Wednesday, April 27, 2011

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walk festivals - WOMAD Caceres 2011

On 13, 14 and May 15 is celebrated the 20th edition of the festival perriflaútico Extremadura, for those who do not know it is a festival of ethnic music and exotic rhythms, predominantly Ska and Reggae, as well as fusions of traditional instruments and electronic music. (At least in the edition of last year, which is the only one I've been).

The Festival is free and is held in the historic heart of Cáceres, a picturesque place that gives it a very curious at the festival.

Here I leave a list of participating artists (I've copied from a website that I closed, I hope forgive me for not saying where I do not remember ...)
Among the components are African names like Bajolí, Democratic Republic of Congo; Dobet Gnahoré, Ivory Coast, Le Grandes Personnes, Burkina Faso, the Orchestre National de Barbes with representation from France, Morocco and Algeria, and Senegal all Takeifa.

For its part, the American music will come from the hand of Candi Staton and Hypnotic Brass Ensemble and Europe will be represented by the Portuguese band A Naifa, 9Bach the English, the group Dont Letts DJ components and Jamaican English, French Chapelier Fou, and the Irish Imelda May.

Regarding the English bands include the presence of four groups formed by Barrunto Extremadura Ham Band, Rose's Journey, and Skalabraos Felisa Vega, who will join the groups representing Bigott English and Kiko Veneno.

The anime is that lady tell me and that this year we repeat, head, the fest is great, and comes very cheap.: D

Cervix Closed Before Af

Illustration of the week - Gonzalo Duque

Hello hello! Ando cargadito work this time, but as usual, just upload one, you have to go dosing (as with everything in life). As always been said that "ladies first", and as the Sinister digeron "women and the musicians first, and the children at the end with a stone around his neck."
No more.

_ To see more illustrations, www.el-ENTE.ES _
Orange Bicho, El Ente ,, Duke gonzalo illustrations, illustration, Avila, stickers, cute, salamanca, drawing, painting, doll is in your mind

Monday, April 25, 2011

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Technological change and Cybermedia

TITLE: Technology and Cybermedia
AUTHOR: Cabrera, Maria Angeles (coords.)
EDITORIAL: Social Communication

This book is the result of collective work a group of professors and researchers expert in new technologies and media, involved mostly in a larger project on the evolution of online media in Spain1 from multifocal analysis focused on changes occurring in the past years. These technological changes or developments beyond the appearance of new devices. Technological developments have substantially modified the work performed by information professionals and has changed the habits of media consumption by users.

But where are all these changes? Throughout its pages, the different contributions of the authors try to elucidate-with a thorough analysis of this, the future of media company formats and receiving devices, of the journalist, roasted and the audience and society in general.

The book addresses the restructuring of the newsroom as an immediate effect on the evolution technology. Most media companies have relocated the seats of the writers, trying to adapt to new opportunities of digital convergence. In other cases, it is physically separate area dedicated to web content from the rest of the newsroom. There are indications that convergence as a natural result of developments within the media which created the figure of the journalist as 'information architect', capable of combining various functions and create an information product that can be disseminated in different formats.

Another effect of this development is that the journalist's work is not limited or restricted to four walls drafting and at the fixed table and telephone. It envisions a mobile journalism, which is capable of transmitting the first statements from the scene, something that was attributed to the direct connections of the radio and television, but is now able to pick up the minute the Web journalist for the environment. This also modifies the perception of the audience and their consumption of information, the current technology offers a significant amount of channels, which requires the medium to capture their attention for longer than the competition, a circumstance that tests professional creative ability when doing a job attractive enough to captivate the audience.

This book also addresses topics such as blogs or blogs, citizen journalism and audience participation through the media and social networks. For most journalists, Bloggers users and social networks are spaces that can be found more or less reliable information on any subject of interest to society. Experts warn of the need to take into account that this type of information are individual contributions, which reflect the viewpoint of its author, in this case the user, and therefore, differs clearly from the work of information professionals.

However, citizen journalism and the greatest influence or user involvement in media content has its origin in the author's blogs, or in the middle sections enabled on your web page to collect the opinions of its readers . This work addresses whether or not to treat this phenomenon as journalism, giving it a certain identity, or whether it is better to differentiate between professional work, which must adhere to principles and standards of quality, and input from citizens , which are free to interpret reality and not have to be subject to the principles of truthfulness that is required of the journalist.

Finally, one of the tools that has burst on the media stage is mobile. His contribution to the media and entertainment industry in general are difficult to assess, because the software applications and different models are growing at an exponential rate. Spain is one of the leading countries in Internet use via mobile. Check your e-mail and breaking news are two of the main features demanded by users. From the professional point of view, the journalist is becoming more independent, but is also forced to reinvent itself to meet the demands of the times and adapt to constant updates of available technology.

On the side of the drawbacks in using mobile as a new tool, the authors note that there are a multitude of operators, formats and software programs for each device or cell phone that are incompatible with others. Furthermore, users claim that web pages to fit mobile phone to make it easier to navigate. To the above must be added the high prices imposed by telephone carriers for Internet access from mobile devices, and particularly in Spain.

After reading this paper, we conclude as suggestive ideas that technological developments should lead us to make decisions within a global business environment, but from a particular perspective, not away the reality of the online media for the work performed by the journalist and should take into account your audience, not just as consumers and recipients of messages and information content, but as active and participatory new media century.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

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digital journalism XXI century resembles the nineteenth-century journalism

"He is returning to the practice of putting up any critical data in the first paragraphs of a news": Juan Carlos Perez Salazar.
The BBC editor oriented theoretical-practical seminar for digital journalism students EAFIT in the second half of last year. One of the editors of BBC News, the premier English-language BBC London, will talk about this particular situation this Thursday at 10 am, in the auditorium of EAFIT 38-125. Invited by the undergraduate Social Communication, Juan Carlos Pérez Salazar analyze why most modern journalism is so much like today's was 100 years ago.

For Writing Blog
What a paradox! Internet technology has revolutionized communications and information across the planet, which actually made the "global village" Marshall proclaimed McLuhan in the 60's, is leading to contemporary journalism have some of the typical forms you had during the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.

is as if the modern network, the most visible of the so-called "new technologies", he would return in time.

"There is a return to long holders, the inverted pyramid, the proliferation and disappearance constant media and, more alarmingly, to an attenuation, and in some cases near-disappearance of the border between opinion and information . All these were phenomena that were seen in the nineteenth century Anglo-Saxon period and, more specifically, the Industrial Revolution, "says Juan Carlos Perez Salazar.

This Colombian journalist, news editor of the prestigious BBC World BBC on its website, began to consider some assumptions about their work from this service for information, considered by many as the most credible internationally.

However, these ideas crystallized after hearing an interview with Timothy Garton-Ash, an English historian who became known for its coverage and analysis of so-called "velvet revolutions", those that occurred as an 'effect Dominos' to late 80 of XX century in the countries of Eastern Europe and which has as its symbol the stronger the fall of the Berlin Wall.

"In that interview," says Perez Salazar, "Garton-Ash said that what you see at the geopolitical level in the world today is a kind of return to the empires of the nineteenth century. According to him, today we are returning to a geopolitical empire. "

"Not only the United States since the end of the Cold War prevailed over a unipolar world, but the dramatic growth of China and regional powers like India, Russia and Brazil, who are actually beginning to act as the economic empires and even military in its sphere of influence. The peculiar thing is that this return is also given in journalism. " SPECIFIC CASES

For Juan Carlos Perez, the clearest example is this return to traditional forms of journalism for more than a century is in the headlines. "You may have noticed, he says that in the Internet news site owners are getting longer and explicit. Journalistically, this is a step back in time, as the trend was a short and impressive titles. "

explains that the reason is very simple: how 65% of Internet users use Google, and other tools for finding information an owner must have all the keywords so it can be easily located by the search.

The same applies to the return to the "inverted pyramid", which is that form of news writing in which the first paragraph the answer what happened, who participated in the news event, when it happened, where, how and why.

"The inverted pyramid began to emerge in response to the invention of the telegraph in 1840. Since it was so expensive transmitted by that system, the journalists began to write the gist of a story at first. Then they added detail. This began to be used intensively during the Civil War and was consolidated by news agencies write that way, most still do, for publishers to cut (or caparan, as we say in Colombia) what they want according to their possession space ".

However, in the second half of the twentieth century this form of writing began to come into disuse because they wanted an essay but boring, predictable and constrained. The print media went away from that corset so tight, without neglecting the journalistic rigor. "Well, now it is returning to the practice of putting up any critical data in the first paragraphs of a news" says Perez.

This is also due to a technological breakthrough: Many people are entering the news pages on the internet through cell phones, Blackberrys, iPads and Kindles. "And so by the time available for reading as the format of these devices, only read the first few paragraphs which, therefore, should concentrate all essential information," said the journalist.

For EAFIT invited on Thursday, the most disturbing similarities between what is happening now and what happened in the nineteenth century is little separation between information and opinion within digital publications.

"All who studied journalism and communication remember when we were told that one of the great achievements of modern journalism was the separation between information and opinion."

"In the twentieth century, the media that stood out and were most influenced who made the impartiality and independence of their flag, as the New York Times, the BBC, the New Yorker or The Spectator here in Colombia. What I see in recent years is a return to the media to take sides and blur the boundary between information and opinion. "

The examples given by Juan Carlos Perez of this phenomenon range from Colombia to the United States, from major television networks to simple blogs of fans who just come to the digital world and published as outrageous all you see and think.

Still, he believes that in the future, despite all this proliferation of media, individual views, gossip, manipulation, "there will come a saturation point where the surfers will be sent to travel media and prestige, in which editors and journalists have to tell them: look, this is what it's worth! ".

And that, he believes, will become the foundation of modern journalism, that was decisive for much of the twentieth century to help consolidate democracy and to keep citizens well informed so they have criteria when making their decisions as social actors.

A journalism as we all call each day, based on information handled with responsibility, seriousness, credibility and sense of common good.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

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Saturday, April 9, 2011

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Journalists can not resign as interpreters of their world

Undergraduate in Communication at the University EAFIT (Colombia)
That was a the conclusions of the forum "Wikileaks and responsibility journalistic sources "that EAFIT analyzed the impact on journalism the way in which the organization filters sensitive documents on international issues.

The event became the academic ceremony which was presented in Medellin National Journalism Award Simón Bolívar, which was attended by several members of the jury. Was conducted jointly by the organization of the undergraduate prize and Social Communication.
More information on the phenomenon Wikileaks rethinks how to report

Panelists rethought the role of journalism and the role of the journalist as an interpreter of reality and as an analyst of the information. Wikileaks is a nonprofit organization that publishes via its web site anonymous reports and leaked documents with sensitive content in the public interest.

With Wikileaks "they broke the barriers, filters were broken on that shows that you should read or see," said Maria Elvira Bonilla, director of Kien & Ke website. / Photo

Lina Arroyave.

The forum discussed the influence of this portal of information about the power, which in part seeks to understand its secrets and that people somehow come to him. / Photo Lina Arroyave

Mario Galofre
diplomat (a right) raised the discussion of ethics in information management and legitimacy that has Wikileaks. / Photo

Lina Arroyave.

Helena Beatriz Mejia, manager of the newspaper La Tarde de Pereira, does not give the connotation of "cataclysm" in journalism to the phenomenon Wikileaks. The journalist said he had brought information that was not known, becoming a source of journalism. / Photo Lina Arroyave

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

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Monday, April 4, 2011

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Posted by Johanna Heredia, a graduate school student of Communication and Advertising. UDA.
As Alvin Toffler said in his book "The Third Wave", we went through the Agricultural Revolution, Industrial Revolution, from 1955, to start the Information Revolution. In this publication, produced in 1979, Toffler and predicted a change in management and capital allocation for this era: Information.

After having spoken of agriculture and industry, we see a society that has included in its lexical terms such as: computer, web, internet, telecommunications, technology, words that a century ago did not exist. A society that ensures that information is the new economic base must be understood differently from each individual and organization.

The companies are part of a system that responds to man's relentless quest to acquire information, for it is clear that the organization can not exist in isolation, will be understood as a system that interacts, both internally and externally. We can see the organization as a society in a more micro level, so we can say that there is a micro Information Society within each organization.

determine the role an organization within society will, internally, charting the way forward, and externally, to make a difference competition.Therefore evident that, the correct corporate image management allows an organization to recognize and take advantage of its specificity in the market.

Building a strong corporate image not only depends on the company, but the different audiences within it. The media, for example, are responsible for generating public opinion, directly or indirectly influence the different members of society.

The public relations is an important part in this process of communication between the Media - Individual, it is responsible for providing the information in the business, developing a "dependency reciprocal ", in which both sides benefit: the journalist, to have material for the production of his notes, and the organization that, through this information, you can send messages to strengthen their corporate image.

Today, the public relations, to provide more information, you must face the changes brought about by membership in the Society of Information and tools to provide the reporter integrated into the new technologies, involving the Digital Revolution.

The proposal for a Virtual Press Room, where they concentrate all the information in an enterprise, allowing the reporter access to a bank news permanent, where you can download all the material necessary for the drafting of a note: documents in Word, Excel and PowerPoint, pictures in different resolutions, audio clips and video, as well as the graphic elements of the corporate image as Manual Imagen.Este logo and model also includes a section where the agenda is published press conferences, with date, topic, participants, accompanied by the respective newsletter, available to download directly.

In Ecuador, has been a development in Information Technologies and Communication Technologies (ICTs). Since the creation of the Law of Transparency and Access to Information Public (LOTAIP), in 2004, public bodies should ensure access to information and transparency of information. From this moment, the interest of these organizations to communicate, through its website, not only was justified in carrying out the LOTAIP, but was transformed into an opportunity to publish news that promote public support to the Government. Such is the case of the web pages of the Internal Revenue Service, Post Office and National Assembly of Ecuador that have incorporated the section "Press Room", for the publication of news generated internally by the institution, and externally, by media. These models offer the visitor a look at the information, but do not allow the full download multimedia files, limiting the practice of journalism by not providing images, audio and video clips to facilitate the development of a fuller note

Women Sitting Squashing

By: Yusnely Graterol María López Martínez Rodríguez

The masthead is a genre of journalism of opinion which summarizes in a nutshell, the editorial position of the print media that use it. It has its origins in France, which had a highly developed and where today is an essential tool in the pages of major rotating components such as "Le Monde". The relevance of this opinion kind lies in that it allows, using irony, humor and social commitment, editorializing reality situations nationally and internationally in a very short sentence, the text information is further developed in the internal pages of the environment communication.

represents a genre that attracts the interest of readers, as it allows using a prayer drafted with apparent ease, make value judgments about complex matters, and is a source of research for the area of \u200b\u200bSocial Communication.

There are several inquiries on Venezuela, on academic research about this way of doing Journalism Review, which clearly states that to make a good masthead, first select the event or problem that will be reason for it, then search for the phrase, word or expression that summarizes the opinion that impacts the reader and the reaction it causes in the topic addressed. It also states that since the popular biblical quotes or poetry, serve the author to communicate with the public. Historic phrases, proverbs, slang expressions sports, anything goes in terms of saying much with few words in an attractive and impressive.

The masthead is an important genre that causes great impact, however, the authors of this research consider it received little attention in Venezuelan newspapers. Even, there are few studies about university. One of the few jobs that develops aspects of the masthead, is conducted by journalist Ybeyise Pacheco Martini, which was presented as a thesis to qualify for the Bachelor of Arts degree in Social Communication, it is entitled "Analysis of the language of The masthead of National during the period 1958-1983. "

As discussed above, few newspapers who use this form editorial. Earle Herrera in his Journalism Review: Fires everyday. funny manifests "the masthead no one writes," alluding to the book "The Coronel no one writes," the Colombian Gabriel García Márquez

Since the first issue of El Nacional, August 3 1943, he published a masthead, but Herrera, said that no one dared to define it as a category of journalism, it did not give the range was a clever phrase to refresh the brainy section pundits long articles and columns.

With the passage of time the masthead was consolidated in El Nacional, but the example was not emulated by other newspapers, only 2001, and eventually the used The World. Despite the lack of interest, the newspapers that still publish, have been alert to secure position on issues of great importance, but especially the government, politics and which help form an opinion on it, leaving the reader to form their own value judgments.

This variant publisher since its inception has contributed to the development of opinion journalism in Venezuela, because it makes use of features such as humor, irony and satire with professionalism, to summarize in a very short sentence, a fact of great significance nationally and internationally, seeking some way to guide the reader on topics of interest and helping to form their own opinions without influencing it.

For researchers, this inquiry will result in benefits to the Venezuelan journalism, considering that few university research conducted on the use of the masthead as a genre of opinion.

was also considered important that Venezuela should incorporate educational research subjects that are not addressed, such as the masthead. This study will provide recommendations that can be used in the chairs of opinion journalism on the use of it as editorializante opinion kind, enabling the development and the interests of teachers and students to regard.

Also, this search was intended to get results that are useful for professionals engaged in Journalism Review, so that they can assess the masthead as a successful mechanism to deliver messages to the population and as an effective tool for pounding the current political situation in Venezuelan society.

The relevance of this kind of view is precisely the good management that makes the topics of political nature, reflected specifically in the head of state or other government figures, using the above resources

In this vein The results of this study may help build a framework for other institutions that offer this career or who are developing expertise in the field of Social Sciences