Thursday, March 13, 2008

Looks Like Denise Milani

Equity Portfolio Accounting Reform

After the establishment of relevant models, the end of 2007 and accounting departments and more relaxed .... We have to deal with what until now had either not wanted or hear words, or we looked askance prelim to estimate its impact on our accounts: The new General Accounting Plan and the General Plan adopted Accounting for SMEs government not long ago.

could refer you to hundreds of sources that are already concerned to give practical expression to the accounting reform, which some have described as the biggest conceptual change in accounting from the Plan 73.

Now we have to make the necessary adjustments in the opening entry in 2008. Since customers have been asking us about need to present comparative financial statements of 2007 ... and therefore make the adjustment at the opening of 2007 and the "recontabilización", according to new criteria for registration and evaluation, of the elements of the annual accounts. In my opinion, except as required by relevant stakeholders, should not go back to such changes, because the plan gives freedom in this regard. Yes, we will introduce the report a note on the "Settings derivatives Transition to the New Plan." Ultimately to be limited to the accounts for 2007 as the Old Plan, the seat adjustment made to the opening, and nothing more.

Important to note that any adjustment of the seat opening has to be a reserve account, so it is forbidden to compensate many assets and liabilities (272 and 170)

Depending on the amount and complexity of operations performed by a company, change will be more or less drastic.

limits for filing the PGC in Normal mode, have increased considerably, so that those who do not comply (two consecutive years except those that exceeded the previous limits on 7/12/1931) may well benefit from the Plan Short Account or Plan of SMEs, whose main novelty is the elimination of complexities introduced in Normal and Short Plan (counts 8 and 9) and valuation simpler and consistent with what was being done hitherto.

first mention the accounting for assets and financial liabilities at amortized cost, a more homogeneous accrue transaction costs by using the effective interest rate. Which, in the case of those companies covered by the plan of SMEs will be much easier to be able to bear the costs of transactions in financial instruments directly to profit and loss.

Second, some financial assets that suffer changes in fair value (present value or market) will reflect these changes in equity, while not considered a real impairment in value or reversal of this impairment. These are called assets held for sale (stock portfolio or mutual fund companies than the group or held for trading). SMEs in the PGC only reflect impairments and will be in P & L.

And much more ... than continue talking. Do not hesitate to visit the website of SCD SL Auditors in paragraphs of "Accounting Reform" forum and "Clients" in .

and encouragement to those responsible for fiscal policy of the companies ... because although the reform was intended to be "fiscally neutral", we must be careful accounting adjustments to actually be.

Slowly we approached, timidly Europe.


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