Thursday, May 19, 2011

What Is Lidocaine Hydrochloride Jelly Used For

For example Madrid and, for example La Puerta del Sol Madrid on Friday May 15 or Wednesday 18 or Thursday with a pan in his hand with a tent, with an umbrella. For example, bags of bread and pallets or cartons on the floor. For example four churros anonymous. For example, a square filled with young and old, people. Who is more generation Ni-ni, politicians or those who fight for what they believe? For example, facebook, twitter, palms up, screams and applause. Did someone say it was illegal believe in change?
For example say you have met in some places who want to continue keeping its sense: communication, the agora. For example is Madrid, but also Barcelona, \u200b\u200bGranada, Bilbao, and so forth.
For example, think that thousands of heads have raised their eyes from the ground. For example, La Puerta del Sol and the entrance to the commuter train as a stage of Brecht, with hundreds of anonymous messages. For example, because the policy, the ordering of the city, must lie, first, in the neighborhood. For example re-think of something, let everyone freely, think. For example try not be alienated. For example think of the individual in community. For example flags and constitutional republic. For example, Spain. For example the strength of all those who no longer want to be quiet.
For example it is the time and place here and now, because it is okay to talk about theater, but people do not want to tell you more stories. For example everyone there.
Take, for example, speak of the world. Take, for example, speak of Madrid.

Live TV: Ustream

Why Does The Tip Of My Tongue Hurt

A reflection on the demonstration on 05/15/1911

Before the accelerated deterioration of the multidimensional crisis we are experiencing, is entirely understandable and desirable that there is a growing number of people who want to publicly and collectively express their opposition to the destructive path it is taking society and its rejection of political farce, the economic impoverishment and social injustice. We therefore think that participation in events such as "Real Democracy Now" is better than being in political apathy and passivity in the current situation. However, we also need to spend energy to drive this kind of mobilization is worse than aimed at building a new kind of movement, thought historically, strategically and fundamentally articulated transformer allow to leave behind the oligarchic system and eco-destructive currently established and heteronomous and individualistic mentality prevalent today, creating a new form of social organization genuinely democratic and truly ecological and autonomous cooperative mindset. As we argue below, the expression of 15-M can not give rise to a movement of this kind can not even be an integral part of it, since neither the aims nor the strategy aimed at this purpose.

Beyond the wording of the manifesto that, I must say, is ambiguous, vague and naive, the platform that drives this movement has made a number of proposals concrete could be considered the core "program" behind the call. This is a set of measures (to increase control over the political class and tax havens, raise taxes on banks and big fortunes, to increase the recruitment of health workers and teachers, the obligation to hold referendums on policy decisions important to provide economic assistance to the unemployed and all low-income people, make a deal of work based on the reduction of working hours, etc..) that we consider inadequate and / or utopian for the following reasons:

a) are insufficient proposals reformist character, since at no time challenged or try to replace the current system's fundamental institutions, namely the "democratic" state representative and the capitalist market economy, but merely claim some improvements. However, the widespread and multidimensional crisis we are experiencing today is not due to malfunctioning of these institutions but to their own idiosyncrasies. The dynamics inherent in the market economy and state "representative" give rise to a huge and growing concentration of power that can not be reversed through simple cosmetic changes. Thus, assuming that a persistent and arduous struggle managed to implement some popular of the suggested reforms, they could not do anything but print a slightly slower pace of progress in ongoing multidimensional crisis as it inevitably should be compatible with the functioning and dynamics of the current system, which, would be quite ridiculous at compared to the strong development of the multidimensional crisis caused by this system. We therefore believe that it is inappropriate to advocate for social injustice, the vast economic inequality and political usurpation are painted with a new coat of paint "democratic" and / or "ethics", but it is clearly necessary for the abolition bet the current system, the primary cause of adverse and perverse behavior that we suffer today, and for that, give birth to a new truly democratic system in all areas.

b) proposals are utopian not only because, as usual in this type of approach, gives no clear and realistic idea of \u200b\u200bhow these measures would impose on the ruling elites who have the upper hand, but above all because they completely overlook these measures radically contravene the logic and dynamics of the current system. The energy that powers the current system is economic growth and commercialization, so that states and businesses around the world seek to maximize growth rate of GDP and profit figures respectively. A state or a company that does not follow this logic of pursuing economic growth through increased competitiveness / efficiency, rapidly enter the path of the crisis and dissolution. Knowing this, governments worldwide are struggling to pass laws and reforms aimed at increasing the competitiveness of the country, which means, obviously, greater exploitation of its human and natural resources, and therefore, greater job insecurity , social insecurity, psychological distress and environmental destruction. Today, in addition, both states and companies worldwide are finding increasingly difficult to continue to increase their GDP and profit figures and therefore are trying to compete at all costs, ie, cutting, impoverished and rapidly destroying the lives of the vast majority of the population. We can not close our eyes to this core feature of our times: there is an irreconcilable conflict growing between the needs of people and the planet, on the one hand, and the needs of the economic system, on the other. This conflict can only be solved with a winner. Or win the natural and human needs, leading to a system to democratic satisfaction thereof, or While earning the needs of state and capitalist system now established, ie, their dynamics based on the senseless pursuit of unlimited economic growth and the steady increase in the concentration of power. Any proposals that ignore this fundamental conflict is unavoidable and utopian and tomfoolery.

Moreover, as evidenced by their statements, the convener of this mobilization platform becomes an accomplice to the distortion and misrepresentation of the word democracy when he suggests that what makes democratic society is not only corruption and the unchecked power that corporations and corporate financial transnational. However, it is not just what makes living in an oligarchic society, but also plays an important role of the state's existence, that is, a centralized bureaucratic apparatus and separate from the public and in a dominant position on this. The state calls itself "democratic" to try to legitimize itself, obviously not to be an institution that actually confers real power to people to decide on the affairs of the public sphere. It is completely wrong, therefore, attribute the lack of democracy only to political corruption and the domination of the economic powers on the authorities "public" itself essence of "democratic" is deeply representative oligarchy. To claim really true democracy must fight for the abolition of this institution and its replacement by a new system of democratically run communities through public meetings, Confederate by responsible and revocable delegates.

In conclusion, we believe that the inadequacy and utopian proposals for the platform that calls for the manifestation of "Real Democracy Now" and its implicit collusion with the distortion of the meaning of the term "democracy", makes this call is, in the best case, a space-time that, like many others, used to display and express rejection of many people to the general crisis of the contemporary world and, at worst, a byproduct of processing to channel the will of some people towards objectives almost always illusory and always insufficient. GADIA

Catalunya (Source:
ALBACETE Libertarian Youth.

Disconnection Letter For Broadband

not vote. Organize

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Nadine Jansen Movie Stream

for not watch TV!

Breastfeeding Prn Vedeos

let the sun!

summary Video Demonstration Real Democracy 15M already = share

Real Democracy Demonstration 05/15/1911 Ya "Espejo Público" Antena 3 05/11/1916

Radio 3 : Reacts! (Listen to the program)

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Luggage Number Lock Reset

Illustration of the week - Gonzalo Duque

The IX World War (WWIX for Anglophones) annihilated the big cities, leaving a trail of death and destruction throughout the world. Just one survived after the war ...

A of these survivors were Amanda Wollstein, a young genius of only 7, his rat, and the CCI model robot combat. Amanda ITC found trapped after an explosion, repaired the damage and reset its program of actions.

Since then the ITC combat robot generated a feeling paternalistic toward his savior, and became the closest thing to a family that Amanda could dream ... Today, still roam the desolate cities in search of more survivors and a place to settle ...

Visit the new website www.el-ENTE.ES
Orange Bug, The Entity,, Duke gonzalo illustrations, illustration, Avila, stickers, cute, drawing, drawing, painting, doll is in your mind

Monday, May 16, 2011

Can You Get High On Rivotril

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Metal Gear Msx Eng Rom


leave a song whose video can be of interest to artists and dining that is very visually appealing.

Flobots - Handlebars

Saturday, May 14, 2011

What Happened To Chetna And Prithviraj

Friday, May 13, 2011

Monday, May 9, 2011

Elthea Pills Can Be Taken Have A Pcos

cuentico Illustration of the week - Gonzalo Duque

This week I come happy, for two reasons, the illustration below, of which I am particularly proud, I've gone crazy with it, but I quite like the result (click to enlarge) and the other reason, that NEW Release WEB has been completely remodeled and is now operational, I beg you to visit and give me your opinion and advice.

Este es el centro de mandos de la "Colombus XXXIV", una nave destinada a la investigación de nuevas especies en planetas de galaxias lejanos. La Unidad Central de Procesos es completamente órganica, el cerebro de una de las especies más inteligentes que se han encontrado hasta la fecha, sólo tiene un problema, es bastante inestable. Cuando la nave se encontraba más allá del Punto de No Retorno, la CPU tomó el control de la nave, ésta es la última imagen que se recibió de la Colombus XXXIV. Actualmente se encuentra en paradero desconocido...

Visit the new website www.el-ENTE.ES
Orange Bug, The Entity,, Art gonzalo Duke illustration, Avila, stickers, cute, drawing, drawing, painting, doll is in your mind

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Sidekick Lx 2009 Internet


How Do The Wwe Travel

The room troll: P

Some Words On Funeral

From under the bridge

Pending hang up a new and more fascinating video even if it Fari, I'll put an appetizer to entertain:

Under the Bridge is a project to develop this year with some friends to class, it is the rehabilitation of neglected or residual spaces of the city, the space under the bridges.
The goal is to provide a new use for these spaces to create a place in the city where certain professionals to develop their business and may even join.

From under the bridge

Our project is designed for professionals in the world of graffiti, Skate and BMX. And the intention is to not only create the project for these professionals but also to create an urban space, that is, bring something to the city. So the project tried to create a skate park that is what unifies the same sale and exhibition spaces, and that is what articulates it.

De under the bridge

From under the bridge

Webcam Manhattan 460668 Driver


Although I would rather it was he who put this post and was made and the blog once ahem ahem. the Luis I have asked you to put a link to your new blog:

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Invitation Card For Death Aniversary

Golf Tournament Slogan

If you have reached the same conclusion they esque something wrong

Exact Locations Of Ovaries

Gasman and Afro beats Robin

Ale, for learn to promote it properly ...!!!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Old Ladies In Corsets


leave a video that moves to better times in the world of two wheels on which the words carbon fiber and super-light materials were not even dreamed of and where the only drugs that moved muscles were the effort and personal improvement.

L'Eroica (Inglés version) from Edouardi Sepulchre on Vimeo .

Vba Leaf Green Cheats


Monday, May 2, 2011

Herters Burlap Decoys

Illustration of the Week - Gonzalo Duque

Today's move comes twice, it is a cover for "The Metamorphosis" by Franz Kafka, first without layout, and then models. Here I leave you with Gregor Samsa! (Feliscatus, this is for you!)

_ To see more illustrations Www.el-ENTE.ES _
Orange Bug, The Entity,, Gonzalo Duke Art illustration Avila, stickers, cute, drawing, drawing, painting, doll is in your mind

Ninja Turtles Footsiea

Cerebral fucking

I leave a very illustrative image the urban crap are doing burrayuntamiento colleagues Avila. To
give you an idea, now there are empty houses and plots in Ávila for about thirty thousand people! and want to do other 11000 homes (for another 30,000 people).

What is brown is what we intend to build.

You really think that in 10 or 15 years will double the population? Sad.
not even enter into the logic the idea that the city make money with it, for the vacant land be spent on pasta and develop further into debt. O

real idiots we have governing or something rotten.

Congratulatory Message Wording

City Growth Since

Here you have the video conducted with people from Segovia we won the 1st prize in the categories of trout / visual commercials advertising free festival Publicatessen college of the University of Valladolid.

Music: The whitest boy alive "1517."

I could not upload it to 16:9 but when they learn what enclose. Greetings

Brain Growth Growth from Cerebral on Vimeo .

How Long Do I Have To Serve In The Army

now better understood everything here

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Best Asus Motherboard For Gaming

walk festivals - WOMAD Caceres 2011

On 13, 14 and May 15 is celebrated the 20th edition of the festival perriflaútico Extremadura, for those who do not know it is a festival of ethnic music and exotic rhythms, predominantly Ska and Reggae, as well as fusions of traditional instruments and electronic music. (At least in the edition of last year, which is the only one I've been).

The Festival is free and is held in the historic heart of Cáceres, a picturesque place that gives it a very curious at the festival.

Here I leave a list of participating artists (I've copied from a website that I closed, I hope forgive me for not saying where I do not remember ...)
Among the components are African names like Bajolí, Democratic Republic of Congo; Dobet Gnahoré, Ivory Coast, Le Grandes Personnes, Burkina Faso, the Orchestre National de Barbes with representation from France, Morocco and Algeria, and Senegal all Takeifa.

For its part, the American music will come from the hand of Candi Staton and Hypnotic Brass Ensemble and Europe will be represented by the Portuguese band A Naifa, 9Bach the English, the group Dont Letts DJ components and Jamaican English, French Chapelier Fou, and the Irish Imelda May.

Regarding the English bands include the presence of four groups formed by Barrunto Extremadura Ham Band, Rose's Journey, and Skalabraos Felisa Vega, who will join the groups representing Bigott English and Kiko Veneno.

The anime is that lady tell me and that this year we repeat, head, the fest is great, and comes very cheap.: D

Cervix Closed Before Af

Illustration of the week - Gonzalo Duque

Hello hello! Ando cargadito work this time, but as usual, just upload one, you have to go dosing (as with everything in life). As always been said that "ladies first", and as the Sinister digeron "women and the musicians first, and the children at the end with a stone around his neck."
No more.

_ To see more illustrations, www.el-ENTE.ES _
Orange Bicho, El Ente ,, Duke gonzalo illustrations, illustration, Avila, stickers, cute, salamanca, drawing, painting, doll is in your mind