palacio has already been convicted in a trial?

What's more, Ms. Lopez called diplomacy and prudence to manage information ... try it: one of the investigated Judge Yesid Ramirez is assistant chief magistrate Iván Velásquez, the untouchable of phantom records, experienced search engine expert witnesses in canteens and exclude witnesses to refute his "research" or to benefit their prey. Does diplomacy so requested by the Judge?

In turn, the judges who hide behind the wall of robes and show solidarity criminal body, should agree to pursue any research and not resort to insults legalistic to prevent the country come to know the crooked, corrupt and treacherous intentions of some of his companions: that rather than the undeserved rights and privileges, if it benefits democracy.

By Jaime Restrepo. Director of Atrabilioso.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Where Is Nick Berry 2010

The State of Aggression

Various media have reported recently the President Uribe's hobby refer to the "state of mind", a supposed "higher phase of the rule of law." The first time I read a comment about it could not understand even remotely hinting. In have reproduced several examples use of that expression, which give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe meaning of this strange occurrence. And the truth is that nothing good pint.

The mere name of finding it annoying. If one stops to think the only thing that is similar the "opinion vote," a term used to explain the anomaly of Colombian democracy, where the fact that people vote according to their ideas and not on illegal incentives offered the "machinery" for his vote is the most honorable. As if someone printed "legitimate child" in their business cards. Outside of Colombia, "opinion vote" is a incomprehensible. As it would be "carbon biology." The votes that were not "opinion" would be considered fraudulent.

not overstretch To comment on this post just one sentence that seems to sum up the spirit encouraging the new finding of government: Here
laws do not determine the Presidency. Hardly the majority of Congress. All are subject to rigorous scrutiny, and finally to a rigorous constitutional scrutiny.
So the state of opinion is the majority approval of government policies. The first thing scary is the blatant lie: how will be "rigorous" scrutiny popular? This is the most obvious contradiction in terms, the "popular" is almost by definition it is not rigorous. Who evaluates the popular approval of each measure? But that's the first thing that frightens not what is most frightening. The worst thing is that if enough opinion more than enough laws. And what about advertising: a plebiscite system to build on the success of the propaganda arts of the president to impose what they want at the point of referendums.

You can not stop looking at the political regimes in the Third World, and Colombia is one of them, but as a classroom of unruly students, undisciplined and conflict for which mature democracies always have a suspicious look and severe. Many may react with nationalist emotion to this idea, thinking it must be subjected to such scrutiny. But just compare the results of all the statistics to understand there is no alternative to assimilation to these democracies.

And what more can damage a student's integration problem is resistance to adhere to the protocol: who knows what may have occurred, by which performance will worsen and the doors open for other correctional, as you know all teachers. The idea of \u200b\u200bcounting the view is a common occurrence with all dictatorships, like the pompous names are to refer to such occurrences (impossible not to remember the "organic democracy
" of fascism).

Most worrying is the sense that the president is circling of sycophants and is losing the notion of reality. Popularity is something that can be lost at any time and does not guarantee success, as happened to Fujimori (who was the first populist
had a broad popular support thanks to television ). Also the continuity of government policies is a legitimate concern and we must defend, but the polls could choose something else. The president is not the owner of the job, but who has received a mandate which expires on August 7, 2010.

If Uribe was aware of the issues that Colombian democracy abroad and the enemy so powerful that it would not yield to the temptation to promote such occurrences. The fact that half the BBC as a propaganda play someone like Holman Morris provides an example of the threats to democratic rule and the continuity of government policies. No one could do no better gift to friends of the FARC and the left called democratic rhetoric reminiscent of dictatorships or semi-dictatorship in neighboring countries, and they just serve to delegitimize the majority view that liberal democracy support the polls.

By Jaime Ruiz. Columnist of Atrabilioso.

Cruising Places At Kolkata


is not only the robbery, physical violence, and its maximum degree murder, the aggression is felt everywhere in a permanent and widespread disrespect for others. On the road

all compete aggressively and risky because it is a post below, the bikes will cross in front of moving vehicles, the pass on the left or right, filtered between two or between them and the margin of the road, and buses, "imposing excessive amount of" authority "that gives them larger. In households aggressiveness is encouraged by parents and reproduced by children in schools (one case is known in college) by superiors, ie, for those who teach and multiply this phenomenon.

and completely missed the shame of being caught in irregularities, ethical and / or legal, anything goes to their advantage, they say that competition, while tests are not legal sanction. The agreements are broken and the word disrespect. The business is done with the "trap" preconceived, and being discovered using the gun because there is no confidence in justice.

Overall interpersonal relationships are perceived aggression, manipulation and intolerance. Individuals have become useful to produce benefit to others and are "significant" damage and are feared, or safe and are trampled. He who has a position of power, use it shamelessly to gain respect (as if it came from the human condition) and take revenge on the enemy which has a physical or intellectual superior, equal, and he who has a gun or money to pay a hit man, shoot. It is the law of the jungle.

So this city was not just a half century ago Something changed. Many things have changed the: perhaps the supreme value of money, which resulted in the drug trade, tourism and globalization, which promotes the exchange with other cultures, the bad example, it is no longer possible to hide "leaders; basic needs-growing ones and others, which imposes unnecessary development, advertising and media, the social gap, lack of opportunities and gainful employment, the rural exodus to the cities, demobilization and reinsertion taught individuals to obtain weapons, the limitations imposed by the authorities to informal work-for-honest without trying to create new jobs, and better pay, and the politics and bad government, and many more.

Aggression is typical of the disagreement with impotence to achieve with reasonable effort, a better life, wanting: it is an expression of despair and unhappiness.

citizenship proposes all measures, and asks the head of the police chief and tweaks to the highest authority district; requires militarize the city, remove the broiler bikes, lowering their the displacement may, prohibit, eliminate helmet wearing or to bear arms, among others. But neither can nor should do everything that is proposed, in many cases the poor would be worse, and other harmless. The solution is partly cultural, and culture change with advances in technology, education and good example: only as a last resort to repression.

Yances By Miguel Peña. Columnist for El Universal of Cartagena.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Pokemon Rub Vba Gameshark

The massive political kidnapping: a strategy to force the FARC

The same strategy was used in the assembly of the Valley: the council of Garzon, Huila, they said they had to get them out of the place because there was a bomb threat. But something must happen at the last moment, because the terrorists abandoned their intention to conduct a massive political kidnapping plagiarizing chose only one of the councilors.

What happened at the Council of Garzon is a tragedy foretold. Pressures for a humanitarian seek to perpetuate the kidnapping to ensure the validity of the FARC in the political and military. The terrorist strategy of kidnapping is not unlike what happened in Israel, which in bad times, and carried away by internal and external pressures, agreed to a kind of legalized
exchange of prisoners has proved a resounding failure.

To this aim the FARC and his minions, to legalize the exchange of "prisoners", now under the false name syrupy humanitarian. Upon acceptance of the mechanism, or the country bowed to criminal purposes, the FARC increased political kidnapping to get their most important murderers, explosives experts, ideologues and recruiters. Of step, politically, will show the image of humanitarian mendacious are their civilian allies.

The situation is astonishing simplicity: to be reached to realize this mechanism, the FARC would indiscriminate use of the exchange and the country recover the dishonorable first place in the ranks of kidnapping in the world.

Just as Hamas or Hezbollah makes exchange of hundreds of terrorists for a handful of bodies, the FARC and their spokesmen have announced that they will do the same with the remains of more Julián Ernesto Guevara. Meanwhile, their spokesmen travel abroad to lobby the government and obtain the surrender on the grounds of humanitarian action liar.

In the middle of the Colombian case are for peace. After a week the terrorist attack, the group has not commented on what happened in Garzón, Huila. Is that Uribe's decision to exclude the issue of release "humanitarian" could bring the FARC to push his way, for their civil leaders recover the space that the government took from them.

The basic logic of the FARC is that with a new mass political kidnapping, the Government will be forced to seek the mediation of Colombians for peace and for that path, regained the Piedad Córdoba has lost in recent weeks. Is that unless an election year presidential, and when they have already started some campaigns, the screenshots that give the media fail to Mrs. Cordova, and the heir of Manuel Cepeda, is a difficult loss in the political game of combining all forms of struggle.

However, Senator Córdoba maintains a 2% in the polls, and appears as the more liberal electoral support with a view to a referendum.

In this sense, the FARC and the Colombian peace have had considerable assistance from the media and pollsters to keep Piedad Cordoba in the opinion polls. If she is not registered as a frontrunner of liberalism, why is it appearing? It seems that not know the true intentions of the Senator and that his stay in the polls is held to keep her little effect and so let him give the blow on behalf of an independent movement of many parts of the country, but not the FARC: Colombia for peace.

So, what happened in Garzon is an alarm that turns on what they can do the FARC and his minions, to influence the 2010 elections. At the end of the Colombian assume that the return to give in to terrorist pressure to make concessions as with Pablo Escobar and extradition ... ignore the fact that the country has changed and this was demonstrated for seven years.

AL CLOSURE: Uribe scolded the military for what happened in Garzón, Huila. You are correct that you can not give up, and repeatedly has said that the "snake is alive." However, the nagging need to extend some of its officials and former officials, who have even said that
FARC is just a brand . Long warned about the inconvenience triumphalism of some sectors that Garzón Uribe took the lives of four people and ended with the kidnapping of an alderman.

By Jaime Restrepo. Director of Atrabilioso.

Friday, June 5, 2009

What Are Supplementary Examples

Please do not kill them!

Under well-weighted virtuoso Daniel Ortega, his fellow Hugo Chavez and Evo Morales traveled to the inauguration of Mauricio Funes, because it was in motion a plan to kill them.

When I heard it, came over me that connoisseurs call it deja vu, because just months ago, Chavez failed to attend a presidential summit in El Salvador, precisely for that reason. "I could invent another excuse," he said.

Minutes later, the learned chancellor of the country, Nicolas Maduro, said that among the suspects in the "assassination" would be the "far right" Alejandro Pena Esclusa.

"How do I explain this to my colleagues from the Brazilian Academy of Philosophy, just give me the title of member of that organization?" I thought, "What will tell fellow of the prestigious newspaper La Nueva Provincia, which I am honored to become a correspondent? ". As for my family and friends, I do not bother to explain, and are accustomed to Chavez saddled me as "coup" and "conspiracy" is unleashed in Latin America.

"Wow" I said to myself "and go two assassinations, because just a month ago I was accused of orchestrating the assassination of Evo Morales."

I must confess that surfaced a grin on my lips, "I have an aversion to the wheel", I thought, "well, with the activity so intense that performance What time could organize not one but two assassinations?".

Maduro can see that he's never written an article, much less a book because you did, you would know that the number of characters you write per month will not leave time for military adventures, especially if I have to travel constantly to establish chapters UnoAmerica in various cities worldwide.

I decided to drop the issue, considering another episode of revolutionary propaganda, but Chavez insisted so much that I ended up suspecting that maybe there was something mounted.

"What madness!" I said to myself "Is there anyone so foolish as to intend to kill Chavez and Evo?". Shudder at the thought of the death of a human being, but in this case would be committed also a historical and political mistake.

Within a few months, Chavez and Morales are "dead", but not physically, but politically. Just wait until the economic crisis and administrative mismanagement of both the rulers and thrown to the pit of humiliation and rejection popular. Kill would undoubtedly add new Che the pantheon of the Revolution.

If a terrorist is preparing assassinations, I request, dear readers, to send you these my words of advice: "Be patient, do not resort to violence, the revolution is dying, not only in Bolivia and Venezuela, but also at home Sandino, and in any other place where levane flag XXI Century Socialism? ... So Why waste powder in vulture? "(1).

(1) Vulture: Vulture, vulture, vulture.

By Alejandro Peña Flood. Atrabilioso columnist.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Can Olive Oil Burn Horses Skin

With curly facts and stratum

The month of June began with relevant political news: Time released a poll Datexco where Sergio Fajardo exceeds by about 14 points of his nearest contender , Juan Manuel Santos. So far, all coincided with what was being said in the political gossip. However

night was published in "The Great Survey" of
Ipsos - Napoleon Franco in which completely changed the landscape: Sergio Fajardo not only lost the lead, but passed the third Instead of voting preferences, an election year. To make matters worse, Fajardo was overcome by Juan Manuel Santos, who is still undecided and still does not start (would you do?) With his campaign for the presidency, and by Andrés Felipe Arias, who is not only in campaign, but kept alive and force his candidacy.

RCN channel organized a debate with candidates or candidates who occupied the top five in the survey. From the outset Juan Manuel Santos said no. Bad thing for someone who must work to get some tune with the voters and trying to show some charisma.

Another said it was Carlos Gaviria Diaz, probably because he knows that his inconsistencies they will explode sooner than later. He knows he has his machines inside the Polo. But it is not enough and try to seduce or win back voters, I just do not need is a debate that could make it difficult against this monster of oratory and the coldness that is Gustavo Petro ... What a lack of confidence in the Gaviria oil used to refine the clientele of the radical left!

Those who accepted the invitation were Sergio Fajardo, Andrés Felipe Arias, Gustavo Petro, Antanas Mockus and Germain Vargas Lleras. They even sent representatives to the draw which took place hours before the debate. What is more, the visionaries were enrolled Mockus the respective invitations to see the former mayor at the debate. I filled my naive enthusiasm for being about to witness a confrontation between Andrés Felipe Arias, and Gustavo Petro, who do not took the body to debate ... is the minimum that citizens can demand a candidate.

But something changed. Sergio Fajardo said he would not attend because "He was the only one of the participants who come to the end" . The results of the "major survey" had hit Fajardo strongly independent. Having two such different measurements can not be easy for any vain, and less if, as they say, bordering Fajardo narcissism.

At the time questioned the President's decision-candidate debates did not attend the election of pride for he was winning: winner known policy may end after the election, in recognition loser.

The justification for Fajardo smell fear ... hopefully that because the other would be terrible: the stench coming from a complex of superiority over their adversaries by the favorable position in the polls ... Well, until yesterday.

However, an election year without candidates identified in other sectors, the justification for Sergio Fajardo is a fumble. If he goes all the way and the others depend on consultations and personal decisions of others, just Fajardo is the call to go first, then every occurrence, every debate and every confrontation with the possible contenders, is an opportunity to show their political advantage and purposes beyond the charisma and sympathy aroused .

In this vein, demonstrating that his speech Fajardo is not structured, which has no clear ideas and that a confrontation is afraid to be defeated. He has said he wants a debate with height, but this is only possible insofar as they are faced with their adversaries and show that it is able to manage his temper to keep the confrontation in a programmatic ... course, if you have even a draft program to defend, otherwise it is better to flee from the scenes of debate as it did in the last hours.

the other at the last minute refused to attend the debate was Germain Vargas Lleras. Know the reasons, but one can assume that eluded the appointment by the poor results: a complete Lleras, of the same kind of large Felipe Zuleta, can not be in a situation so dire in the polls.

A year after the elections, with all the water must pass under the bridge, things are well: Juan Manuel Santos does not want to jump into the ring, awaiting the results of the referendum, which is going to hurt if the query no be passed as a candidate for improvisation. Sergio Fajardo continues to fuel his enigmatic image, but passing the buck may discourage his supporters: the independent voter likes to watch and listen to their candidate in different locations and above all, know proposals, they have conspicuous by its absence in the campaign Fajardo. Carlos Gaviria is afraid of its machinery and unafraid to take Petro. And Germain Vargas Lleras ... I returned from Spain?

END: Gustavo Petro's decision to participate in the consultation of the PDA makes it an important position for the 2014 elections. He knows that he has to do to win within the left, but is aware of what will happen to the Polo in the next election: a reduced number of votes the party to its proper proportions. With the decision to leave the blame for the debacle rests with Lucho Garzón and not on him.

And to top it off, what happened to Rafael Pardo Rueda does not appear in the polls? So is a bad thing?

By Jaime Restrepo. Director of Atrabilioso.

Watch Episodes Of Los Hombres De Paco

Moral Challenges of the VIS

I read a lot of attention in an article Apuleius of Plinio Mendoza on the illegal wiretapping scandal attributed to the DAS and posted on the ABC a paragraph like this:

Thanks to Felipe, I knew scandalous injustices as revealed by magazines such as "week" (which was its first director 25 years ago) and "Change." I asked the directors, good and honest my friends, rectify what is published about them, and I always listened. Knew where the false testimony.

is a constant in the writings of Mendoza. Can we really believe that the directors of week Change and honest? The same ever read on the then director and general editor of Time , Santos and Mr. Pombo. But the attribution high-minded to anyone who has a high social or intellectual seems a passion for this author. For example, in a written for many years on the causes of the accession of the English American intellectuals to communism reads:

Sartre did this apostasy. Just saw petrified in a bureaucratic caste of Soviet socialism, chose to support other ramblings: Maoism and the Third World wilder. "I was reminded today fever-French writer and journalist Jean Daniel, referring to the prologue to the book written by Sartre The Wretched of the Earth by Frantz Fanon -read what they could not find a colonized salvation but in the murder of a settler and a black in a white ".

I hasten to say that was not hers a case of dishonesty . Sartre was a man deeply honest . So was Julio Cortázar, who I met near: candid and honest. Simply French and Argentina, as many Europeans and many American intellectuals were seduced by an intellectual utopia seemed condemned to certain death to liberal democracy and the economy market and painted with bright lines the road to a classless society. did not see them, then, the unfortunate reality of a system, but its ideological exaltation.

can start with Sartre, who will believe that is dishonest? That will kill the settler and colonized black to white, is said to reflect an honest man, straight, what you would call a fair. And that's to say nothing of China's Cultural Revolution, which caused great enthusiasm: young people inspired by reading the Red Book chasing officials designated by the representatives of the Great Helmsman, what would be a similar image resistible for an honest man? I do not know if Sartre knew the achievements of Democratic Kampuchea, but I'm sure that would have applauded his honesty. For

Cortázar You can say the same: if the crime encouraged and propagated the same fallacies that you hear and read today in the media of the friends of terrorism, not because I had a perverse calculation on their popularity and their royalties, but because he was excited a just world in which writers such as he received the praise of the crowds (May 1968 made him a superstar ) and were automatically friends of the new rulers. Why they would not be honest? Both Castro and Ortega were the friendly and welcoming to Cortazar, and even admired.

The latest novel by Cortázar, Manuel book is about a group of revolutionaries Argentines prepare the abduction of a person responsible for repression. The publication of this work in Argentina in 1974, at the height of the urban guerrillas of the ERP and Montoneros was a great event, and no doubt had a hand in the wave of terror and chaos that paved the way for the dictatorship of Videla. The naivete of the man had much to do with the sacrifice of many young people who joined criminal gangs lured by a more historicist rhetoric similar to that of the Falange of what its proponents would like. (Of course, to be read by Colombians this means nothing: who will deal with reading the rhetoric of the Falange? If something is synonymous with "primitivism" is "prejudice.")

both the novel and other texts Cortázar endorsed niceties like this, attributed to the wife of a leader of the Brazilian urban guerrillas:

is necessary to realize that violence, hunger, violence, poverty, violence, oppression, violence and underdevelopment, violence, torture, leading to violence, kidnapping, violence, terrorism, violence, guerrilla, and it is very important to understand who implements of violence: if the that cause poverty or those who fight against it ...

What they are saying a model of honesty. The great writer was not able to understand that coups to seize and submit all the people are not very good ways to fight poverty. To him, in his naivete, enough rhetoric, the proclaimed enemies of poverty and attributed to others. But there are many examples of its accession to the Cuban regime, for which he wrote the most exalted dithyrambs, even long after they met the concentration camps and the persecution of dissident writers.

Given these examples of honesty one can be thinking about who may be dishonest? If these great sages unanimously recognized and indisputable intelligence are enthusiastic about a historical project that begins abducting and killing people, imprisoning ends and killing people en masse, what responsibility will be those who follow? Here we get to an old Colombian issue: who complete high school does not provide military service, who just can not break the law college, who is of good family can not be immoral. That view certainly corresponds to the social origin of Apuleius Plinio Mendoza, but also has to do with his own career. For example, in a recent column Weather says:

is likely, therefore, that those who defend those unjustly accused military support to Uribe, do not believe in dialogue or in the sanctity of the Polo Democrático or the Colombians for Peace we watched sympathetically as examples of an entrenched right. Old ideas or Goths, to think. But understand, dammit. I also went through there. Maybe I was even further. When I was leader of the Young MRL sent to Cuba, to indoctrinate them, more than forty boys. And several of them, returning, created the ELN.

The first thing one feels like a test of cynicism is inconceivable that the friends of Pliny A. Mendoza directed Weather, Week Change and believe in the sanctity of the PDA. But he understands, because he himself lived blindfolded to forty years. Is that the only way we dishonest are the ones who read the writings of these philanthropists and they are the most open interest in the return of the massacres and the recovery of the FARC.

The truth is that as a person close to the pinnacle of political power in Colombia in mid-twentieth century, Mendoza will have spent his youth dreaming of the highest dignities, as is obligatory in these people. In that there is nothing wrong, as people than as animal needs is almost unique goals and command recognition. The problem is the finding of the rhetoric that would enable him to realize the dream of Gaitán, a friend of his father, lead the masses and make power. The Revolution Cuba was the perfect model. Communism was the shortcut to power as it is for friends who are blindfolded.

If you think someone like alias Alfonso Cano is unable to determine when to start the head of the FARC to be dishonest unlike Sartre, Cortázar, Santos, Pombo and Brown. Would be more mestizo than Che Guevara, whom Cortázar admired and praised it bluntly, will be less honest? But that same could be said of all guerrilla leaders, except those who are pure mercenaries and ambitious than have to deal with ordering the castrations and executions. That is, unlike those who are of lower strata.

And while not understanding that responsibility of those who think and write, those belonging to underprivileged social groups simply going to be tolerable to kill people with rhetorical send subtle and elegant, the real culprits are those who have not read enough to handle.

By Jaime Ruiz. Atrabilioso columnist.