Thursday, March 29, 2007

Quotes For Recovering From Surgery


We are in the final, less than a week to define the winners in the category of most votes, the die is cast , between the first 2, it is very difficult them scope to take advantage over others, but not impossible.

Therefore, making a great effort, we have extended our analysis , which in principle were first analyzed were 20 and 30, the top 50 most voted:

Marta Sparta
A clear example of the tricks in this competition and have a base of friends registered to vote for him only, is this blog. The author is looking for a person who designs a web page exclusively for her, but very bad estructurada.Sus themes for each month, appear as if they were a month or is it that she writes a monthly issue?

is catastrophic design with colors fatal and the worst: All writes are pointless topics and written in blocks divided into letters. Not even bother to subtitle them. Stand an occasional misspellings in the case.

Another Time
The founder of the tricks, the design of your blog is acceptable and shows a profile photo well achieved, its themes rather boring and not bother to post images that give strength to their subjects. A picture is worth a thousand words.

There gnomes running around the back of my mind
The design is simply mediocre, his original application score is and he appreciates their effort to present images for each of its themes and especially within its own making. This is a poet wants to give another pod or similar, but as a poet is awful better be devoted to her paintings. Best place I would recommend their paintings and say that hell is the inspiration for each.

The Blog: Taillerard participating in this competition is much better than this, shame that the author does not have blogs registered to vote for him or engaged in the skullduggery-Leninism . belongs to the clique " ezcritor " for it as a birthday party this despicable way he kneels at his feet. 4

Its design is simple and elegant, unpretentious. Put beautiful images, but super boring and lousy as a poet, best sweeper engaged in Madrid. 5

Bunny Catastrophic
in every way, the author tries to be humorous based on the adventures of a bunny , jokes that make you want to mourn. I recommend you spend a prescribe based on rabbit dishes. 6

Nun world paxarada II
acceptable design, inconsequential issues , I congratulate him on his cartoons that make it original. If you took the trouble to switch to the new version of Blogger was much better, should at least do that and not pass it from blog to blog wheeling and dealing under the guise of commentary.

The Bastion of Dreams
A good example of what is being betrayed is this blog, which its author when he fell ill and unable to mutual the shady painful has dropped its first position. Very good design, it hurts their songs are so inconsequential , colorless and boring sleepy.

Notebook Silicon
Although a wheeler-dealers "movie" with its famous blacklist which clears your blog, but you can find you on search engines, I think a good blog design and content. 9

Ringo was the walrus Catastrophic
design and content, bah. Only the wheeling and dealing that makes the blog after blog visit notifying their votes a costumed comment is that it can maintain the top 10. 10

age of Kafkaesque Lynn
Good design, nice pictures, I think good writers. Although there are many boring topics, I will recognize that within the 10 is the "lesser evil." I like that girl as a wife, with the permission of the coterie of the dogs that mill. 11

OTHER Chilanga
This revolutionary wheeler-dealers, all of a sudden becomes like Kassandra and promotes their favorites. In terms of content we think is interesting, with the exception of the last issues that are an invitation to the wheeler-dealers - Leninism. The design is ok, change that ugly picture and profile instead of wheeling and dealing, I suggest you switch to the new version of Blogger . also be careful with the placement of images on the issues side, if in this way, images should be small, not large or medium as it spoiled.

Lay System For
you like sports betting, is an excellent blog design and content. Recently one of the wheeler-dealers of Marta Spam - ta , called the 4600, seeks to stop any possibility of it being awarded any prize. 13

JRMora , Graphic Humor
effort is valued in the content author and congratulate you on the charts of his own, that makes it original. Although the jury may be penalized for killing Eneko.

It is the ready who knows everything
The day you write the story of betrayal, this blog deserves all the honors, tricks and then agree to denounce their socios.Se he appreciates the effort inform and culturizar ago, but we suggest you stop plagiarism and to provide both based on their own research and ingenuity. 15

Confusion Podcast Radio Esperantia
The shady friend of Mora JR should be the same autor.Es a good blog of musical culture your design is wrong and must change the Alta Vista translator. 16

Writing is a pity that live
left is blackmailed by the lap dogs and this has fallen from the top 10 when he went to take firm steps to be first. It's a good blog content and image. Tends to elegant design.

my neighbor martien
I got sick of touching the door and did not bother to open. I do not understand how they can vote for him without even being aware of the content. Ah tricks that make things! 18

jggweb : Photography and Digital Retouching
do fuck that photography and design speaks? Presents the least are the images that aims to publicize mostrar.Su or design is simply malo.Sus sleepy subjects. 19

erre taking pictures
Very good blog of its kind in the pictures, when they do own the original. The author is an artist lens. Be careful with the placement of as beyond the scope images. 20

Music of the 80 and 90
Myrna my love! Very good blog design, content, images. I see why you are so enraged by this unfair 20 mo . position.

Memories Lady Bourbon
One thing is different from pornography and other erotic. The day they invent a blog category lesbian erotic this Lady deserves first prize. Beautiful pictures, acceptable design, and very good story in each tema.Esa Lady make an appointment with me, I'm sure that will change your mind in relation to lesbianism to become the heterosexism. I'm so hot and satisfy the tastes of the girls who will MIA forever. 22

Elsa is a good blog content and images. It bothers me that has many links for you to vote and those ads google that lead do not match with the rest of the structure of the blog, the bright green of the ads, it sucks.

Chronicles Esperantia
Another shady partner of Mora JR , maybe is the same author I like your headline and the quote of Martin Luther King . While the rest of the design is mediocre over bulk blogs and other things. I do not like the translator. Although content and images is very good. 24

What if this time you stay? Very good blog
film and " soundtrack" does not convince me your header, which should adapt to the substantive issues in which it specializes. Seems an erotic blog, not movies.

The Universe of Anita color Beige
I like that woman! Que linda! Has great social sensitivity by environment and forest, the congratulations. It is a good storyteller and terrible writer, does not like space and the letters of the contents are horrifying. The photos that accompany their songs are appropriate and well placed. 26

Pity the man Whose pleasures depend Permit Other
Very nice blog, I think it's good. Care must be taken with the images when placed outside of themes. Small images are recommended for those cases of large and medium you use.

Sound Whisper Soft
If it were not a fiddle this blog was not acceptable content even in the post 500 in the voting. Although I love her beautiful legs ... Beware it, is that betray the back. 28

Groucho and XXI century
acceptable design. Too disorganized you can not tell if a poet, storyteller, narrator, crazy, painter, stupid, political. We recommend that you define or failing to organize your blog with tags, classifying temas.Si this vote today is that it is being of the clique of the lapdog " ezcritor " next to Betote , JR Mora, Bleicca , The Age Kafkian , etc.

My Little Corner
Another cute girl ! photos that accompany their songs are beautiful, the design and content acceptable "unbearable" 30

fiddle! Allied with

Tyrian and Trojan : The lap dogs of " ezcritor " wheeler-dealers and other groups more as block Bleicca supported by Kassandra . I think he has talent as an essayist and columnist , tries to explain either the content of their songs, good photos, but its design does not like me at all.

31 Tina Marie
As we said, one thing is the erotic and the pornographic one. Although the author of the is heterosexual, the content is highly pornographic and crude in their stories. Highlights in her great talent as a storyteller and writer, I like the design. 32

Blog Very good film, design acceptable. Although his presentation with the fixie scared I'm not convinced. 33

The Fucking Criticism and Complaints Jack
I like the theme of the blog based on their experiences and continue to fight for what it means right off the bat "is fired "Maybe looking to I pray. The design is acceptable.

For me, that damn fence to . 34

ExpliKme !
Very good blog in content and design, its very compelling analysis. I suggest you forgetting a little more Venezuela and Hugo Chávez , seems to love this. The blog is universal, and should extend its borders. 35

Very good style, great social sensitivity reflected in their songs. Sometimes it is successful with images placed on their issues and not in others, because of how big they are able to prevent access. The design is catastrophic, should improve with a new template to fit the resources available. 36

The Cabinet of Dr . Strangelove Blog
A good film, although often rambles and does not concentrate on the issues, has a tendency to classic films.

design is acceptable and must remove the display, like a blog dedicated to the drunks.

Blogissimo . Bloggers Blog
If the voting is headed by the founder the fiddle, this is the founder of blogs have to vote for him.

is a collection of blogs or blogs club. Its design is very nice and modern. Within its genre is the best. 38

Good political analyst and social developments of our beloved Spain and the world. Its design was very good if arrangements and adaptations google ads the general format.
As for the wording should be spaced between paragraphs.

A treacherous henchman like The Ready All-Knowing. The content is acceptable and images placed very good and appropriate, must be universal with the music or specialize in one genre.

design disaster. If it were not so treacherous and wheeler-dealers were not so well positioned. 40

In mainland
Very good.

I suggest to fix the announcement google that does not match the design and try to see how your blog fits the screen. 41

Extraordinary and originality excellent approach to supporting technology hand in hand with the environment. I congratulate you.

The loft
Very good blog design and content, regarding the situation in Colombia and South America . Too bad
left is blackmailed by the lapdog, was competing for first place. As a journalist should not copy the bad example of 20 minutes to be cowed.

I recommend you be careful with quotations, you should highlight in bold, you miss this detail often. 43


He appreciates the effort to guide us in the complex world of medicine. 43

Estancia Cubana
Very good blog, though as a good right-wing fanatic, ceases to be objective. Anyway, it's your blog, what can we do?

I congratulate him on his recent appointment as a columnist , but had to shut down his blog, the latter is more personal. 45

What a beautiful woman!

would be willing to change my whole harem for her. Very good blog design and content. Unique in the culinary arts, and foreign recipes to own, making it authentic. 46

From Madrid to Heaven
That pretty you Laura!
But Grethel I like better, perhaps by the fascination of mature girls like her and her recipes ... Congratulations for the blog and for your youth. I suggest you leave a bit of fiddle and change to the new format "google "

Grunt 47
a Balrog
My favorite lapdog!

The day you write the story of betrayal, Betote deserves a prominent place alongside The Ready All-Knowing and Pau Diaz Peñalver . Falling ill his shady friend The Dream Hold, this leaves him to crawl to the foot of Marta Spam - ta the Age Kafkian and the Gnomes of Gang " ezcritor "

Along with Jack dogs and Tester, have been charged with the task of intimidation against those who come near their masters. While for the euro miserable also give their masters, they crawl on their blogs.

For your blog:
is simple and elegant design, their stories are good. Must accompany their songs with images, while barks at Duilio and therefore they resemble, jajajajajaja. I suggest that next event or other, be devoted to their cause .... I assure you will do better.

's Blog Timur the lame
For lovers of mythology, this is the blog that you seek. Its design is simple and elegant (like my blog). As for the wording, you must have shorter paragraphs, so it is not so tiresome. 49

should take the top spot, having laid bare immorality of the jury by placing contestants in his recommended blogs.

So far, everyone who wants to expel him and / or reach the first place, must be interviewed by him. Its design is acceptable, should be careful with the wording slightly. Although it is valued for the quality of their songs, wit and creativity. 50

Valencia's hot
The Bride "ezcritor"!

His blog is quite good in pictures and tells us about the virtues of his beloved Valencia.
Unfortunately this is not "legitimate" to belong to TurisValencia (information provided by a lap-dog) in order to promote tourism in that city.

Valenciana should not present a blog that does not belong as his own. That is FRAUD.


Penthouse Letters Cheap

Strange but true: The expulsion of the botched concursillo "20 posts" are better than the 10 most voted.

Having carefully reviewed and made appropriate comparisons, we found that most of blogs expelled from arbitrary and unfair to the fudge "Premios 20 blogs" are much better in content, variety, design, originality of the 10 top votes.

Search and compare!

Among them:

Manuel Miranda, Comment

The first expelled when he had 141 votes ahead. His specialty is the political and legal approach "what he wants" as expressed so haughty.

The Sad Holiday Amadeo Bernal

The second expelled, just as he reached the top spot. This is dedicated to literature and traces the development of a sad holiday.

Gregorio Verdugo , its author. The great love of Spam Symphony - ta.

currently closed, but its author opening a new blog: Territory Cervantes


Third place at the time of his expulsion and was leading the vote because the margin that separated The Spam - ta , which was in second at the time of the expulsion of "his Executioner" was minimal.

His specialty is erotic.

Given the frustration of his unjust expulsion had closed but has reopened. Taking


This is a collective blog of varied content.

III Republic

Hugo Martínez its author, very good blog of political and social analysis of our beloved Spain and the world.

We Like Water

Alba and Álvaro their authors, these guys were heading to final steps to the top.

Envy of " ezcritor " against these, made possible his unjust expulsion.

In the case of Spam - ta , jealousy is against Alba to snatch his Álvaro , are still not satisfied with the expulsion.

erotic content.

Special Mention:

and Writing is living in the attic

In the latter 2 cases, they were allowed to blackmail the clique lapdog of the jury, when they walked with firm steps to dispute the first place. Currently down of posts.

The first is the literature and the second a Colombian journalist who gets it.

If this contest was now headed by those blogs mentioned, was not so discredited as usual and the fight for first place was closed.

What do you think?

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Ecr Resorts For Weekends

gathered to give our verdict

Comrade Osama and I are meeting to see our verdict and give a list of what we believe should be award winners 20Blogs. Hear your suggestions.

I need a few days to finish this concursillo has both 20minutes daily visits and will clear the doubt that has consumed many of you as well to end the ordeal of daily votes .

Monday, March 26, 2007

How Long Ring Worm Stay On The Face


So that you can see our level of influence, I published this issue Arsenio Escolar, who serves as Director of 20 Minutes Journal and President of the botched the 2nd concursillo blogs :

Rules for posting comments on '20minutos. is'

With much internal debate, we are working in 20 rules governing the participation of readers in our web . This is the draft that we are shuffling:

"The discussion forums are an essential complement to our information, with the added value that are the readers themselves who make them possible.
We want these forums for discussion among the readers are interesting and enjoyable places in which everyone can feel comfortable and no one gets offended, and for that we have developed minimum standards of living and common sense that we detail below
comments are not acceptable content or links may be considered defamatory, insulting, abusive, libelous or contrary to English law, including which constitute the advocacy of terrorism or violence in general, or those that may involve any violation of the rights of children and childhood.
"No comments are allowed make any apology for animal cruelty.
-No be accepted, therefore, comments containing racist, sexist , homophobic or, in general, can be interpreted as an attack discriminatory towards any group or minority-based issues such as nationality, sex, religion, any age or physical or mental disability.
-In order to expedite the debate and give greater clarity, comments should not exceed an estimated Xxxx words.
Comments should focus on the theme of debate, be understandable, readable, friendly and non-repetitive . may not include threats or personal attacks on other participants in the discussion forum or spam house, commercial advertising or material especially protected by copyright.
- Comments containing obscene or pornographic material will be removed in the event that believes may violate the rights of potential readers minors. reserves the right to remove any comments that do not meet these conditions.
removed those comments may also be sent by robots or other computer programs designed to distort debates, polls and forums on the net.
"The comments do not reflect the views of, but those Internet, and they are solely responsible the opinions expressed.
What do you think? Would you add something else, or take anything away? What word limit you think we should put each comment?
- Tiro Fijo and who writes Osama Bin Laden, we do not condoning terrorism. We took these names as pseudonyms representing the fight for what we mean correct. Although a certain amount of caricature, humor and parody to these characters.
-lapdog, is a term we, in common use, used to label the servile.
-Personal attacks, not assume as such in our opinion, even if we can use certain qualifications to understand just against lap dogs.
-Repeating themes we must, because you yourself are responsible deleting, especially those in which we place strong evidence of jury bias, interest or tricks from those recommended by the jury in their blogs, which are simultaneously competitors.
- commercial, until finally tacitly admitted what has been said about the spam , which is limited only when commercial and electoral politics.
-Ban porn content,
And why allow the "ezcritor" whom you have jury and elected as the best blog on your part in the last edition of 20 blogs, you have allowed him to write gore in the newspaper who manage, like this?
That you have double standards!
why you have blogs jury recommended participants and drive out those who do not belong to your gang.

Rectangular Tubing Snowboard Rail

More comments

Comments debate that honors us and commits us to the truth.

# 5236: Tiro Fijo's work and Osama can sometimes seem out of place, following a line occasionally aggressive or rude, but personally and seen from a distance, I think they are the few people who, despite the anonymity, the flats have had to say what they think, which is a scarce commodity around here, where campaign of fear and hypocrisy. claims to be Ivan J.

question from Ivan J
# 5238: Ivan J. , and what is your blog? 're Talking much lately and I think that do not participate in the contest. Are you the nth clone of Osama and Tiro Fijo? You're the good cop and bad cop them, right?. claims to be for Ivan J.

Response him
# 5240: I have no interest to lie or deceive anyone. do not know of anything Osama or Tiro Fijo, his work has sometimes annoyed me when they got too heavy to a topic, until I saw that sometimes it hurts or not, are right.
I'm not good or bad cop. I only say what I think and believe that with enough good ways (After what I've seen around here ...).
Greetings to all. He claims to be Ivan J.

We want to clarify the following; not know at all to Mr. Ivan J. but it does draw attention to your comments in the debate, still in the fight friend and thanks for your comments and even your thoughts about our interventions.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Quote By Deborah Sampson


We present these considerations Ivan J. commentary appeared in 5224:

Remember this (it is in the bases):

"El jurado fundamentará su decisión en función de las siguientes características del blog":

* Calidad literaria
* Actualización
* Comunidad creada en el blog
* Adaptación a las posibilidades del medio blog
* Diseño y originalidad"

Y ahora ser sinceros y decidme cuántos blogs de los que están en primera cumplen estos requisitos. Como mucho, Cuadernos de Silicio; y luego , bajando el listón, ya muchos más, as anti-selfishness , Pequeñoibán , Caspositate , The Ruvie , Le Petit Ecolier (50 votes sad one of the best blogs ever seen), The Spiral Red Robinson Marujita , Betote , A best Truth ... Of course, these, and not fiddle as Spam Marta - Ta , Persio, Duilio or Bunny, are left with a more realistic number of votes but unfair to its competitors, not are just a bunch of exchangers vote. And so, anything goes. And best forgotten.

REAL If we apply the rules that are looking for a blog, would put up with Martha? Would endured Duilio, Bunny, Bleicca , the Bastion ? I'm sick of hearing about them all the time and not hear about weblogs that far exceed all: community created, interest, design ... But of course, forgot that this was a contest of hyenas and not people with head and common sense. I hope Tiro Fijo and Osama at least tell the truth without fear and take away some blindfolds, for better or for worse, for some learners godlike / as they will first do the same until they think they are really good . But remember we are voting out of courtesy and contract, rather than genuine quality.

That left to the readers of truth, which are the most critical and the biggest stick I can carry. I am outraged by this contest.

We want to clarify:

"We're not promoting shady expulsions, shall not be prohibited by the rules and be prohibited spam when it comes commercial advertising of electoral politics.

- Betote this shady and big IF. And their performance in the competition 20 blogs, one of the most infamous scoundrels and: Your work is keeper of puppy " ezcritor " and his coterie of favorites: Marta, Bastion, gnomes, etc . Though perhaps for reasons of jealousy or economic , does not support the Valencia.

This makes work of intimidation and defamation campaign against all those blogs that will come to those whom it serves, while it can be seen trailing miserably in the comments their masters.

Like a rat that acts to sink the ship, has left the bastion for being sick child and reinforces the other campaign mentioned above.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Quotations For Lighting The Lamp

Marta Look carrying on their shoulders to Duilio

This could end the contest 20Blogs by the winds that blow, look at it, Spam-ta Marta carried on the shoulders of Duilio Another Time.

Photo: source

Bigphatt White Boodys

Our goal will always tell the truth

This blog was created in the delivery of 2 years of award 20minutes 20blos of Spain. Much controversy has been created by me and my comrade Osama BL Prize forum, we are totally antagonistic to Sinfonia (another character created in the competition) and our goal is to tell the truth and expose the hypocrisy that hides in Bloggers contests, as well as the poor performance of the jurors.

Our names have nothing to do with any terrorist organization or some subliminal propaganda attempt, rather are the ones who will attack without mercy (but respectful) to bloggers who want to pass the ready. My friend Osama

insurance will more to say in an upcoming entry.