Saturday, April 9, 2011

Absent Letter To Attend Wedding

Journalists can not resign as interpreters of their world

Undergraduate in Communication at the University EAFIT (Colombia)
That was a the conclusions of the forum "Wikileaks and responsibility journalistic sources "that EAFIT analyzed the impact on journalism the way in which the organization filters sensitive documents on international issues.

The event became the academic ceremony which was presented in Medellin National Journalism Award Simón Bolívar, which was attended by several members of the jury. Was conducted jointly by the organization of the undergraduate prize and Social Communication.
More information on the phenomenon Wikileaks rethinks how to report

Panelists rethought the role of journalism and the role of the journalist as an interpreter of reality and as an analyst of the information. Wikileaks is a nonprofit organization that publishes via its web site anonymous reports and leaked documents with sensitive content in the public interest.

With Wikileaks "they broke the barriers, filters were broken on that shows that you should read or see," said Maria Elvira Bonilla, director of Kien & Ke website. / Photo

Lina Arroyave.

The forum discussed the influence of this portal of information about the power, which in part seeks to understand its secrets and that people somehow come to him. / Photo Lina Arroyave

Mario Galofre
diplomat (a right) raised the discussion of ethics in information management and legitimacy that has Wikileaks. / Photo

Lina Arroyave.

Helena Beatriz Mejia, manager of the newspaper La Tarde de Pereira, does not give the connotation of "cataclysm" in journalism to the phenomenon Wikileaks. The journalist said he had brought information that was not known, becoming a source of journalism. / Photo Lina Arroyave


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