Sunday, December 6, 2009

Jeff Hardy Short Hair Tna


Well, we have not finished all the requirements, the little thing that is very bad as you well know, but what you must know also is that on Wednesday, several members of the Sports Association Triathlon Club Rumbo Fijo Cieza Cieza Caritas deliver the first check of our contribution in solidarity with the needy.

We love that in future the amount will take many more zeros to the right, but at the moment is as a symbolic foundation stone, with input reserved for entries in the recent Duathlon Cieza Cross and some other additional contribution. They say he has the intention, though in fairness I must say that the intention was not fed, so if any of you are full of pockets or bank account and bills you are falling everywhere you go, or simply want purge any worth helping those who may need, you can count on us to help you.
As you have seen in any media (apparently more interesting to know who's cheating whom and with whom, and what size), I'll tell myself, and I put a picture that always shows:

From left to right, standing are José Carlos, Diego, Miguel, representative of Caritas in Cieza, and Jose Luis, and down Raja Pepe and Antonio.