Thursday, March 13, 2008

Can I Get Sepsis From A Root Canal

Fixed term deposits can be long or short term.

can also settled in the short or long term.

Normal PGC

What seems clear is to be classified as "held to maturity" and therefore be valued at fair value beginning (value of-pocket costs) and subsequently at amortized cost.

If the impositions are LP:

258. Fixed-term (When the term deposits have been agreed with banks involved, the investment is accounted for in the 242).

shall appear on the non-current asset balance.

Their movement is as follows:

a) be charged with the execution, by the amount given

b) shall be paid to the recovery or early transfer of funds.

corresponding account in the CP are also included, with due account development in four digits, interest explicit Receivables with maturity not exceeding one year, term deposits. As bear the interests of long term deposits receivable in the year.

Example 1:

Movement: Imposition of 200,000 with 10,000 of commission:

210,000 (258) to 210,000 (572)

To this end, the initial measurement of financial assets are recorded independently, depending on their maturity, the amount of interest Accrued explicit in that time. The term "explicit interest" those obtained by applying the contractual interest rate financial instrument.

explicit Interest Accrued on the CP are:

interests as the TIE method are (eg) 2,000, while explicit interest will be 2,500 for that year:

2,500 (548) to 2000 (769)

500 (258)


maturity of interest:

2500 (572) to (548) 2,500

next year, according to the TIE interest is calculated on 209,500 against (769) and under the contract explicit.

Example 2.

If the tax is payable to LP, it seems that only this seat will be needed, since it will have accrued interest until the end:

210,000 (258) to 210,000 (572)

After years

x 270 000 (572) to (258) 190 000

(769) 80,000

If the deposits are short term

note under the plan know that all income / expense in the year are not subject to update, so no need to calculate the amortized cost of an IPF with CP.

548. Short-term deposits

also be included, with due account development in four digits, interest receivable, with maturity not exceeding one year, term deposits.

When time deposits have been entered into with related parties, the investment is accounted for in the 532.

a) be charged with the execution, by the amount given (against 572) or by the interest received that year (769).

b) shall be paid to the recovery of the imposition or recovery of interest against the (572).

SME Plan:

Those financial assets not being equity instruments or derivatives, no commercial source and whose fees are fixed or determinable amount, be classified as "Financial assets at amortized cost."

initially be valued at cost, which amounts to fair value of the consideration paid plus transaction costs directly attributable to them; care: the latter can be recorded in the profit and loss account at the time of recognition initial.

subsequently measured at amortized cost. Accrued interest is credited to the account of P and G, using the method of effective interest rate.

So if it was decided to go directly to P & G contract costs, the effective interest coincide with the explicit interest.

In practice

Account 258. Long term deposits

When time deposits have been agreed with banks involved, the investment is accounted for in the 242.

a) be charged with the execution, by the amount given ( can decide whether to add transaction costs or lead to P & G).

b) shall be paid to the recovery or early transfer of funds. If you have included the costs of the transaction, each year must be adjusted to the SC's share explicit interest rate has not been Clo.


Imposition of 200,000 with 10,000 of commission:

Possibility 1 (the initial costs are carried P & L):

200 000 (258 ) to 210,000 (572)

10,000 (669)

Al recovery of interest:

(572) 2,500 to (769) 2,500

Possibility 2 (to be included in the assets):

210,000 (242) to 210,000 (572)

Al accrual of interests

2500 (548) to 500 (258)

2000 (769)

Al recovery of interest

(572) 2,500 to (548) 2,500

Account 548. Short-term deposits ( When time deposits have been arranged with parties involved, the investment will be reflected in the account 532.)

also be included, with due account development in four digits, interest receivable, with maturity not exceeding one year, term deposits.

shall appear on the current asset balance.

shall be paid to the recovery or transfer of funds.


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