Monday, April 4, 2011

Philips Car 400 Adapter Type


Posted by Johanna Heredia, a graduate school student of Communication and Advertising. UDA.
As Alvin Toffler said in his book "The Third Wave", we went through the Agricultural Revolution, Industrial Revolution, from 1955, to start the Information Revolution. In this publication, produced in 1979, Toffler and predicted a change in management and capital allocation for this era: Information.

After having spoken of agriculture and industry, we see a society that has included in its lexical terms such as: computer, web, internet, telecommunications, technology, words that a century ago did not exist. A society that ensures that information is the new economic base must be understood differently from each individual and organization.

The companies are part of a system that responds to man's relentless quest to acquire information, for it is clear that the organization can not exist in isolation, will be understood as a system that interacts, both internally and externally. We can see the organization as a society in a more micro level, so we can say that there is a micro Information Society within each organization.

determine the role an organization within society will, internally, charting the way forward, and externally, to make a difference competition.Therefore evident that, the correct corporate image management allows an organization to recognize and take advantage of its specificity in the market.

Building a strong corporate image not only depends on the company, but the different audiences within it. The media, for example, are responsible for generating public opinion, directly or indirectly influence the different members of society.

The public relations is an important part in this process of communication between the Media - Individual, it is responsible for providing the information in the business, developing a "dependency reciprocal ", in which both sides benefit: the journalist, to have material for the production of his notes, and the organization that, through this information, you can send messages to strengthen their corporate image.

Today, the public relations, to provide more information, you must face the changes brought about by membership in the Society of Information and tools to provide the reporter integrated into the new technologies, involving the Digital Revolution.

The proposal for a Virtual Press Room, where they concentrate all the information in an enterprise, allowing the reporter access to a bank news permanent, where you can download all the material necessary for the drafting of a note: documents in Word, Excel and PowerPoint, pictures in different resolutions, audio clips and video, as well as the graphic elements of the corporate image as Manual Imagen.Este logo and model also includes a section where the agenda is published press conferences, with date, topic, participants, accompanied by the respective newsletter, available to download directly.

In Ecuador, has been a development in Information Technologies and Communication Technologies (ICTs). Since the creation of the Law of Transparency and Access to Information Public (LOTAIP), in 2004, public bodies should ensure access to information and transparency of information. From this moment, the interest of these organizations to communicate, through its website, not only was justified in carrying out the LOTAIP, but was transformed into an opportunity to publish news that promote public support to the Government. Such is the case of the web pages of the Internal Revenue Service, Post Office and National Assembly of Ecuador that have incorporated the section "Press Room", for the publication of news generated internally by the institution, and externally, by media. These models offer the visitor a look at the information, but do not allow the full download multimedia files, limiting the practice of journalism by not providing images, audio and video clips to facilitate the development of a fuller note


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