Friday, May 29, 2009

Pasong Tamo Male Waxing

alliance between Latin American rural producers

field producers in Latin America are under attack. The attacks are manifested in different ways, but share the same origin: the XXI Century Socialism and its allies, gathered around the Forum of Sao Paulo.

In Venezuela, farmers are victims of four strokes: price controls, forcing them to sell their products below production cost, the Colombian guerrillas to extortion and kidnapping to producers, with the approval of government of Chavez, an ally of the FARC, the invasions of the most productive lands, sponsored by the party of government, and legal uncertainty, since the Chavez seeks to end private property, either through expropriation, or through ignorance of titles.

In Brazil, the Landless Workers Movement invades lands and farms, with the support of the Workers' Party (PT) and the so-called "liberation theology." While Lula said to respect property, Joao Pedro Stedile, leader of the Landless, acts with impunity in Brazil, with support from the authorities.

In Argentina, the disproportionate increase in the retention (Export duties) and bans the export of certain products, drown producers, particularly smaller ones, although the Kirchner government boasts of defending the poor.

In Bolivia, the land is threatened by the new Constitution (CPE) and a collectivist agrarian reform Marxist who, together with a racist, stripped almost to the owners of white or mestizo of land, not belonging to "original peoples." In addition, the promulgation of decrees and resolutions, as the Supreme Decree No.29480, ban certain exports and stifle the producer.

In the other Latin American nations, rural producers face similar threats and attacks, but the goal is the same: destroy the private agricultural sector and replaced by cooperatives and revolutionary Marxists, dependent on the ruling.

So far, the sectors of the field trying to fend off attacks exclusively within the national territory, without realizing that this is a regional crackdown that has the same origin and the same actors.

If the farmers of Latin America came together to discuss its merits, would find that the actions against them are almost identical, allowing them to design a successful strategy continental defense, against an enemy who is also a continental.

By Alejandro Peña Flood. Atrabilioso columnist.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Alpine Subwoofer Diagram

New subversive threats against the XXI century socialism

The Chavez regime has entered a critical phase of extreme paranoia in detecting enemies everywhere.

In the past identified as potential threats, calls attention to a child who visited us for years in the Sahara desert and eagerly sought to protect the only flower that existed on your planet. No more, no less! The Prince has been mentioned by Chavez as an enemy of the revolution as has happened also to Don Quixote and many other characters that really matter.

I wanted to become Sherlock Holmes to find the tracks of the insurgent activities of The Prince. In so many beautiful words spoken by the character during their stay on earth, dug carefully to see if you suddenly discover the evidence could have led to revolutionary Chavez and his minions, to banish the little visitor.

would have something to do with the vanity of the landlord (the tenant is a thing of the past) in Miraflores? I do not know. But it may raise suspicions of "counterrevolutionary" activity and "imperialist" Case The Prince issued on the subject: "vain For all other men are admirers."

Nothing more perverse for the Bolivarian revolution that someone can accommodate this sentence to Hugo Chávez Frías. That filling buses for the subject to attend the demonstrations and shouting speeches in favor of socialism in the XXI century, but especially for the great leader of the revolution, can be interpreted as an act of vanity.

Will The Little Prince anticipated the Venezuelan caudillo? Could it be that Chavez and his exile to recognize the child, which effectively is just a vain tyrant who sees Venezuelans as fans?

Is there evidence that could serve to answer these questions positively. Those who are not fans of Chavez and his project, they lost their broadcasting licenses, are persecuted, their property raided and some even end up as refugees in other countries. Anyone who dares to play a different role to the respective admiration and adulation, lost honor, liberty and property on behalf of the futility of socialism promoted by Chavez.

All this would seem sufficient, at the Chavez paranoia, to banish the interplanetary traveler. But no. I think you need more, at least an additional sentence that is capable of supporting the measure "Revolutionary." And I found

: "For kings, the world is greatly simplified. All men are subjects. "
These words are very dangerous for the Bolivarian regime, then suddenly someone realizes that Chavez is the Venezuelan people (and the vast majority of Latin Americans) as the subjects of its expansionist project.

Needless to say, very few like to be subjects, let alone realize that for years, a tyrant has been treated as such.

Fans, subjects: two words that describe the concept that citizens have Chávez. Therefore the unwavering struggle "revolution" to make it vulnerable to the greatest possible number of Venezuelans, for only then, Chavez can keep the fans and subjects that depend on the regime to survive, a lazy parasite.

The decree of exile

Part of the structure of the "revolution" Chavez is supported by the radical change of meaning of words. Last April, Hugo Rafael opened the Revolutionary Plan Reading are looking for, according to the tyrant, "the construction of a new ethic towards education and social culture that promotes humanistic values cultural and framed in the conception of women and men again. "

However, it seems that the new man can not be" contaminated "with material that subverts the chaos it seeks to impose socialism in the XXI century. Furthermore: not broadcast all the Bolivarian thought, version Chávez, has no place in the PRL. Chavez himself has confessed his purposes: "They accuse us that we are ideological society and I say Yes!" "Yes?

Just for ideological reasons, more than 60 thousand volumes have been withdrawn from public libraries in Venezuela, including The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupery, El Quijote, Miguel de Cervantes and The Mystery of the mummy of Albert Hitchcock ... The Little Prince, Sancho and even a mummy will have to look for better air to his words, things are going, soon emulate Chavez and Stalin promulgated a decree that pornography compare with the Bible, punishable with jail who dares Share your content.

By Jaime Restrepo. Director of Atrabilioso.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

My Doughter In Her Underwhere

The mirror and the Pendulum

In the movie Duck Soup can see the famous scene in which the president of Freedonia, Groucho Marx, he wanders around his palace with her nightgown and nightcap, and is an imposter who is dressed well and try to convince you is a mirror. It's the same task in which there are many politicians in many countries since the triumph of Obama try to present one's own situation as a reflection of the U.S., resulting in their local version of Obama and the transcript of Bush opponents.

long been exploiting this key element of local propaganda: propaganda peace achieved in 2003 arouse the anti-American mood in Europe and in the English case punishment promote Bush's ally, which anyway was only achieved in 2004 thanks to Islamist terrorists killed 191 people in Madrid three days before the election. Later is a recurring theme of the PSOE government propaganda presented as the local version of Obama, since voters are mostly willing to pay the price of anti-American demagoguery.

But the comparison is rather forced. Zapatero is a mediocre politician whose real job (and the members of his government) is ranting of the opposition party, which because of all the calamities that Spain has undergone in the last year (no, not like in other parts, such as quickly issued prejudice: he is a quality of Chavez, but his audience is less coarse). A connoisseur the former Soviet bloc and the president described English:

Of course, Zapatero shows and at rallies look upset and broken rictus of the Bolshevik leaders in the provinces when they threatened the enemy and prevent the traitor accused meet their brilliance Five Year Plan. Impotent hatred and discord spills everywhere. It is dangerous. In and out can use their seed who did not want us right. Someone should warn. But I say that Zapatero and just listen to the voices she hears inside.

in Colombia also is intended to operate the mirror image, and much of the propaganda campaign of the press against Bush this goal: the fans of Chavez, as William Ospina (but they are virtually all columnists El Espectador ) the banner flying without complex humanitarian curse the day he fell philanthropist friend of Chavez who "ruled" Iraq. Well, do not think they're going to present Wilson Borja as the local Obama, but who would think that the Communist Party will win the election? Less than two decades got 22,000 votes in elections, and certainly the cocaine trafficking that finances the strike force helped create a vast clientele among public employees (Borja was president of Fenaltrase), but the presidential election require many more votes.

No, the "obamoide" Creole is Sergio Fajardo: academic, technocratic, "enlightened" quiet ... The man easily collected the support of the poor local version of Beautiful people . Not many people realize that the vast "Caguán Party" (in which Fajardo need support to form a majority) would be inconceivable in the U.S.. It is difficult to know how far the deception will work, first because Colombia is very tight and "obamofilia" is rather an attitude of the same kind of people who voted for Carlos Gaviria in 2006, and second because maybe the image of also admired by William Ospina! not so good in a year: his conciliatory attitude has emboldened Chavez, Ahmadinejad and North Korean tyrant, as indeed was expected. Can that despite the propaganda the location of the source of problems in the perversity or stupidity of Bush do not convince many people in 2010.

In parallel to this mirror image is another in which they put the hopes of the opposition: the pendulum. I do not know how many opinion columns devoted to complain about the waste of resources in the war against the FARC and have read terrible urban insecurity. The pendulum theory assumes that people are excited about the guerrilla war for a while, until gets tired and starts asking for peace negotiations. It is also a mistake: there are simply times when it takes effect the propaganda of the media de-legitimizing the state and the people tolerate the thugs of the democratic left to impose their will, as with the Constitution of 91. (Well, what is delegitimize democracy, because the state is also the National University from which target the FARC, as evidenced by the alias episode "Cienfuegos" and the Supreme Court, where it lobbies for the business of the murderous gang.)

The pendulum problem for antiuribista faction is a risky play poker, how to get the people are convinced of the need for peace and support allies Piedad Cordoba, as Mr. Fajardo? A good number of bombs in the cities (quite easy for the terrorists, who have thousands of students willing to implement any such campaign) could take effect, but also, given the triumphalism of most Uribe, could encourage vote "warmonger." Appear sharper the victory is given over have always sabotaged and proclaim "enemiguísimos" of the FARC, and even willing to bury refounding the country tend to agree with them, or "disappeared" from public attention.

But these are only reasons (issues) of deception, and perhaps self-deception: the majority of Colombians today want to live in a country whose income grows, the hotels are built and set up businesses. No matter how they paint the redemptive mission of Mr. Fajardo and other doctors, even to repeat that the country sinks for the gifts to the rich, even those who submit to the kidnapping charge (as Mr. Garzon, who spent much of the resources of the citizens in campaigns for the "humanitarian exchange") as emissaries of a country at peace and "reconciled", people know that in recent years have improved their standard of living and increased security. If left drag mirrors to a pendulum can lose everything and end up worse off than in 2002.

By Jaime Ruiz. Atrabilioso columnist.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Best Gaming Motherboard Within 5000 Rs

The truth

two opinion columns Uribe yesterday and today the first, and Do we paint golden birds? the second, written by two former ministers of finance: Guillermo Perry (the government's Social Leap) and Rudolf Hommes (the government of Revolcón) respectively, have a very frightening scenario of the Colombian economy, as in health, for account of the pandemic. There is no doubt the political aims of both.

Perry praises the first two years of government and focuses on the latter to conclude that "For all these reasons, the Uribe today should not be reelected. The worst has been the extreme change in the political style of the regime. Governance is not searched and by exercising leadership, but by granting favors of all kinds. " Comments own an electoral political competition, but nothing good for a WB executive.

is clear that the former minister believes the country has forgotten, in just seven years, how governance was established in the past. It is good to remember that spying to find the Achilles heel of the computer and bend spending, budgets orders of Congress (DSA), public institutions, industrial enterprises and state trading, whole sectors of the economy in the hands of regional political gamonalismo, and the bureaucracy that was removed every two years to make room for everyone. That this has changed somewhat explains the desperation of politicians of yesteryear. On the other hand

Hommes says "economists forecast for 2009 remains poor. The expected growth for 2009 may be negative. Unemployment will rise (already close to 14 percent in large cities and some of them are higher). Investment and exports will fall and household consumption will grow very little.

In the manufacturing sector is expected and a significant drop in trade, transport and construction. The agricultural sector will contribute little or nothing, and that will cushion the fall will be the oil and mining sectors, the Government and the financial sector. The contribution of the latter is not sustainable long term because you can not do better than their customers and bad portfolio is increasing. "

the words of Michel Raid, " one of the problems facing democracies Latin America (LA) is the persistent denial of progress by many academics, journalists and politicians (...) this habit, which contributes to undermining the legitimacy of democratic institutions is not new. Emphasize the positive features of Colombia is particularly daring in a country where part of the intellectual elite for years, not decades, is dedicated to pointing out its failures, its physical and human misery, and ridicule their achievements. It is time to release some of the AL more defeatist and whimsical readings of their own history, a time to look more into the future at least cautious optimism. "

If one examines the statistics with a broader horizon, and without bias, you may notice that while some indices have deteriorated in recent months, are still better than those of previous governments. A reliable indicator of the state of the economy and its trend is the demand for electricity, for two indisputable reasons: first, that the measure is physical (electronic, not opinion) and in real time, and secondly that the sector is not politicized. The lawsuit, after a sharp fall in February, returned in March and April its annual average, to be seen in May, already completed. However

three exogenous events that compete to please the pessimistic view politicized sectors of opinion: first, the global economic and financial crisis, the second, the closeness of an electoral process and the resulting uncertainties; and third, the delay in the passage of NAFTA, which could cool the interest of investors.

Yances By Miguel Peña. Columnist for El Universal of Cartagena.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Zankou's Chicken Tarna

Economy and Politics in Latin America

An economist told me that his profession was basically speculation. Well stand by this description, probably light and vague, I did a tour of some economic data have been published in recent days.

found, for example, this year, private capital outflows from Argentina
around U.S. $ 7,600 million (plus U.S. $ 1,500 million a month) and at the end of 2009, the flight could reach U.S. $ 23,100 million.

Why should such a capital flight? According to the magazine Economic America, the situation is explained in the renewed confidence in Argentina's economy. Of course, it is a truism, distrust is the opposite of investor confidence. Although

and investor confidence has begun to wreak havoc in Argentina, a study by International Business Report 2009 reveals that 89% of employers based in Argentina, and for 80% of Brazilians, the legal uncertainty
is a major concerns, which obviously contributed to capital flight in Argentina and is a warning about what could happen to investments in Brazil.

In this regard, Javier Martinez, director of marketing at Grant Thornton, says "legal uncertainty deters foreign and local investment. If you feel that the laws be changed mid-way, it raises concerns and problems within the companies and limits their growth. "

The case of Venezuela is striking: the
wave of nationalizations , arrears in payments to international suppliers, a high deficit trade balance, plummeting more than 55% in exports, corruption and capricious exchange management Chávez government, create a chilling investor confidence, and few left, it seems that they are not by choice or initiative, but the bar has put the government to retain them in any way: "direct investment in Venezuela recorded a surplus of $ 826 million, due to the increase in liabilities private sector against foreign investors. "

This, plus
scare those who still dare to maintain its capital in the volatile country, causes very strong rejection by the close trading partners.

Referring to the dream of Hugo Chavez to enter Mercosur, former Minister of Industry and Trade of Brazil, José Botafogo Gonçalves, says "political project, commercial and economic Chávez - said by him, not for us - is incompatible.

Botafogo goes further and indicates that " Venezuela is not incompatible with Mercosur, but Chavez is. What I want to do not go hand in hand with the objectives market. A common market is a free market and the Bolivarian policy is the opposite of that. "

This is the situation in three countries aligned with the proposed fuzzy
Latin American socialism, led by characters from left to turn are part of the Forum of Sao Paulo. What these data show is that these governments are directly attacking investor confidence and that leads to capital flight in search of safer areas.

In contrast, the faculty of Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, and some private equity firms predict that by 2009 will
one of the best years to invest in the region . According to Latin American Venture Capital Association (LAVCA by its acronym in English) there are several factors that contribute to the expansion of private equity and venture capital in the region, among others, the strong demand of the growing middle class in key markets Mexico, Colombia, Chile and Peru.

All this may simply be a loose collection of data and interpretations and speculative rigged. However, it is at least remarkable that the political trends that cross the sky in Latin America as well be in complete harmony with the economic situations that living in different countries of the region and best wishes are not just for those who are trying to impose socio-political model that destroys the economy, stability and freedom.

By Jaime Restrepo. Director of Atrabilioso.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Dalfour Whitening Dubai

"Lula is the real power behind the Venezuelan leader"

interview published in Il Foglio.

In Bolivia, two weeks ago I visited Leopoldo Fernandez in jail and these are the L and F that marked me. They will stamp an indelible ink with the initials of the detainee you are going to. "

The speaker, showing the back of his right hand, is Alejandro Peña Lock, the leader of the NGO, Solidarity Force, who ran for the presidency of Venezuela in 1998, and since a decade has been challenging and denouncing Chavez and even, frankly, the rest of the opposition that claims to keep believing in an electoral solution, which is now impossible. The aforementioned Fernández, prefect of the department of Pando Amazon opponent Evo Morales, also believed in an electoral solution when, as was confirmed in the recall referendum last August 10 with 56.21% of the votes in his favor. However, he ended up in jail September 16, accused of the crime of "genocide" of the 15 dead and 37 wounded in an incident five days prior to the referendum. In Venezuela, Manuel Rosales, now mayor of Maracaibo after being Zulia state governor and opposition candidate in presidential elections, will have to appear in court at the risk of being arrested over allegations of corruption, similar to those weigh on at least a dozen mayors Chavez, but for which no judge requested that they be jailed. In Nicaragua, Daniel Ortega, has also set up another case against opposition leader Eduardo Montealegre.

"is the crisis that pushes them to more radical regimes, "said Peña Lock, who in his controversial goals include the Department of State of the United States both have always credited the election results in Venezuela, for having suggested the idea that leftist governments in Latin America is divided between a moderate axis led by Lula and Chavez-centered radical axis. "Lula is the real power behind the throne of Chávez," he replies. "There are differences between the conditions of the countries, as explained by the same Lula, Chavez runs a Formula 1 car faster than us, it goes to 300 km per hour and we can only run at 230 or 270 km / h ". In fact, Lula defends Chavez always free so stop doing business with the United States. "Not only Lula and Chavez, but at least fifteen rulers of Latin America belong to the Forum of Sao Paulo: Cluster established by the Cuban Communists and the same Lula's PT party, after the fall of the Berlin Wall. "A new edition of the old Comintern who works at several levels, and for which the traditional parties are not very effective because they just are structured to electoral events."

With In order to counteract the Forum, Lock Peña started an alliance of NGOs at the continental level, called UnoAmerica. "It is not enough electoral time: also must act at the level of civil society and cultural level. "Lock

According to Peña, soon the economic crisis will become a political crisis. But while governments" moderates "such as Brazil and Uruguay will be defeated at the polls election, the Radicals will be tempted to radicalize his speech. "And with the axis between Chavez and Ahmadinejad, there is even the risk of a new missile crisis."

As for Venezuela, Peña Lock does not preclude participation in elections, "provided they are accompanied by the preparation for mass civil disobedience", the way he has preached all these years, sticking, and Ironically this is precisely to that article of the Constitution which provides for this right Chávez.

UnoAmerica born in Cordoba, Argentina.

Before an audience filled with wizards, was formed chapter Córdoba Democratic Union of Organizations of America (UnoAmerica).

The event, entitled "The Socialism of the XXI century and the big changes ahead in Latin America", took place in the lounge of the Jockey Club in the city of Cordoba, Argentina, on Tuesday 19 May, organized by the Movement and UnoAmerica True Story.

This opportunity, Mr. Mones Ruiz Jorge Alejandro Peña presented to Mr. Lock, UnoAmerica president who, among other things, highlighted the need to engage as sister nations not to give rise to organized barbarism. It also took a few minutes to explain to the audience about the recent trip to the Bolivian province of Pando and the results obtained there by a committee of UnoAmerica, highlighting the obvious fallacy that represents the report by the Assistant Secretary for Human Rights of Argentina Rodolfo Mattarrollo via UNASUR.

At the end of the conference, and in the presence of over two hundred people, the authorities of the Movement for True Historia, el Ing. Peña Esclusa y los delegados argentinos de UnoAmérica, firmaron una declaración de adhesión conjunta que, entre otras cosas, expresaba el compromiso “en la lucha por la defensa de la democracia, la libertad, los derechos humanos universales y la verdad histórica”. Además, remarcaba “el interés recíproco de llevar adelante proyectos conjuntos entre países de la región”.

A la convocatoria se sumó la juventud del Movimiento por la Verdadera Historia, la cual se mostró muy interesada en trabajar en conjunto con los jóvenes que UnoAmérica nuclea en toda América Latina.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Les Schwab Strut Cost

Journalism "opinion" Colombian

Sometimes it is inevitable to point the finger (the one aimed at someone while three of them point to yourself) the deformity of the so-called opinion columnists and deceptions and other species can leave its readers.

However, after reading the various columns on the last day, some characters clothed with the aura of opinion leaders think they have not yet the worst of themselves and will continue to surprise us with their particular ways of doing journalism . Here are some examples:

Shabby Journalism: There are columnists who feel that any symptoms of honesty and recognition of the achievements of the object of their animosity, is a weakness inadmissible.

"Above all, they must demonstrate that they are able to capitalize on the legacy safety has built the country, correct and add value."

Claudia Lopez is a professional hatred. Weekly, his writings have the poison of inaccuracy and deception, only to meet its quota of hate against Uribe and his family. However, when it inevitably has to touch some points that may be considered as an achievement of the Government, Ms. Lopez is on the branches and loose a generalization, of course, included.

pseudo Journalism: It has become common to find letters that become trenches of ideological combat. However, some pseudo hide their true intentions behind a seemingly prepared speech. The protagonists of this type have the ignorance of most of its readers to make statements that become objects of worship of those who are called masters:

"Don Quixote stands to fight only for his beliefs, no is subject to anyone facing the world trying to impose a vision of reality that contradicts the other.

Awe "Don Quixote? Let's see: "That which you find it a barber's basin seems to me the helmet of Mambrino and another will seem something else ..." "Freedom, Sancho, is one of the most precious gifts that a man by the heaven. (...) For freedom and for honor can and should risk one's life. "

columnist says later:

To what books have served in this fable is to strengthen the will, the idea that human beings can deal with their customs y sus tradiciones, y tratar de imponer en el mundo otros sueños : de justicia, de heroísmo, de desprendimiento”.

Al margen de la interpretación particular sobre el contenido de Don Quijote, llama la atención el uso del concepto imponer en dos apartes del escrito. No parece ingenuidad ni accidente: es la aceptación de que todas aquellas aspiraciones personales y egoístas del escritor, deben ser impuestas a los demás.

No obstante, esa es la mejor descripción de la indigencia intelectual colombiana: imponen con la mira puesta en sus intereses y alianzas. Ojalá los que han convertido al periodismo en una militancia de pseudointelectuales,
remember some words of Jorge Luis Borges :

"The mission of yours? Well, is simply to save the world ... I would advise the exercise of ethics and the habit of reading (...). I think the definition of the word ethics is unnecessary since one with a mysterious instinct, know at any moment if you are doing good or bad. I think that instinct is essential and most important that the definitions or the adjectives. "

salvation how to impose an individual or a society? The imposition of the columnist talking The viewer is the one operating in Venezuela and which has roots in Cuba ... Make Don Quijote as a shield to reveal the purpose of imposing a remedy is only vanity that can be excluded to expose the totalitarian aspirations, the same weapons that the FARC have sought to impose for half a century.

In any case, it is inconsistent imposition of a personal dream with the freedom of individuals to which they intend on submitting ...

Journalism cynical Surely in a few decades, the exponents of this type of journalism will analyze to what is not opinion journalism, is that should be tutorial on the services that you can not capture in a column.

Missing was more than the Colombian let this crime interception end in the conviction of a third-line staff when it is clear that certain jobs in the Presidency, once, respectable Republic of Colombia. "

confess that I read this paragraph several times simply because I could not believe that anyone would dare say that was more respectable Colombia a few years now. He remembered the cancellation of the visa of a President who even stopped to sign a document in which he declared to Colombia as a failed state. Who could forget that Pablo Escobar escaped from a luxurious former prison in the Republic of Colombia respectable?

came to my mind the Copa America in 2001, when Argentina refused to come to play in Colombia for security reasons. And when the singers and artists refused to perform at the "prestigious" Colombia.

can forget the mass exodus of Colombians to other countries, seeking refuge from what happened in this "respectable" Republic: More than 3 000 kidnappings one year, fisheries "miracle", attacks on towns and departmental capitals, thousands of disappearances, abductions aircraft forced to land on roads or pastures ... that filled with "prestige" to Colombia and, as this specimen who writes something called opinion column, it was all much more respectable now. But one wonders: If Colombia was more respectable before, why he wrote the text had to flee the country in those "coveted" times and just now able to return?

Mutants Münzenberg complex: What can you say? There are people who are worthy representatives of the space and the environment in which they write. The complex seeded by Willi Münzenberg in witted hard enthusiasts, there in all its glory when you open the pages of The Spectator.

said Münzenberg that "any criticism or blame to the Soviet system could only come from people fanatical, fascist, or simply stupid , while supporters of communism were, however, people with a Advanced mind, supporters of human progress and performed by a special halo intellectual refinement. "

says the speaker of the complex Münzenberg:

"But reason leads us, we persevere. We welcome our courage, sharpen pencils to write boring always the same, and the creativity of those who think that the repetition eventually expire at the stupidity, we return with more fury to "continue to give the debate." Let's start

exploit the idea that Uribe is gross. Our reasons not deploy ever, much as we rend their garments. But if we're so smart, impossible that we are unable to invent an alternative to clipping Uribe.

"Unbeatable? No. Not at all. Whoever wrote this is only the crudest face of this" class superior "Ospina, duzan, Molano, Bejarano, zippers, gentlemen, Lopez and other pests that swarm in the national media dunghill. Write-downs, either narcissistic image or the power that holds should not be difficult. The truth is that none of them has been able to make the transition to the ideas and merge them without restraint, with the daring intelligence.

Good thing these people read Don Quixote, "for praise degrades "!

By Jaime Restrepo. Director of Atrabilioso.

Tea Ok While Fasting For Blood Test

the case of missing taxes

most strikes the reader of Colombian press is the audacity with which it lies, as if those who do feel such profound contempt for readers who do not mind being discovered forcing absurd interpretations, providing data on all silencing invented and the real. And that's like a bombing, every week there is a new theme and soon hundreds of columns amplified and participating in forums, where what comes out the least informed believe blindly. Did he have any discussion about it? No, critical analysis is so foreign to the slopes of the Colombian and science.

One of the favorite themes lately is that of tax exemptions: in the minds of Most people are always present suspicion that someone is cheating so that things are not perfect, which is shown watching the great possessions of others and scarcity around him one. Why is the president, said Christian, divided their estates among the poor, as suggested Professor Moncayo? Because it is always part of the rich and for that I forgive taxes, to become richer while the poor are getting poorer. Who has lived long enough concludes that in the early centuries lived a sinful opulence, because despite many decades one has seen the poor poorer no one doubts that each days are over.

That is the material from operating thinkers as the dean of the Faculty of Economics at the Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano, Kamanovitz Solomon, author of numerous works on the Colombian economy. In a recent column
dedicated to family businesses presidential !, The renowned economist deals with tax exemptions:

So, the sources of prosperity of the children of President are the ability to generate government favors certain enterprises and transfer of public assets (more precisely of tax collection) to the free zones Portable. The Government is clear from tax capacity, even in times of crisis, for the achievement of maintaining investor confidence supposedly the lucky few.

These benefits are substantial business base of the dolphins and the increase in the contracts of the companies in which they participate. It is also exemptions that damage the public property for private companies , still caught some by the undue influence of the president's sons. What has not satisfied the government for all these tax advantages granted amounted to $ 5.8 billion a year, as well as the injured parafiscal employment. And if that much money, why not share tris in a family?

respect of investments and earnings of the children of the president, much has been written and I have nothing to add to those reported by Saul Hernández . What is interesting is the construction of plunder of public resources from rhetorical fallacies. Rigorously, Kalmanovitz is instilling in the reader's consciousness certain that you are committing a huge embezzlement by encouraging the creation of free zones by lowering taxes. The technical language is just euphemistic: nothing changes the meaning of "embezzlement" if we speak of "transfer of public assets." Rather, does change: the graft is a legal concept, therefore no one could accuse Kalmanovitz slander because he said "transfer of public assets." In the next paragraph repeats the pearl, and even offers a number of disappointed by the president, his sons and their friends in business.

would be exhausting, and source of an article even longer list the amount of writing in the press and dedicated to protest for the same reason. Let me quote just one of the most eloquent, characteristic of the kind of mentality that flatter the columnists. Is a column of
Francisco Leal Buitrago , one of those thinkers who would lead to steady the ship of state if they finally reach a negotiated political solution of the social and armed conflict, a man whose virtues are demonstrated by its long career of service to the University:

investor confidence and social responsibility from tricks like tax exemption to the rich , free zones for private gain and management of the Ministry of (un) Social Protection.

The depth of thought of this sage is shown by findings such as the Ministry of (un) Protection. But the interesting thing in any situation not what part of the special outside but what is common and shared by most people. What is the exemption of taxes for the rich? The associated tax cuts for investors, within which is included in free zones. You still have to explain that investments are made "for private gain? Is that most readers have been through college (but that should not be understood as most of the graduates read the press, which is far from the case). In college have learned to distinguish the public benefit of private profit and to consider any particular prosperity as a theft to the public interest.

But back to the main issue of blatant lies in the press, compounded by the fact that Mr. Kalmanovitz is Dean of Faculty of Economics, the matter of benevolence with certain investment tax has many washers and difficult to evaluate (published about former Minister Alberto Carrasquilla
an article in El Espectador, article expanded into a discussion on Blog Alejandro Gaviria), but the results he is Kalmanovitz simply the result of bad faith. If a shopkeeper

applies a margin of 40% of the purchase price will note that standard in assessing sales in the month, but if the last day he decides he needs money and does a promotion with only 20%, this margin is profit. If sales that day are much higher than the other days, your earnings increase. How would understand that the member of the shopkeeper were to claim the 20% margin that stopped charging? A thorough investigation can determine whether that day anyway, or increase sales, by contrast, would have been much higher without any special circumstances. Bad faith would be considered "losses" what is left of winning.

I am convinced that tax cuts for free zones result in higher collection, because I believe that most investments would not have occurred without these advantages. But it is only an opinion without evidence: Kalmanovitz is a blatant lie, part of the assumption that all investments have taken place, which is absurd and just shows the kind of education provided at their university.

But the question has many washers. Teachers and columnists rummage through a strong sense of the readers, that lower taxes "the rich" is immoral. The dubious role of the state as an agent of justice is taken for granted, while the question of the need for resources to finance the activity production is evaded. While most countries, especially developed ones, compete to attract investment and be pleasant for the rich in Colombia trying to scare them away, no doubt because his example and economic development would lose control to the caste of doctors:

waiver policy and free trade zones deserves our support: beyond the question of the collection, which is all that matters to people like Kalmanovitz, such exemptions favoring the creation of the business, which is the basis for development. Many may believe they would build the same number of hotels with high taxes with very low taxes, but the reason not tolerate such an assumption. How important is that there hotels? This is a high risk investment in a country very discredited by the violence, but it is related to one of the industries that provide resources to countries with attractive landscapes.

What everyone needs to decide is whether to live in a prosperous country full of hotels and industries, or one in which Chavez manage royalties from commodities taking every alms to force the submission of the henchmen. In the first case the critical point is to attract investment and build infrastructure. And maybe what it takes to be a fiscal policy effectively levied all the rich and not only those who produce and risk. The State may suffer a more severe deprivation and more burdensome to the interests of citizens by the 25% exemption from tax enjoyed by Kalmanovitz and most of those who jalean that benevolence practiced with those who build factories and hotels.

By Jaime Ruiz. Atrabilioso columnist.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Watch Prosti Movie Aubrey Miles


On Sunday April 26 Elche was played in the first triathlon of the season: the V Elche Triathlon (half Ironman of Los Arenales del Sol). So, first, to not have much time to think, neither more nor less than a half ironman.

And there were 5 members of Rumbo Fijo: Stani, Toni Ramon, Xarli and, above all, Pilar, who was the only girl participating Murcia.

The only thing that was premiered in the distance was Xarli. Is that why you came in time to help collecting the finish line ... No, just kidding, he did very well! Congratulations on your debut!

A historic landmark is the score for the men's teams and four boys who ended up being the top-ranked Stani, our special "son of the wind," as they say now in school, making good progress.

I encourage everyone to be encouraged to participate. You'll see like when you cojáis the hang of this space as dramatic a challenge become affordable and even fun. Word of rumba.