Monday, April 4, 2011

Women Sitting Squashing

By: Yusnely Graterol María López Martínez Rodríguez

The masthead is a genre of journalism of opinion which summarizes in a nutshell, the editorial position of the print media that use it. It has its origins in France, which had a highly developed and where today is an essential tool in the pages of major rotating components such as "Le Monde". The relevance of this opinion kind lies in that it allows, using irony, humor and social commitment, editorializing reality situations nationally and internationally in a very short sentence, the text information is further developed in the internal pages of the environment communication.

represents a genre that attracts the interest of readers, as it allows using a prayer drafted with apparent ease, make value judgments about complex matters, and is a source of research for the area of \u200b\u200bSocial Communication.

There are several inquiries on Venezuela, on academic research about this way of doing Journalism Review, which clearly states that to make a good masthead, first select the event or problem that will be reason for it, then search for the phrase, word or expression that summarizes the opinion that impacts the reader and the reaction it causes in the topic addressed. It also states that since the popular biblical quotes or poetry, serve the author to communicate with the public. Historic phrases, proverbs, slang expressions sports, anything goes in terms of saying much with few words in an attractive and impressive.

The masthead is an important genre that causes great impact, however, the authors of this research consider it received little attention in Venezuelan newspapers. Even, there are few studies about university. One of the few jobs that develops aspects of the masthead, is conducted by journalist Ybeyise Pacheco Martini, which was presented as a thesis to qualify for the Bachelor of Arts degree in Social Communication, it is entitled "Analysis of the language of The masthead of National during the period 1958-1983. "

As discussed above, few newspapers who use this form editorial. Earle Herrera in his Journalism Review: Fires everyday. funny manifests "the masthead no one writes," alluding to the book "The Coronel no one writes," the Colombian Gabriel García Márquez

Since the first issue of El Nacional, August 3 1943, he published a masthead, but Herrera, said that no one dared to define it as a category of journalism, it did not give the range was a clever phrase to refresh the brainy section pundits long articles and columns.

With the passage of time the masthead was consolidated in El Nacional, but the example was not emulated by other newspapers, only 2001, and eventually the used The World. Despite the lack of interest, the newspapers that still publish, have been alert to secure position on issues of great importance, but especially the government, politics and which help form an opinion on it, leaving the reader to form their own value judgments.

This variant publisher since its inception has contributed to the development of opinion journalism in Venezuela, because it makes use of features such as humor, irony and satire with professionalism, to summarize in a very short sentence, a fact of great significance nationally and internationally, seeking some way to guide the reader on topics of interest and helping to form their own opinions without influencing it.

For researchers, this inquiry will result in benefits to the Venezuelan journalism, considering that few university research conducted on the use of the masthead as a genre of opinion.

was also considered important that Venezuela should incorporate educational research subjects that are not addressed, such as the masthead. This study will provide recommendations that can be used in the chairs of opinion journalism on the use of it as editorializante opinion kind, enabling the development and the interests of teachers and students to regard.

Also, this search was intended to get results that are useful for professionals engaged in Journalism Review, so that they can assess the masthead as a successful mechanism to deliver messages to the population and as an effective tool for pounding the current political situation in Venezuelan society.

The relevance of this kind of view is precisely the good management that makes the topics of political nature, reflected specifically in the head of state or other government figures, using the above resources

In this vein The results of this study may help build a framework for other institutions that offer this career or who are developing expertise in the field of Social Sciences


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