Sunday, March 25, 2007

Quote By Deborah Sampson


We present these considerations Ivan J. commentary appeared in 5224:

Remember this (it is in the bases):

"El jurado fundamentará su decisión en función de las siguientes características del blog":

* Calidad literaria
* Actualización
* Comunidad creada en el blog
* Adaptación a las posibilidades del medio blog
* Diseño y originalidad"

Y ahora ser sinceros y decidme cuántos blogs de los que están en primera cumplen estos requisitos. Como mucho, Cuadernos de Silicio; y luego , bajando el listón, ya muchos más, as anti-selfishness , Pequeñoibán , Caspositate , The Ruvie , Le Petit Ecolier (50 votes sad one of the best blogs ever seen), The Spiral Red Robinson Marujita , Betote , A best Truth ... Of course, these, and not fiddle as Spam Marta - Ta , Persio, Duilio or Bunny, are left with a more realistic number of votes but unfair to its competitors, not are just a bunch of exchangers vote. And so, anything goes. And best forgotten.

REAL If we apply the rules that are looking for a blog, would put up with Martha? Would endured Duilio, Bunny, Bleicca , the Bastion ? I'm sick of hearing about them all the time and not hear about weblogs that far exceed all: community created, interest, design ... But of course, forgot that this was a contest of hyenas and not people with head and common sense. I hope Tiro Fijo and Osama at least tell the truth without fear and take away some blindfolds, for better or for worse, for some learners godlike / as they will first do the same until they think they are really good . But remember we are voting out of courtesy and contract, rather than genuine quality.

That left to the readers of truth, which are the most critical and the biggest stick I can carry. I am outraged by this contest.

We want to clarify:

"We're not promoting shady expulsions, shall not be prohibited by the rules and be prohibited spam when it comes commercial advertising of electoral politics.

- Betote this shady and big IF. And their performance in the competition 20 blogs, one of the most infamous scoundrels and: Your work is keeper of puppy " ezcritor " and his coterie of favorites: Marta, Bastion, gnomes, etc . Though perhaps for reasons of jealousy or economic , does not support the Valencia.

This makes work of intimidation and defamation campaign against all those blogs that will come to those whom it serves, while it can be seen trailing miserably in the comments their masters.

Like a rat that acts to sink the ship, has left the bastion for being sick child and reinforces the other campaign mentioned above.


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