Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Epsom Salt Swollen Feet

coercion to colleagues who cover the event

publication on the front page of El Nacional inside the Morgue de Bello Monte, on 13 August, led some law enforcement agencies to react and decided to interfere, even more, access Event journalists to information generated in these public agencies, as evidenced in measures taken by the director of forensic medicine of that morgue, the police officers to bet with the clear intention of intimidating reporters covering the source. This action adds to a culture of "secrecy" that has become entrenched in public agencies in which any officer, fearing perhaps because of its superior position or obeying guidelines, prefers quiet and silence, before allowing citizens to exercise their right to know.

also claiming the protection of "collective and diffuse rights of children and adolescents", the Public Ministry reported the newspaper El Nacional published a ban on images that, according to the office, produce "terror and disrupt the psychic integrity" of the children. The resolution we are concerned about the effect of self-censorship that can be generated in this and other social media as it is up to each image which may or may not have the meaning set forth above, and is used as a noble cause is the protection of children as an excuse to silence the media.

The "secret" also adds the "prestige", as evidenced by the events of today vs. Cicpc, when officials faced a demonstration of popular will demanded data insecurity, accusing lying to the media, which contradicts the praise that the same authority, on the occasion of Day of the Journalist was to deliver a certificate in recognition of "ethics and professionalism shown in the development of journalistic activities conducted" as can be read even on the official website of the Ministry of People's Power for Interior Relations and Justice (

Actions such as these are similar to those adopted in the state of Aragua, where orders denying access to reporters police source in the area, recently reported at the XXIII National Convention and which were rejected by delegates from around the country

Although measures have little importance when it senses as unionized professionals in the NPC, who have taken an ethical commitment to the public to seek information at all costs, the mere pretense of wanting government to hinder the work of reporters calls us to protest, not only because it makes our job harder, but because they can generate self-censorship on other people who could serve as a source of information. The measures taken, as well as futile, do not solve the problem that the media are reporting, but are intended to undermine the right of citizens to seek, impart and receive truthful information part of their authorities.

The actions of police against journalists, in our opinion, reflect that government authorities are more aware of caring for his image as citizens, and seek to silence the messenger rather than carry out the work for which they were Elected: give the group an atmosphere of security and peace, so we remind you that the public is in serving the people and not the information policies of any government. Access to information is a human right.

National Board National College of Journalists


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