Monday, March 26, 2007

How Long Ring Worm Stay On The Face


So that you can see our level of influence, I published this issue Arsenio Escolar, who serves as Director of 20 Minutes Journal and President of the botched the 2nd concursillo blogs :

Rules for posting comments on '20minutos. is'

With much internal debate, we are working in 20 rules governing the participation of readers in our web . This is the draft that we are shuffling:

"The discussion forums are an essential complement to our information, with the added value that are the readers themselves who make them possible.
We want these forums for discussion among the readers are interesting and enjoyable places in which everyone can feel comfortable and no one gets offended, and for that we have developed minimum standards of living and common sense that we detail below
comments are not acceptable content or links may be considered defamatory, insulting, abusive, libelous or contrary to English law, including which constitute the advocacy of terrorism or violence in general, or those that may involve any violation of the rights of children and childhood.
"No comments are allowed make any apology for animal cruelty.
-No be accepted, therefore, comments containing racist, sexist , homophobic or, in general, can be interpreted as an attack discriminatory towards any group or minority-based issues such as nationality, sex, religion, any age or physical or mental disability.
-In order to expedite the debate and give greater clarity, comments should not exceed an estimated Xxxx words.
Comments should focus on the theme of debate, be understandable, readable, friendly and non-repetitive . may not include threats or personal attacks on other participants in the discussion forum or spam house, commercial advertising or material especially protected by copyright.
- Comments containing obscene or pornographic material will be removed in the event that believes may violate the rights of potential readers minors. reserves the right to remove any comments that do not meet these conditions.
removed those comments may also be sent by robots or other computer programs designed to distort debates, polls and forums on the net.
"The comments do not reflect the views of, but those Internet, and they are solely responsible the opinions expressed.
What do you think? Would you add something else, or take anything away? What word limit you think we should put each comment?
- Tiro Fijo and who writes Osama Bin Laden, we do not condoning terrorism. We took these names as pseudonyms representing the fight for what we mean correct. Although a certain amount of caricature, humor and parody to these characters.
-lapdog, is a term we, in common use, used to label the servile.
-Personal attacks, not assume as such in our opinion, even if we can use certain qualifications to understand just against lap dogs.
-Repeating themes we must, because you yourself are responsible deleting, especially those in which we place strong evidence of jury bias, interest or tricks from those recommended by the jury in their blogs, which are simultaneously competitors.
- commercial, until finally tacitly admitted what has been said about the spam , which is limited only when commercial and electoral politics.
-Ban porn content,
And why allow the "ezcritor" whom you have jury and elected as the best blog on your part in the last edition of 20 blogs, you have allowed him to write gore in the newspaper who manage, like this?
That you have double standards!
why you have blogs jury recommended participants and drive out those who do not belong to your gang.


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