Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Luggage Number Lock Reset

Illustration of the week - Gonzalo Duque

The IX World War (WWIX for Anglophones) annihilated the big cities, leaving a trail of death and destruction throughout the world. Just one survived after the war ...

A of these survivors were Amanda Wollstein, a young genius of only 7, his rat, and the CCI model robot combat. Amanda ITC found trapped after an explosion, repaired the damage and reset its program of actions.

Since then the ITC combat robot generated a feeling paternalistic toward his savior, and became the closest thing to a family that Amanda could dream ... Today, still roam the desolate cities in search of more survivors and a place to settle ...

Visit the new website www.el-ENTE.ES
Orange Bug, The Entity, el-ente.es, Duke gonzalo illustrations, illustration, Avila, stickers, cute, drawing, drawing, painting, doll is in your mind


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